The Folly of hope (Commissioned for RandomAP) (InfraredTurbine)

At least for me, 15 is the absolute highest.

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I lean towards thirty because the tragedy of dying with their first batch of newborns in their first month is all the worse, it eliminates openings for adoption by actual Hugboxers as 1/3 of their life is spent on the same ones rather than have a more frequent opening slot, the sudden death and torment is all the more tragic the longer they live, you have broader ranges of intelligence as the one month old adult interacts with the fifteen year old so you can easily have ones that are too dumb to live by virtue of having only ever known the inside of the box and have been taught where to shit and how to shut up, it adds a bit more plausibility to why people would want them for pets given lifespan is so painful with dogs and cats, plus best of all some of the best Fluffy lore works as analogies of the tropes, history, and rules of toys and merchandising with 20-30 years being how long it takes things to go retro and get marketed at higher prices for adults that grew up with it (Star Wars Black Series and Transformers Generations for example).

I know these are fictional “animals”, but this makes me angry that people do shit like this to doggies and kitties (and other animals too numerous to list) IRL. I’d like to take a shotgun to those sickos!!


Your illustrations for these series have a horror element feel to it, especially with the light and shadow you did.

Its almost like a hit list of victims by a killer or someone out for revenge.


The only good solution for this shitrat.

Hey I still waiting for " The enclosure"

Oh my god, the perfect ending for a perfect fluffy like Dolly, being eaten alive by a gator… God I have been looking for the folly of hope series and I found it! this is so amazing!!!

You know, I don’t know why, I can put up with lots of abuse and sadbox, but this one actually made me feel so sorry for the fluffy. Damn having to pay all that for the care of the old fluff, but I don’t know, well done, you got my cold jaded heart to beat.

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couldn’t you just use a pack of deli ham? what kind of freak would go out of their way to get their hands on a live pet for this? i’m horrified

Hm … is she pregnant? … cause if so that gator is gonna end up with more than just a small dinner

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nope just super fat

Ah well … hope they bag the gator

Damn I hate those fluffy rats, but I feel sorry for grandma. 9 years she’s been good, and now it’s over. I wish they’d use babies or smarty fluffy for this kind of thing.


As someone with discord server avoidance due to past traumatic experiences, I kinda want to hear stories of this discord server