Stop dancing! (InfraredTurbine)



Gooodbyye hoorsess…

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Bill took one last gulp of his whiskey and walked to his study. He landed in his favorite chair with a heavier-than-usual thud.

“I hate to see that little penis,” he repeated to himself, the fluffy long since stuffed in an improvised sorry box. Bill gave a chuckle.

“God, what a life, huh?” I asked, looked over at the stuffed remains of Clover, his first fluffy. "You know, you and yours are probably the main through-line of the last ten, fifteen years of my life.

Oh, that sounded kind of sad now that he said it aloud. But still, he was just half-cocked (like the little runt heh) and feeling sorry for himself.

“I hate to see that little penis” he repeated. And again. For some reason, the words wouldn’t leave his head. “I do, Clov, I just hate to see that little penis. But that little fucker keeps dancing. What am I gonna do with him, huh?”

Bill looked down at his stained shirt, his chafed hands. He thought of his own penis, many times bigger than a fluff-

“Jesus christ,” he laughed at the thought. Comparing himself to a fluffy, even in jest. “I’m losing it bud… it’s just that I h-”

Fuck, he couldn’t be free of it. What was it about those words? Was it that the fluffy, in a way, made him say them? By dancing?

Was he being puppeted by this dancie bastard? His manhood held up to ridicule by his own imagination? Humiliated by being forced to admit that “h… hate to see… that little… penis” he whispered, almost without volition. "I… god Clover, I hate to see that little penis. So, so much. But it’s there. Small and terrible, like a holocaust of less than one.

Bill reached for his phone, hoping to distract himself with doomscrolling reddit. God, he needed to quit drinking.


Having a penis that little is a punishable offence! flick!

@DummehBabbeh This is a great idea! You could easily make a fluffy G-string out of duct tape - and then just rip it off once it’s done dancing! :smile:

@nonplussed Excellent story! I know exactly how it feels when the sight of fluffy no-noes gets stuck in your head like that. :rofl:


Ooh! A g-string that gives extreme circumcision, too!


Solution: chop it off and put a catheter connected to a pissbag, now the little shit will be able to dance! unless it’s too depressed due to his no-no and special wumps are gone, hahaha.

He’s getting off lightly

If onwy him had big no-no stick. None of dis wouwd be happen.