The Fluffy periodic table



Ooh! My old Highschool hobby when I needed to put video games down, Chemistry potentials! If its okay I’ll pick two elements.

First, 7: Nitrogen! An easy one to work with but one near and dear to my heart as the first one I researched.

For a Fluffy, Nitrogen gas is used as an execution means (Gassing) to end its life but that is too easy.

So, lets get some liquid Nitrogen and set a fluffy in a small puddle of the stuff on a hot day!

Now for a challenge, 69 - Thulium.
Two ideas - An x ray to gaslit a mare into thinking she is pregnant, BUT tell her a second (actually pregnant) mare stole her tummy babies and let fun horrors commence!

Second, in its prime state grab a weak, thin bar like strip of Thulium and break it on a fluffy (Its a brittle metal that can be cut with a knife). Almost harmless on its own, but gaslight a hellgremlin into think its indestructable from this and set it out in the world and … wait >:3




10 Neon


Potassium plz


If no one has taken Bismuth I’ll take it then

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Squeaky said Os, not O. Os is Osmium.

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I pick Francium.

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Btw, this is the super cute Periodic Table I grew up with:

(from a book by Basher Science)

I can’t imagine any of these elements without thinking of one of these little guys now. lol


Plumbium would be fun. Not for anything quick, either. No bullets or dropping a big chunk of it onto a fluffy. I’m thinking lots and lots of pretty food fishes and water bowls, and treat bowls too! And don’t forget the sketti plate. Lets have Pb in the paint on the blockies and on the safe room walls, too. And with a lighter colored fluffy we can use powdered plumbium carbonate to lighten their fluff! This would be a good element to use secretly on your partner’s fluffy that doesnt like you, or on the special friend of a fluffy you hate. It takes a while to kick in, but it will have mysterious and miserable effects.


Don’t forget that it works as a sweetener!


If no one has picked lead yet, I have a few ideas

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  • Give fluffy some lead-193.
  • Tell fluffy to look after it.
  • Wait 5 mins.
  • Lead-193 is now a different element because it’s half-life is 5 mins.
  • Beat fluffy for “breaking” it.

Sugar of Lead >:)

81 Tl

Thallium poisoning is particularly fun because it will make all their “pwetty fwuff” fall out before they die.


Lead is Plumbium

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Is that why fishing weights are called a plumbus?


A plumbus is a type of weight traditionally made of lead. They’re used in a variety of ways, including determining direction (especially valuable in confined spaces and underwater). The word itself comes from the Latin word for lead.

These are a few common plumbus shapes.

Modern plumbi (apart from those used in fishing) are typically made from brass or other less toxic metals.

Fun fact: “plumbing” and “plumber” come from the Roman use of lead to waterproof aqueducts and other water transit structures. Yes, lead poisoning was a HUGE problem in the Roman Empire. They also used lead acetate (sugar of lead) to sweeten wine. (Ancient wine was VERY different from the modern stuff. It was more like toilet wine.)


I wonder if “plumbob” is derived from “plumbus” or if it’s just a coincidence.

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Yeah, it just another term for the same tool. They’re critical in architecture.