The Path # 35 (by: FallenAngel)

Yup thats what I learn as well its very lively and catchy song :blush:

sorry for bad english
i guess the little blue fluffy baby is a new kind of evolution/mutation fluffy strains with better behave, intelligence, intelligence and better bowel control too, but the downside of this “new strains” is they have slower development time than original fluffy strains

No, if you manage to read from the start she was malnourished cause her own mother disowned her for being an alicorn.

That causes her growth to be very slow.

And only now she manage to develop with proper milk to feed.

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Actually the reason for this is that animals that are altricial (like cats, dogs, humans)
haven’t fully developed. Their eyes aren’t done forming properly and take a week or two longer.
You can see this best with birds, where their eyelid hasn’t even formed yet.
Their eyes are sealed shut so nothing gets into the sensitive organs while they continue to grow
once the eyes are ready, the eyelid begins slowly unsticking over the course of 2-3 days
and even then the eyes are unused to working and are usually blue and a little cloudy

Human babies cannot see farther than a foot away from their face for the first month after birth

dogs and cats (and fluffies in this case) are similar. Their eyes may be open but they can’t really… see anything. Other than shadows and vague shapes.

So, no this actually isn’t realistic but honestly what IS with fluffies amirite?


hey ! it’s the music of the pasta ad :smiley:

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Modern times need modern adaptation. Unless you see him reading newspaper puffin his pipe. :sweat_smile: And he still do

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kicks him the balls

Body slam

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Beware of low-flying walrus!