[Theme Week 005] EgorAlexeev The OG Abuser by Super Weaner

just type his name in the search, we have all of it uploaded to the site


Thank you

It’s been forever since I’d last saw these animations!

I love the design of the Egor’s foals, so simple and well done. At the end of it all Green just lowers his tiny head and accepts the inevitable…SPLAT!


The ol’ abusement park

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Those are perfect spite fuel. Seeing them make me wanna draw more wholesome stuff out of anger XD


Let the emotion consume you! Draw abuse!


done before for a character backstory, felt so dirty i made the following revenge fantasy so controversial my comment section was flooded with drama/discourse oxo’’

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So if I kill him, I can end the problem at the source, gotit

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EgorAlexeev captured the duality of fluffy fandom better than anyone else. His foals were so damn cute, their deaths so horrible, yet oddly compelling. Like a trainwreck, you don’t want to watch but you can’t look away.

Especially since there is no attempt to justify it, nothing showing that they ‘deserved’ their brutal deaths. Abuse is best* when there is no reason for it.

(While an unfortunate number of stories have the abuse being motivated by human stupidity and / or things beyond fluffy control, there are stories where the fluffy genuinely deserves a horrible fate—KMEB’s Goldie is probably the best example–but I’m not sure those are ‘abuse’, at least not in the same sense as, say, the animations in this thread. They are, at the least, deeply satisfying, and sometimes even cathartic. I exempt these from my ‘abuse is best’ statement.)


I so love how he just accepts it, good fluffy.@superweaner


The animation are well made but it really gives that sour “beacuse f you thats why” mentality of unjustified violence. For dummeh hugboxers like me tho, this kinda material works as fuel in wanting to create new happy stories and characters just to tip the scales lol


Not to sound like a broken record, but to me, lack of justification is a defining element of abuse.

If the punishment is truly justified–such as the rapist smarty in your story–then it isn’t abuse. It’s sadbox or neutral box. (Justice box?)

If the punishment is flimsily justified, based on something that was out of the fluffies’ control–such as a foal having an accident on the floor and being killed by it’s owner for something that all babies do–then the story is bad abuse. I find this sort of story deeply annoying, because it makes humans look even crueler and more stupid than we actually are. Like the recent story where a fluffy was going to be punished because another fluffy gave sorry poopehs, but the owner just assumed the fluffy crapped itself. Gag.

Pure abuse, on the other hand, does not attempt to justify itself. The pointless cruelty of it is, in fact, the point.

You might say that this is psychotic, and so it would be, if done in real life. But this isn’t real, and one of the great things about fiction is that it allows us to imagine being and doing things that we would never be or do in real life. It’s like watching a slasher flick to root for the killer.


hm good points!

i do get worked up a bit too much with cartoon cute critters XD i guess thats why i could never get into happy tree friends (even if they all went back to life the next episode lol) but i can see pure abuse like that scratching that violence itch, like stickdeath and htf from the 2000s and, as you said, slasher movies

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Sometimes I just enjoy a bit of the ol’ ultraviolence.

Though I will mention that is possible to extract individual frames from the .gif animations so that you can have the adorably cute foals without the horrible, ghastly things that happen to them.


I missed this when you first posted, have the galleries been removed since then? The ones I found are largely empty.


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FluffyCommunity - Fluffies Outside the Box tried this one?

Says it’s empty.

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looks fine on my end, maybe you have “images by others” turned off? i think you have to have controversial on to see them? im not sure


Huh, you’re right, I needed to join the “controversial” group. Confusing that I could see this post but not his archive, but I guess the controversial stuff in this thread was all in the comments. Thanks for the suggestion!

Edit: And I now have a little Tumbly of my own, so that’s nice.


Say, am I crazy, or is there a definite similarity (NOT implying one ripped off the other, just that they have similar styles) between EgorAleveev’s foals and Carpdime’s foals?

Because boy do you not want to get those confused!