The Gift (TherapistFluffy)

You are a fluffy and you are terribly, horribly scared

You know that as fluffy that is not right

You are for a lot of things, for hugs and for love, to make your human happy and enjoy life

So being in a small box where you can’t see but hear the world around you is like…

Well, you really don’t know what could be comparable, because you are so young and your tiny mind doesn’t know many things

But its wrong and you are scared

It has been like that for so many forevers now

You don’t know if bright times or dark times have passed but you are sure they have

It makes you certain that you will never be a big fluffy because it has been so long and you are still so small

You didn’t even get drinkies or any foodies!

You have the worst tummieh hurties but at least you didn’t make bad poopies

Not that your tummieh didn’t try, you even gave up and tried to allow it because you had such bad hurties, but your poopie place was being a meanie

Or maybe it was a smarty, because you know, good fluffies only make poopies in the litter box

And there is none in your tiny little box

Its loud and it smells terribly outside of it and you are scared, because even you know, that this box can only keep you save from so much

You try to sleep, but you are afraid it will be forever

You try to remember better times, because you hope, if you just remember them enough, they will be reality again…

Your name is Snickers

You are a brown pointy fluffy mare and a mummah!

You have just the most bestes, cutest babbehs

All of them are chirping and suckling your teats and hug and cuddle you

Its not your first litter, but the first where all babbehs are alive

Your daddeh is so proud of you, he helped you with your other litters and tried to help the babbehs that didn’t came out right

You were so afraid when they wouldn’t chirp or drink milkies and some smelled bad and you had immediately known that you needed daddehs help or they would go forever sleppies!

But daddeh couldn’t save them and that gave you worst heart hurties

But this time everything is different
They all smell good and do just what babbehs are supposed to!

Daddeh still helps you and you let him

Your daddeh is the bestes daddeh in the whole world

He lets you have many babbehs and helps you raise them, he gives you so many tasty foodies and even sketties from time to time!

And he hugs you and makes sure you have many fluffy friends!

He even allows you to have many special friends

It confused you at first, but your special friends have many special friends too, daddeh says that’s normal since you are a “breedah”

You don’t know what exactly that means, except that you get to play with many fluffies and have all the special huggies you want!

Your daddeh seems to be even more happy about your babbehs than you are, especially about your little wingie-pointie babbeh

at first you were a bit confused because you never had seen a fluffy with both

but you know that just means its even more special and more perfect

you love it just as much as your three other babbehs and all the babbehs you had before

right now it sleeps, cuddled up to your fluff, with its bwudda, while its two other siblings are still drinking

you are very tired but happy and when daddeh tells you its okay to sleep, you immediately succumb to slumber

You awake soon after, all your foals cuddled up to you, sleeping peacefully

Its dark times already and you can’t see much in your safe room but you are not afraid

nothing can harm you here

but you wonder why you woke up until you realize its because of daddehs voice outside

He talks to someone and is very loud

You get scared for a second until you realize its his happy voice

“Yeah, I am telling you, its an Alicorn! Cream colored, probably will grow in a brown mane! Even if its any other color, I already have 10 people willing to buy!”

You don’t know what any of those words mean but you like to listen to daddehs voice, especially when he is happy

“Of course we will share! No, no, don’t worry, its gonna be done all over the bank account. Yes, of course I will show you all interactions, we had a deal! If we keep working together and get more of those little critters, we can make a fortune, what kinda dumb asshole would I be letting that go for a few dollars in comparison?”

Daddeh goes quite for a bit and then he laughs and you can hear him wander around now, slowly getting out of earshot

“Yeah, I will take the highest bidder with reasonable exceptions. Come over, we can do it together. Yeah, just wean…”

You can’t hear anymore and you close your eyes again, happy to have such a good life.

You are a little babbeh

You can’t say much yet, just how much you love your mummah and your daddeh and all your bwuddas and your sissy

But that’s enough

The world is dark, as you can’t open your see-place just yet

you eat and cuddle and listen to your mummah sing all day

she washes you and tells you all about your daddeh and your home

You can’t wait to open your eyes to see all this and be able to fully play and give perfect huggies!

Right now you can only hug what is right in front of you and you are pretty sure you are not hugging your mummah perfectly, even if she laughs and loves you so much

daddeh, who is not fluffy but very soft and careful with you, takes you away often and it scared you at first, but mummah told you daddeh has to and that good fluffies love and trust their daddeh, so you only made scaredy poopies into his hands once, in the very beginning

mummah told you that only bad fluffies do that, but since you are just a little babbeh, its okay that it happened. But it can’t happen again!

You don’t want to be a bad fluffy so you are on your best behavior, especially when daddeh holds you

Sometimes, there is another person
They are not a fluffy either and they smell different from mummah or daddeh

They never touched you, but you hear their voice sometimes and it makes you want to open your see-place so so much!

You want to see the world and explore it and meet all the friends that are around you completely!

When you finally open your see-place, your mummah almost cries in happiness!

You are the first of all your bwuddas and sissy to open your eyes and its the best thing ever!

Your mummah is the most beautiful fluffy you have ever seen and so are all your bwuddas and your sissy!

Your daddeh is very big and has no fluff at all, except for a bit on top of his head and you think that’s a bit silly but you don’t tell him because you love him and you are scared it would give him heart hurties!

Your mummah teaches you about good poopies in the litter box and how to play without hurting you or others

She is the bestes, most patient mummah ever

Your siblings open their eyes not long after you, you are just learning the concept of bright times and dark times, but you know it happened one dark time after you

They are just as happy as you are and you hug each other and mummah and play huggie tag a lot

Then, one day, something strange happens.

Daddeh takes you away and its okay, because you trust daddeh and you get to see more of the housie!

But he carries you to a room and sets you on top a flat, white surface.

its soft, you are pretty sure its a pillow, which you have some of in the safe room

He takes a big black box and puts it in front of his face and that scares you a bit so you hide the best you can:
Putting your hooves over your eyes!

“It’s okay little one, daddeh just takes a picture! Its fun, come look!”

You dare to peek up under one of your hooves and there is a silent “snap” and then daddy takes down the black box and gets close to you.

He shows you the black box and you gasp!

There, in the black box, is another little babbeh like you! Hiding under its hooves!

“That is you!”, your daddeh explains and you look up at him in confusion

You are you, how can that be you?

“Babbeh nu undewstand.”

Your daddeh gets really close to you and you try to hug his big not nuzzle.

“Daddy is magic. You know, when you think of before, when you were playing huggie tag with your siblings?”

“Babbeh wemembah.”

“You can see it right, but its not there anymore?”

You nod

“Well, with this black box, daddy can make it so that moments are visible. I just have to take a picture of it! So, that picture here is like your memory: It’s a picture of you from a few minutes ago.”

That’s very complicated and trying to fully understand it hurts your little head, but you are so happy and lucky your daddeh tries to explain his magic to you!

He really is the best daddeh there is!

You feel saver now and let daddeh take all the pictures he wants! He and you make a game of it and you do all kind of silly poses and faces for him while he praises you!

He then takes you back and takes one of your bwuddas

“Is so much fun!”, you tell him and your other siblings, and of course your mummah,

“Daddeh makes pictuwes an am mos fun game!”

He takes your siblings, one after another and then brings them back and finally, he brings your mummah a big bowl of sketties

You don’t know what they are, but you feel they are the bestes thing a fluffy could ever ask for

He lets you and your siblings taste a tiny bit and its so yummy!

You can’t have more though, and that makes you all sad, but its because you are all to little and it would give you worstest tummy hurties!

But you are pretty sure you can taste them later, in your mummahs milk and it makes you the happiest little babbeh in the whole world

Your mummah teaches you many things, you get to sleep with her and your siblings in the nestie, play all day, sing and dance, eat and cuddle

Nothing could ever take away your happiness, you know that, and you trust that and your daddeh, even when he takes you away yet again another day

Your mummah seems unhappy with it and she follows him, pawing at his legs with her hooves

“Babbeh too wittwe!”, she pleads and that confuses you, “Stiww needs mummah and miwkies!!”

Your mummah seems to get really upset and that upsets you and your siblings.
They start to run after you and daddeh and your mummah cries!

Its so silly, daddeh is the best daddeh ever, but their fear and sadness makes you sad too, so you start to cry

Daddeh seems unhappy, but he just keeps on walking and sets you down in a little see through box
It’s not the sorry box, but you still don’t like it and you don’t like it even more when daddeh suddenly grabs a stick from the wall

Mummah told you about it! Its the sorry stick!

You cry even louder and harder, you don’t want the sorry stick, you are a good fluffy!

But its not for you

You gasp in horror, as your daddeh grabs your mummah and starts to whip her!

She screams and cries and pleads, but daddeh doesn’t stop at all

“Bad upsies!! Pwease nu daddeh, am sowwy, snickahs jus wanna pwotec babbeh!”

“Protect from what, me? Bad Fluffy!”

He whips her and you hide behind your hooves, crying and wishing he would stop

He said mummah is a bad fluffy and that means the sorry stick but you don’t understand what she did wrong

After what seems forever he lets her down and she cries, curling up on herself and holding her tail

your siblings suck on their hooves, having made scaredy poopies

“Clean that up, Snickers, it is your fault they are upset, so you will have to take care of it!”

He then takes the box your are in and you don’t dare to say anything, but you look at your mummah and your siblings, who still sob and don’t move, trying to sneak a last peek when you are getting carried out and your daddeh closes the door
Daddeh brings you to a big room, where he puts you down on a desk and takes you out

You are scared, too scared to even move away has he softly lifts you up

“It’s okay”, he soothes, “Your mum and your siblings are alright. Your mummah was a bad fluffy, scaring you all so much! She knows she is not allowed to do that, so I had to discipline her, so she can be a good fluffy again, do you understand?”

You sob and tremble, but you nod

“You are a good fluffy. You didn’t even make scaredy poopies, you are such a brave little fluffy!”

That makes your heart flutter a bit in happiness and your daddeh pets and hugs you

His warmth and soft demeanor calms you down again and finally he takes you to a white room
Your mummah told you about it, its the bathroom

She told you that daddeh sometimes “baw” you and how to act if that happened

Water was bad for fluffies, every babbeh knew that, but when a daddeh or a mummah gave you a “baw”, it was save and could even be very nice!

“You will have to make poopies for me now, though, little guy.”

He puts you down on a litter box, its smaller than the one in your save room and it scares you a bit to make poopies in a place you don’t know, but you give it your all and when you are done, you cover it with litter

“Very good”, your daddeh praises you and lifts you up again.

“This will not feel nice, but its just for a bit!”

You don’t know what daddeh means, can’t even comprehend fully, what he just said as he starts to push on your tummy!

It hurts!


You scream and start to cry, daddeh was hurting you!

“Bad Huggies! OWIES!”

But he doesn’t stop!

You can feel yourself making bad poopies, scaredy poopies too because it hurts so much and your daddeh doesn’t listen!
Finally he lets go

You cry so hard, your tummy hurts so bad, you feel like this pain will never stop!

But daddeh puts you in the big white bowl, and turns on the water, but you don’t even care because this is the worst day of your life

He cleans you, its a bit like when mummah licked you clean but there is more water and also something that smells nice, that daddeh rubs into your fluff

You calm down a bit but your are still so shaken up and upset!

Why would daddeh do this?

He never hurt you!

Its all so confusing and scary to you

So scary in fact, that you can’t even be happy about the small bowl of sketties daddeh gives you after all this

“Come one, little guy, you will feel better after eating some sketties! They are save for you to eat and taste just like the ones from before!”

You nibble at one of the long wormy noodles at first, but then the age-old fluffy instinct kicks in and you almost fall into the bowl, gobbling down the tasty, tasty fluffy ambrosia

When you are finished your daddeh hugs you and watches some “tewe” with you

Its like pictures, but they move and you can hear them!

You can’t smell them but daddeh puts something on with many happy fluffies in it and you are happy again
Yes, what happened was very bad and you hope you never have to go through it again and that your mummah and siblings are okay

But you had sketties and you smell nice, daddeh cuddles you and let you watches tewe with him and that makes it a good day again.

And then you woke up in the box.

You were alone, your daddeh wasn’t here and neither were your mummah or your siblings

First, you were so sure it was a nightmare!

Just a bad dream and you just had to wake up!

But you tried to sleep and when you woke up, you were still in the box

You started to cry, but nobody came, even when you yelled, all that happened was that the box shook as someone yelled back
“Shut up, you piece of shit!”

It wasn’t your daddehs voice and it scared you so much you immediately fell silent and hid

Your box shook a lot over time and you heard many voices, but you didn’t dare to make a peep anymore and nobody came and saved you from the box

Was this forever sleepies?

Your mummah had told you that, when fluffies grew very old, they would one day fall asleep and go to something she called “hewan”. Their body would still be here but it wasn’t real anymore, it was not a fluffy anymore

That had scared you a bit but after she told you all about hewan you felt better
She also told you that munstahs could make fluffies go forever sleepies too, but it hurt and was very bad, so fluffies always had to listen to their mummahs and daddehs and make sure to stay in the housie or very very close to their mummahs and daddehs

But neither your daddeh nor your mummah was here and it wasn’t nice at all

Did you get lost on your way to hewan?

That made you even more sad, but you were scared of munstahs, of them taking you away and giving you worstest hurties

It takes many forevers, you smell many strange things, hear a lot of even stranger things and no matter how hard you try, you can’t make the good times come back again
You are sure daddeh abandoned you, he doesn’t love you anymore and neither does mummah or your siblings or they would have found you by now

You wished you remembered how daddehs magic worked, so you could take pictures and make the good times come back.

But you are just a little fluffy, lost on its way to hewan, not loved by your mummah or your daddeh and deep down you fear that maybe, maybe there was a nu hewan.

Like there were good fluffies and bad fluffies. Sketties and the sorry stick.

Maybe you didn’t get lost on your way to hewan.

Maybe you were such a bad fluffy, you went to nu hewan and you would never get out of it.

Your Name is Hildegard and today is your birthday

You are not really up for celebrating, you are getting pretty old and all your kids are adults with their own kids

They shouldn’t spend their Saturday with you, trying to entertain you and act as if they didn’t have to search for the cake under all the candles they had to put on it

You love them and you know they love you too, but after your last dog passed just a few weeks ago, you wondered if it weren’t time for you too

It may seem silly, but your children had lives of their own now.

Your grandchildren were very well on their way to have their own lives too
and honestly, this world was just getting more and more confusing to you

And without your late husband, you are starting to feel out of place

Of course, you didn’t tell them about it, they would just worry

They tried so hard to make this a nice event and you give your best to show them how grateful you are

Your smallest grandson hands you an envelope, he wrote on it and put a little too much glitter on

“Danke schön, Schatz”, you thank him and open it

Your face drops in confusion

Its fluffy owner certificate

Those things were incredibly expensive

Owning a Fluffy in Germany was no easy task, there were so many laws controlling what fluffies came into the country, who owned them, how they were handled, etc.

“Oh nein”, you say, feeling tears form in the corner of your eyes, as your other grandchildren sat down a box in front of you, smiling.

When you open it, with shaky hands and a beating heart, you find a little cream fluffy with a brown mane and big brown eyes looking up at you.

You put your hands in front of your mouth, looking at your family, who smiles at you and then back at the little fluffy, who seems completely confused but lets you lift it up and cuddle it

it coos silently and asks:
“New mummah?”

Your name is Hewan.

You are the alicorn fluffy of Hilde, your new mummah

When you first met her, you were sure you were such a bad fluffy, that you were in a silly place called nu hewan

A Place for all the bad fluffies who weren’t allowed in Hewan when they went forever sleepies
When she got you out of the box and cuddled you, she made many sad wawas and you were sure it was because you were such a bad fluffy

But she cuddled you even more and then there were many hoomans, who touched you very softly and they gave you milkies, lots of them, so many, that you were sure you would explode if you had anymore

When you told your new mummah later that you thought you were a bad fluffy and in nu hewan, she asked you what that was and you told her all about what your mummah had told you

And she had laughed and told you that a fluffy as cute and good as you could never go to nu hewan.

So she called you hewan, to remind you of that and because her own special friend was there waiting for her already
That confused you a lot, you didn’t know hoomans went to hewan too

“Du bist ein wenig wie eine Antwort von ihm”, she had told you and you didn’t know who he was and how you were able to be an answer when you were a fluffy but you were happy.

And you were loved.
And as time went one, you forgot who told you about pictures and who told you all about hewan, but you are pretty sure it was your mummah Hilde, because she showed you a lot of pictures and told you a lot about hewan.

She gave you your first sketties and was delighted to learn that you knew all the things a good fluffy should know

How you know them, you can’t remember.

But you are pretty sure it wasn’t important anyway

Just mummah Hilde’s walking stick… it scared you

Even though you could never remember why

But after many forevers, you were pretty sure, that whatever made you scared of her walking stick… was nothing more than a bad dream.
And that there was nothing, that could ever take away your happiness.


I like the Idea of Fluffies that were raised correctly actually being what it says on the tin: goodhearted, nice beings with the mind of a toddler and the memory of a goldfish.

Also, the german sentences are:
“Thank you, Dear.”
“Oh no”
“You are a bit like one of his answers” (as in, the fluffy is like an answer to her worries/doubts)

Also the Idea for Fluffies and how they are viewed in other countries came from An Uninvited Guest (Captain_Emo)




Of course, German bureaucracy - one of the beloved constants of the universe :wink:
Great story. Just a wonderful unagitated description and I generally like imagining how fluffies are treated in different countries. And yes, this really seems like something we Germans would do!


This is really, really good and I love the many details that you’ve included in the story


This story makes me happy, for some reason it reminds me of my cat “Teady” who passed back in 2016, after 16 years of being my best friend. I hope this nice old lady and her new fluffy never have to suffer at all.

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I am a german, so :grin: But yeah, I often wondered, how would it work in our country, if at all.

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Thank you! Wouldn’t have had the Idea without your story! :smiley:

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Thank you!

I can safely say, at least in my headcanon for this story, nothing bad happens to the fluffy or the old lady :slight_smile:

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We probably would introduce some kind of “Fluffy-Tax”, similar to the “Hundesteuer” (dog tax). But it really sounds perfectly reasonable to me that in countries trying to preserve their indigenous flora and fauna fluffies would be seen as a potential threat and therefore breeding would be forbidden. Also requirements for import, like neutering or health certificates, make perfect sense in this context thus fluffies really would be luxury goods.


I think so, too. I also think, no matter what company or who made in fluffies in peoples headcanons, the organisation would just never manage to profit of it in germany. While we consider pets “things” by law, we still have excellent animal laws so together with the things you said, I feel like getting a fluffy would be extremely expensive and strenous.

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Imagine the discussion between Hasbio and some German official

G: Well, you know, we have some pretty strict animal laws here in Ger…
H: It´s not an animal. It is a biotoy!
G: (slightly pissed after being cut-off) So, it is a toy. I assume it is fire-retardant then?
H: Wait… What… I mean the Fluff… it is a BIO-toy after all and…
G: Fluff. About that, this may be considered a choking hazard.
H: Are you… Are you kidding me? I already said it is a BIO-Toy, of course it has fluff but…
G: May I then assume that the “BIO”-aspect involves the occasional leakage of bodily fluids from manifold origins? That doesn´t sound very sanitary for a toy. Not to mention the slip hazard.
H: You… You can´t be serious. That’s it.

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So, I looked it up and apparently in german law vertebrate and cephalopod are part of the animal protection act and its not important if they are “natural”. Also, apparently an animal is considered something that is not able of speech (so, nothing above the way parrots and certain other birds can “speak”), meaning fluffies are treating dangerously close to being considered above animals and beyond humans. Hasbio would have to pack their bags before they would be able to say “Bio” I think :thinking:

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