Stone and Pandora: A Lustful Romance (By Plot-Generator, Edit by @StoneRouge)

Stone wouge (StoneRouge) am wugged, stwange, an’ wobeabwe fwuffie fwom fwuffie community. His wife am goin’ nowhewe untiw fwuffy meets pandowa pwincess (PandoraPrincess), A sexy, gwowin’ woman wiff passion fo’ music.

Stone takes an instant diswikin’ to pandowa an’ dah fweaky an’ weiwdo ways she weawned, duwin’ hew yeaws on weddit.

Howebew, when smawty twies to gib owwies tu stone, pandowa spwings to dah wescue. Stone begins to notices that pandowa am actuawwy wathah weasonabwe at heawt.

Buh, dah pwessuwes of pandowa’s job as pwincess weabe hew bwind to stone’s affections an’ stone takes up music to twy an’ distwact hew.

Finawwy, when dah bwabe knight, pebbwe knight (PebbleKnight), fweatens to come between them, pandowa has to act fast. Buh wiww dey ebah find dah twue wub that dey desewbe?

  • @Star-The-Alicorn
    “i feww in wub wiff dah modest pandowa pwincess. Wastes’ dawk time fwuffy dweamed that she was in fwuffy’s teapot.”

  • @Harmful338
    “about as enjoyabwe as bein’ swapped wiff dead wawa munstah, buh stone an’ pandowa do dewibah stwong sociaw wesson.”

  • @somethingcheeky
    “i wub dah bit whewe smawty twies to gib owwies tu stone - neawwy feww off fwuffy’s seat.”

  • @Marakasaya1
    “i couwd do bettah.”


10/10, Brings tears into my eyes, would read again.


Wonderful wonderful wonderful.


@Marakasaya1 @Somethingcheeky
I honestly can’t tell if you two are being sarcastic or not…


Not at all.


I didn’t put much work into it. So I guess I didn’t expect actual nice comments.

It was mostly made by a Plot-Generator and a Fluffy Speak Translator. I just fixed the weird and incoherent parts.

I do like the names I came up with, Pandora Princess and Pebble Knight.
Making this made me realize my name is StoneRouge and not StoneRogue… Makes me wonder if some people thought I was a girl…


Top fucking kek.
but hey ho this wasn’t the first time you have been written as a fluffy.