Theoretically, couldn't one splint a fluffy's leg?

The reason real horses have to be put down when they break legs is because they have big heavy bodies on very long thin brittle legs which easily suffer complicated breaks, and because you can’t tell a horse it needs to sit still for a while to let its leg heal. Fluffies are exponentially smaller and tend to be drawn with short thick legs, and they may or may not understand that they need to wait but are pretty easy to restrain if they don’t. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone try to heal a fluffy’s leg instead of just hacking it off and that seems kind of weird, though I guess it is just kind of a running gag.


Just repeat to your self : fluffies are not real and everybodies head canon is different.
If you think that fluffy leggies can be splinted , then they can.
Hacking off a fluffy leg is just because of the juxtasposition of something cute and cuddely with extreme violence.


That’d make a great story, I encourage you to write it if you feel up to it.

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I know, I’m just thinking I’ve never seen it done in hugbox either, which seemed odd.

Theoretically? Yes. Ethically? Yes. But it’s more entertaining/tragic if it has to be amputated

Part of it is the generalized conception that fluffies are such fragile creatures that a swift enough breeze can kill one. However like @AMDk7 said your head cannon your rules.

Theoretically yes, but it’s much less fun.

Surely the better answer would be to tear the damn thing off instead of leaving the Fluffy to slowly and agonisingly heal itself, where every step it takes sends its oversensitive nerve endings into overdrive and it’s literally too stupid not to take any steps because all it wants to do is run…

Actually you might be only something here.


Shit is so fragile that it’s broken by all.

Well hugboxers generally don’t really have abuse.
At least not in my experience. ( if you read my hugbox stories they are so saccharine they churn your stomach)
I’m sure its come up before.
But fluffies arent really horses anymore, I often forget they are ponies to begin with.
They are genetically mutated mishapes of science.
Rat horsies at best.

But as I said if you want it to be so in your headcanon then make it so.

Disclaimer: Depends On The Headcannon

In many writers’ universes, fluffy bones are so brittle that a break means tiny pieces of the bone are likely fractured off inside, and would be virtually impossible to piece back together - you could certainly splint it back into place, but the tiny pieces would lead to malformation or infection.

Add to this the healing factor - unless you broke the bone yourself, it’s likely that by the time a fluffy gets human help for the break, their ridiculous healing properties may have already begun to knit the break back together incorrectly, necessitating a new break to reset the bone to then splint - but again, there may be pieces broken off inside. So in general, it’s just easier/more efficient to remove the broken limb.

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I always disliked the extreme fragility of fluffies.
They are supposed to be bio toys for kids, so that they come apart at the seams when you look at them funny never sat right with me.

They should at least be a bit hardier, though you could say unfinished product, and it all depends on headcanon and all that.

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I’m pretty sure I did see a fluffy get its leg splinted once. It was one of those breeds with the super-thin stick legs, too, so there’s no reason other fluffies can’t be splinted too.

Except for the ones with stumpy blob legs. Tough to splint a leg that barely exists.

Caring for a fluffy with a splinted leg would be a great hurt/comfort hugbox story. I think people just like limb removal a lot for some reason, though.


Woot! I get to self promote, as I have done splints!


I’ve done that a lot, but splints aren’t really involved. Let’s just say that in my headcanon, pillowing is a temporary problem.

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I mean, if nothing else, it means you can always break their legs AGAIN.

There’s some leg healing going on across the community.

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I actually have a story somewhat planned out that involves a fluffy getting a tiny cast on one leg. No idea when I’ll get around to writing it, RL is a bit of a rollercoaster right now.