I am not the one condemning a sub genre of fluffys that would be oculus I am the one pointing out how it is wrong to demonize people for liking one type of content over the other but good effort whit the non sequitur
As a Transformers fan I can tell you that IDW Comics, Michael Bay, and Japanese music tie-in insanity is exactly what you just described.
Bumblebee’s mouth is a fucking ballgag! Why?!

Seems like without Hellgremlins to balance the woobiness, there wouldn’t be much Neutralbox.
The duality of Fluffy and man allows simple neutrals trying to survive/be happy, human or Fluffy, to flourish.
You know you can admire a hugboxer’s art and disagree about whether fluffies deserve it or not.
Echo Chambers are dangerous. Even for a stupid group of fucked up little shits like ourselves.
And that’s why Virgil’s decision to not update a ‘pride’ banner makes him a saint among Hippocrates
I believe you mean “hypocrites”.
Yeah what he said
wait when did Kennedy die
but hey, now you have a saturday morning cartoon about the CIA!
Deadass! It’s a dynamic I love half to death, but people hardly ever include it. My own headcanon has it, but I haven’t gotten around to including it much-
I’m gonna be straight up and honest. With all due respect, I can’t help but find these history lessons bullshit as they stand. They’re incredibly biased and heavily rely on one person’s anecdotal evidence and are made by someone with an agenda against certain types of content. That being said this is history and history is always subjective and biased, making one person’s telling incredibly inaccurate even if they lived it. What we need are more opinions and more people giving their testimonies about the old days to get a clearer picture of what happened. Maybe contact some of the old creators and lurkers that have come back and have them give their experiences. If you’re going to try and catalogue the history of this strange fandom then you need way more people and a much more diverse array of experiences and opinions. As it stands now I can’t help but take these think pieces with a grain of salt and an eye of extreme suspicion. But hey who the hell am I but some random lurker.
I agree with you actually. It is the reason why I am against trying to construct a narrative regarding the history of the booru itself. I will readily admit that I have my own bias and agenda when looking through the archive of past booru artwork and fiction. That said, effort is being made into contacting some of the older creators, though yes, they too have their own biases and preferences.
A part of me wishes that an immediate backup of the booru in its entirety remained. I don’t mean just the art and fics, I’m talking about the comments - because in many of the uploads, the author or artists intentions could be found in the comments. Now though, a lot of that context is gone, and has lead to some images to be easily misunderstood.
I still stand by the account of the fandom’s early history as depicted here: From MLP to Fluffy Pony or How Fluffy ponies came to be on 4chan's /co/ and /mlp/ (which is also on the subreddit)
Research into this was easier because an archive of 4chan threads made by the early bronies still exists, and this was something that I had consulted with the aid of people like @BKCatharsis and @meganonymous . Even the article itself has input from LordAnubis, and yes, LordAnubis was one of those early creators, as you would put it.
But as I said earlier, the same cannot be said about the booru. I only have fragments of what happened in the booru’s past, and some conjecture, but I will agree that its not enough to make a conclusive history.