The Path # 51 (by: FallenAngel)

wow… that peptalk for nothing… blue really is nothing spesal


Alternatively he could take the bestest and mother and then dye/otherwise make them ugly looking.
But he’d do so in a way that they couldn’t see themselves (so maybe the front parts aren’t changed).
Then he reintroduces them to each other and watches them reject each other even as each claims they aren’t the ugly one because from their point of view nothing has changed.

Finally Crimson is let in to do his thing.




Love the last panel.
There was no pride. No excitement. No satisfaction. Only disappointment.


Yup! You just wanna kick him or stomp him. :grin:


Oh man he would do onething that might irritate Joseph or Crimsom : crying for his mummah like a moron, the tantrum shit.


“Wai daddeh hab dis whiny wittew kunt?”

“We’re going to psychologically break his ego until he sees himself as nothing less than the pond scum on the bottom of my shoes.”

“An wha am da scy-en-tiff-ec mewits of dis?”

“Oh this isn’t for science, it’s just to fuck with him.”


“Not even to waste my time”

Said, Epic Babbeh.

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Hahaha!!! Perfect! So damn perfect!! Specially the fat shit doesn’t flip or anything… He ROLLED!! Haha its so funny cause he’s solo fucking fat!! Like a fat Louie CK that’s A fluffy!!!

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Lmao all it took was one head butt

Lol funny how after one headbutt he is like,”…rage gone. Dis siwwy. Babbeh done nows.”

Haha the blue foal is really a stupid shitrat.

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the unamused face of the light brown one is great he like really

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god i knew some kids who were just like bestesh in elementary school

i laid so many beat downs that i was on a first-name-basis with the dean’s office

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Geeeeeet fuckrd lil bitch boi hahha ah glorious

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