The SkettiLand Trappers; Wet and wild times at Dunktown.(Creeper)

Summer, sweltering heat and sunny days just begs for some kind of relief in the form of back yard kiddie pools and sprinkler systems or… A trip to the local water-park. Glennville’s answer to that was Grizzly’s Dunktown, a semi-homemade water-park whipped up a by an inventive entrepreneur back in the mid 2030’s with a more relaxed attitude over food and drink near the water. the whole place had a rustic feel to it looking like the whole place had been built by lumberjacks with a log cabin style look and a child’s imagination. A perfect place for a parent to drag their kids out the house to blow some stink off them and get them off their phones for awhile. Now the only real problem Dunktown had was the local college a few miles down the road, built to replace the one destroyed in Cleveland, and one particularly rowdy frat house. The entire frat had been banned after the whole frat was caught sneaking booze and party drugs into the park and well, they wanted revenge for this perceived slight. So, pooling their cash and resources they bought out every shop in town and in the dead of night hopped the fence and released almost a hundred sea and marsh fluffies loose into the park. of course the dumb-asses never think about hidden security cameras and almost all of them were arrested and expelled and the frat house was closed for good. But now the park was crawling with sea-fluffs and the closest exterminators outside the big city was SkettiLand E&C, smaller towns not getting government funded pest control.

Jake and Mark stepped out of Jake’s truck looking at the giant wooden bear statue under a artificial waterfall that “guarded” the front entrance. The park was closed for the day allowing the crew to work in peace, Jake checked his equipment for the job just as Earl and Bill pulled up. Gathering up nets, fishing spears, pesticides and steel drums for disposal and went inside. The place had been trashed by the frat boys, all the concession stands had been ransacked and threw junk food everywhere for the sea-fluffs to get easy access to it. the parks employees were doing their best to clean up the mess, kicking the beached sea-fluffs away from the bags of chips, candies, and melted ice creams on a stick. one was doing it’s best to scarf down as much cotton candy sugar as possible from a tipped over bucket before it got punted back into the wading pool. the water of which was already starting to turn brown throughout the park making it harder to see their quarry.

“Don’t kick’em back into the water! Now it’s gonna be harder to catch!” Mark yelled at the park crew. “Why ain’t the filters cleaning this out anyway?”

“Those asshole frat boys jammed up most of the system an we can’t figure out how.”

“Take me to the pump house an I’ll see what I can do.” Earl spoke up. “Jake, can ya get the pump from my van? Damn things too heavy for me.”

“Yeah, I’m on it.”

one of the park crew led Earl to the pump house, the huge engine capable of moving thousands of gallons a second had no obvious signs of sabotage. So where was the problem? Somewhere inside the pump house the faint muffled cries of a single fluffy could be heard. About what? Who could tell? Putting his ear close to the rows of intake pipes Earl followed the noise, rapping his metal fist against the pipes till he heard a solid clunk instead of hollow clang.

“Where’s yer tool box?”

Marc yanked on the ripcord to the water pump while his dad tossed its hose into the wading pool the other end aimed out into the open fields that surrounded the area. the water level was barely halfway up a man’s shin and was now quickly dropping while Bill waded through in a pair of hip waders, frog gig in hand. He paused took aim and thrust into the water and pulled out a red and green maned uni sea-fluff, impaled through the neck.

“Ya think we should try an catch a few alive? Maybe sell em back to some of the pet shops those assholes bought them from?” Bill asked flinging the body back to the shore.

“Clara did the math back home an she says it ain’t worth the cost in gas an time sooo…” Jake answered.

“No prisoners, got it.” Thrusting the gig back into the increasingly murky shallow water.

Wading past the water cannons and fountain sprayers Bill stumbled across a pair of sea-fluffs enfing away behind the center mound of the climbable sprinkler system. When they noticed him. far too late, they tried to swim away but the water level had dropped enough that it barely covered their chests rendering their paddling useless. the stallion was still on top of the mare when Bill ran them both through and not far from them was a mare actively in labor, blood and shit squirting into the water with each push. While her special friend slowly dragged himself to her side she tried to warn him of the mustah with a sowwy stick behind him and when he turned to look the last thing he saw was the gig tines piercing his eyes. His body was flung to the shore. Sobbing over her dead mate between labored screams the first few foals spilled out and they were impaled before they could take their first breaths. she screamed an begged for her foals lives but the last three were skewered the second they slipped into the world and the mare was now in hysterics and slapped her flipper against Bill’s leg weakly. With the foals still stuck in place he ran her through and carried her dying body to the steel drum and was shook free if the gig and the rest added to it.

Leaving Bill to handle the wading pool Mark headed for the water slides, the pumps still moving water over there he saw sea-fluffs sliding down the various rides from high above on after another. But how were they getting up there? Sea-fluffs were worse climbers than their land roving cousins but until he figured that out he simply clamped nets over the ends of the slides to catch them before they could get up there again. the first ones to hit the net cut themselves from the force of the impact, the ones that slammed into them pressed them even deeper into the netting slicing a deep grid into their bodies. the screams they made while sliding down gave away the fact that none of them wanted to be up there in the first place, then the water stopped, guess Earl finally shut the pumps off. Now the cries of stuck fluffies at the top op the slides could be heard and Mark sighed at the thought of having to climb up all those steps and no express way down. Fuck it, they could stay up there till the water started up again and he could figure out how they got up there in the first place. Wading through chest deep water of the pool area after setting up the last net he tripped and fell under the surface and exploded back up in a panic spitting out brownish pink water and cursing up a storm. Well he figured out how they got up there, the frat boys had pulled the grates off the pumps systems and carrying them up to the top, his stuck wader boot was proof of that. Still cursing that he nearly drowned in fluffy shit water twice in two years as he yanked his foot free he got out and peeled off his now filled waders and got back to work.

“Fucken stink like a sewer now.” He grumbled thankful his phone was waterproof as he dialed. “Hey dad, check the intake grates in the pools those frat fucks fucked with them.”

Sure enough pretty much every intake grate cover in the pools had been yanked off and a few even had a sea-fluff stuck in it. This of course meant that Jake had to climb into the filthy water and pull them free, some stuck in ass first others head first and suffocated from the resulting vacuum it created. The bugged out eyes and bloated gills of the dead ones would have made Jake laugh a little but it seemed less funny when soaked in their watery shit. Pressing the last grate he could find in place he surfaced shaking the water from his hair and tossing the dead sea-fluff to the shore, right in front of Mark’s feet, still dripping wet.

“Next time we do ANY water jobs, bring Jr. instead. Okay dad?”

“Wouldn’t be so bad if you learned how to swim.”

“I’m gonna go clean the marsh-fluffs out of the snack shacks.”

At the concession stands the marsh-fluffs waddled around on their little flipper-like hoofies gobbling up stale popcorn and lapping at puddles of melted pop-sickles. They thought it was probably as close to “Skettie-Land” as a fluffy could get setting up nests made of paper and plastic bags on the shoreline and in the shade under picnic tables, getting to work making babies to fill them. Already pissed off from the near drowning Mark flipped the nearest table over and stomped his foot down on the mating couple, crushing their midsections. Another pair screamed out an alarm to the others then tried to flee into the ankle deep kiddie pool, their tiny duck feet making them fairly fast. But not fast enough to out run a full grown man. Attempting to find refuge in the wooden, sprinkler lined play forts and under bridges, but they never got close. Mark grabbed them by their tails marched to the wooden structure and swung them head first against the side then dumped them in his barrel. Fetching a fishing spear he started making his way through the stands harpooning every fluff he could find like roadside litter. The loud scraping sound of his steel barrel being dragged over the sidewalk filled the fluffs with dread as they tried to hide under shelves and behind empty freezer chests. He kicked open the door to each stand and fished them all out, dodging the occasional blast of sorry and scaredy poopies aimed at his face when he bent down to spear them. Tossing the last one he could find in the barrel it was a little over half full and decided to go check in on Earl, in case he needed something heavy lifted.

Earl’s metal arm made loud whirring noises as he strained with both hands on the large wrench when the last bolt finally released its grip.

“Note to self, add stronger motors and pistons in my next set of mods.” He breathed heavily into his phone.

spinning the last bolt free he and the employee pulled the pipe from its other end to be greeted by the ass end of a stuck sea-fluff who’s fat gut had wedged it in place. The young park employee who was helping Earl was feeling his oats that day and despite Earl’s warnings grabbed the Sea-fluffs by the flippers and pulled. One flipper tore clean off instantly and took a blast of shit spraying him square in the chest and chin and Earl laughed his ass off while the other guy nearly threw up.

“Never grab a fluff by any extremities less ya wanna rip it off. Watch and learn kid.”

Holding up his left arm a wide ten inch long blade shot out the back of his wrist with a shorter center blade extending it another six. with a fast downward slash the stuck fluff was sliced clean in half then retracted the blade grabbed the exposed spine with the same hand and yanked the rest free. Reaching into the pipe he pulled another out by its mane who thanked him for freeing him and asked if he was going to be his new daddy. his only answer was extending his blade again stabbing it through the throat and dumping it in the bin just as Mark showed up. He was quickly given a wrench and told to start unbolting two other specific pipes while Earl pulled out the gigantic filtration compartments. Inside some of them were several smaller sea-fluffs, as best as he could guess anyway. they had been sliced to large chunks from the blades in the pump and were now stuck against the filter screens. A few surviving chirpy foals and wean-lings were stuck in there as well but they had all been injured as well in one way or another. It took nearly an hour to clear out the bodies and replace the pipes then Earl called Jake to see if all the grates had been replaced. when it was confirmed they were the pumps were fired back up and the master drain function was activated.

It took nearly another hour for the entire park to drain exposing another forty missed sea-fluffs and a slew of newborns not even a day old. The stragglers were cleaned out and the refill process was started pushing the last few down from the top of the slides crashing into the ones still in the net practically slicing up the ones stuck in the front like french fries. whatever blood got that stained the fresh water would be quickly filtered out as the nets were collected and dragged to the front gate with the filled barrels of corpses. Mark took an impromptu shower with a hose in the parking lot and changed into a spare set of clothes he brought, using Earls van for privacy. With the bodies secured everyone climbed into their vehicles and headed back to HQ to process all this meat for sale before it spoiled leaving the park crew the to clean up for re-opening. And the sooner the better, this summer was proving to be a scorcher. perfect weather for a day at Grizzly’s Dunktown.


Lovely cleaning and dumb frats they should be jailed for these damages they did.

Man sea fluffs are as worst as micros when they became infestations in an area. Still love how they eliminate them as no prisoners, tough luck shitrats , your heaven is now judgement hell. :smiling_imp:

" Still cursing that he nearly drowned in fluffy shit water twice in two years " - this was on the micro prob in the school where he falls down the pool right? :sweat_smile:




Always a treat reading these


This why this story is awesome as an exterminator series can be side of the ferals or side of the exterminator or both.

Skettiland, a temporary heaven of impending doom.

Good to see the boys in action again! And boo on those frat boys, they’re gonna make pickings lean for hard-working abusers if they keep going the ‘dump shitrats on them’ route! Should’ve made them do the fixing of the place with toothbrushes, while holding guns on them- but probably would’ve taken longer anyway.

Surprised that none of the fluffies reacted to the chlorine that should’ve been in the water- least most every water park I’ve ever been to had the chlorine levels a lot higher than a typical backyard pool. But now I’m reading along with everything else right now there’s a chlorine tablet shortage??? Fuckin’ fluffies, man.

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