The Problem With Fluffies: Part 1 by FluffyOD

Good evening, folks. It’s that time again.

To be continued. Splitting this one up into a couple parts.

Part 2: The Problem With Fluffies: Part 2 by FluffyOD


I don’t think I’ve seen unicorns and pegasi being rejected by mothers for being different before.


I’m gonna cite Uncle Wolfram himself here.


That derpy yellow one is not getting laid.


An alternate headcanon that removes PETA from the history of fluffies, but we still end up in pretty much the same place.


Yeah, sometimes I forget that Fluffies are supposed to be children’s toys so the whole humping thing would lead to some very awkward conversations.


That yellow will end up in the biowaste with a smashed skull.


checks tags
You forgot the hellgremlin tag.


Lmao everyone always tells me this. These are absolutely run-of-the-mill, typical, everyday fluffies. What is hellgremliny about them? That fluffy biting his brother’s nuts? They probably got into some stupid scuffle over skettis. Or the mammah starving her foal? Again, I cite @wolfram_sparks.
The fluffies aren’t biting each other’s balls off and starving foals for the sheer pleasure of it, which would be a hellgremliny thing to do, they’re just being typical, petty, stupid fluffies. No?



I’ve never thought about how inappropriate it would be for a child’s toy/pet to verbally ask its owners for someone to have sex with. It was just one of those weird idiosyncrasies fluffies exhibit.


Now you’re just pretending to be retarded. The text right before the genital mutilation describes fluffies as acting on four out of seven deadly sins, raping their housemates, abusing their children and mauling each other - often fatally. The text box right after the already brutal violence is all about fluffies abusing, executing and discriminating their children. Saying that these aren’t hellgremlins because they don’t do it for fun is like saying Ted Bundy wasn’t evil because he didn’t rape and cannibalize people for Satan.


Alright fine, all the original OD fluffy abuse stuff is actually all hellgremlins now and fluffies are sophisticated enough to experience and reciprocate genuine love. To each his own headcanon.
To me, fluffies are nothing more than the basal human instincts, like a young human child who just learned to talk, packaged like a care bear. They are intrinsically flawed which is often times why they’re hated and abused. The mother in my story didn’t give birth specifically to torture her children. Her very nature urged her to abandon her offspring like a lioness might abandon an off-colored cub. If I write a fluffy comic where a fluffy gets sadistic pleasure from consuming the testicles of its herdmates, opposed to lashing out and nipping his rival in the sac, I’ll tag you in it.


You make the kind of unhinged textwalls I was afraid had died in this community. Thank you for keeping the old ways alive.


Interesting AU. No PETA raiding the facility and releasing the fluffies early but the furballs still manage to become vermin, well at least they fixed the shitting problem, shame they didn’t delay the release to fix the horrid personality and attitudes or tested these fluff balls out more to see glaring problems, like the baby talk getting annoying and unbearable overtime.

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I think in the early canons the fluffies sold by Hasbio were sterilized and there was some technique used to remove their compulsion to breed, thus you’d have a G-rated toy. That went to crap once breeding happened outside Hasbio’s control.


I like this take on things.

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I think he’s saying that these are just the default fluffies in his headcanon. They’re not some super escalated version of fluffy traits to appeal to the hard abuse audience, but just are this flawed across the board.

“Flawed” as bio-toys, but behaving as some rodents do in nature.


this is genius! i like this story, it kinda like a story of how fluffies starts from being something new an appealing and turn out being something really awful for normal costumers that have no experience with an animal, mostly one that can talk and have those bad human’s habits.
hope to see the next part.


The basic ‘are they hellgremlins?’ question is down to empathy. Do regular fluffies experience a large amount of empathy for others, with problems due to misunderstandings and stupidity, and fluffies without empathy are detectably broken? Or do fluffies act in a loving way only when guided by programming and have no true empathy for each other, so smarties are only better at working around their programming?