The Problem with Hivecanon (Opinion piece by Oculus)

My good sir, your manners! Surely, you wouldn’t suggest your post was moved into the Personal group because it was a provocatory shitpost!

It is clearly a preposterous accusation, I say! The mods are clearly protecting the impressionable newcomers from feeling so inferior to your perfect and clearly identifiable depiction of a fluffy family!


You assume it is a troll and not just what I want my fluffies to be

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Perhaps my next post or the ones after will prove my commitment

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Exactly, I do declare! They are indeed clearly recognizable as such! Why, it would take a blind man to miss the obvious telltale signs of a fluffy!


We shall eagerly await your next, undoubtably iconic and definetely impossible to mistake for an eldritch horror, depiction of a fluffy!

Tarry not, master artisan, for your craft is sure to be longingly beheld by the uncultured masses!


Fluffies look as they do because they are loosely based off mlp, but in my vision mlp its self looked different so the fluffies based on it look like them


Whatever do you mean?

They clearly resemble fluffies, if ever I saw one!

My sincere and deepest simpathy, if some simpleton were to ignore the striking resemblance! Woe to the uneducated swine who’d tarnish your work by insinuating that anything could then be called a fluffy as long as a line of fluffspeak were to be laid near the creature!

Pay no heed to the envious masses, my good fellow. Listen only to your muse and your swollen gray matter, I say!


Such is life some vision are to grand to be appreciated in there time


A lot of the hivecannon is pretty silly, and I never cared for the whole Cleveland thing much.

Hasbio often gets portrayed as this multi-billion dollar behemoth straight out of cyberpunk, but it would more likely be a tiny start-up in anything near reality, probably working on a shoestring budget (all of Hasbro is under $14 billion in value today whereas Microsoft is over two TRILLION dollars in value). Hasbio was probably funded a few million dollars from the parent company and could have thus easily imploded after fluffies got out.

I kind of understand how hellgremlins got started, since abusing sweet and naive creatures likely gets hard to justify. Many (most) abuser characters I’ve read about just come off as some variation of loner a-hole, sociopath or full-blown psychopath, which diminishes the drama a bit. Having more of a reason for hurting a fluffy other than ‘fuck you’ is a breath of fresh air whenever I come across it. That’s just lazy writing and makes the artist/author seem like an edgy teenager without much to say, going for shock value like they were making a cheap horror movie.


My hivecannon:

A giant gun that shoots swarms of agitated bees at people.


When I shoot agitated things at people I get told it’s an STD


Things are much less whimsical when they involve dicks.


Thank god I’m not the only one. Somehow in half of the headcanons here Hasbio literally pays off the ENTIRE WORLD to keep fluffies as biotoys. Like, what.

That’s the deal with animal abuse in and of itself. You can’t have “good guy abusers” if the fluffies aren’t literally racist, pedophile rapists with an ego the size of Rhode Island. Then you have the “vengeance/justified abuse”.

The issue is… what could possibly fluffies do to get horribly maimed by a sane individual if they are innocent and sweet, although clumsy, naive and (sometimes) filthy animals?

Sure, you might get the ornery farmer who finds his small strawberry field ransacked by a small herd who is simply trying to stave off starvation but all he sees is a bunch of pests ruining his hard work, so he pulls out the rifle and goes bang bang. Not a villain per sé, but made into one (by fluffy perspective) due to fluffies being rarely taught the concept of economics and private property (something I never see people in stories try to explain dumbed down using “hugs” as currency so the fluffies can understand it). He’s just protecting his property and likely goes overboard because of all his hard work going the way of the dodo.

But besides that? A man who lost his wife/child in a car accident because they had to swerve to avoid a stray fluffy on the road, so he harbors a deep hatred born of trauma? Idk, I honestly don’t think you can make an animal abuser a “good character”. Unless you use the biotoy trope. Then every abuser goring talking child-animals is a law-abiding citizen. Fuck that trope.


So how do you feel about kitsune fluffies ?

So far in my head canon fluffies are an invasive species that breed faster then rabbits, and are considered vermin.
The attitude towards fluffies is very …Australian and rabbits so to speak*
Ferals are fair game.
Pets are off limits.
Designer fluffies usually are pets.

This doesn’t really excuse loonie abusers, but i generally don’t go for that sort of thing
more a back ground as to why.

( *I base most of my fluffy background on rabbits as an invasive species in Australia.
I think that works well enough.
As well as the general attitude towards rats and mice .
Those are both considered pets and vermin.)


They are not animals so there is no animal abuse they are just fancy tec


Or what? You’ll release the dogs, or the bees, or dogs with bees in their mouth and every time they bark they shoot bees at you?

(Replied to the wrong one I think. Should have been the bee gun comment.)


Again, general ballpark… you don’t need to use all the mythos all the time. I completely ignore the whole biotoy nonsense and think enfiebabies and litterpals as concepts needs to be nuked from orbit.


I’ve always been a MLP:FIM hater so I headcanon fluffies being based off of all MLP generations instead of just FIM.

My least favorite hivecanon though is definitely the “alicorns are perfect fluffies that are always mistreated by other fluffies”.
I hate the idea of alicorns somehow being perfect, million-dollar fluffies just for having two types of growths instead of one. I think it’s stupid and makes them into OP Mary Sues/Gary Stus.
I created CAD (Categorization Ability Deficiency) to explain why some (but definitely not all) fluffies would fear them.
But they’re still just normal fluffies that just happen to have two types of growths, and they aren’t insanely expensive either even if they’re slightly rarer than other types of fluffies.


I greatly dislike McGee for how he’s acted towards me and other people, but I still agree that it’s not fair to wall off satire of hugbox but not satire of abusebox.