They SHOULDN'T have nice thing (Not_A_Wise_Man)


what, did they stole your tomatoes once?


I just HATE them. I HATE THEM.
Look, usually I’m a very mellow person, I even have a cat which I love with all my heart and take real great care of her. She’s even adopted off the streets and is sick but I’ve taken care of her for nearly two years and I still love her. I love animals but fluffies… fluffies are a sin to humanity. I don’t know what creates this feeling of disgust inside me but I absolutely despise them. I just hate them.


yeah, from now on I will picture you in a state of constant rage over the loss of your tomatoes


Well, I’m Italian so I kind of need them for my pasta… oh god. My spaghetti!


All you need is a lightsaber and be called the chosen one, and you’d make a great Anikan of the fluffy verse, lol. :wink:

could they have alright or at least mediocre things?

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Show me on the doll where the fluffies touched you

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You hate fluffies and are Italian… I feel like you would like this series.

The Tomato Saga

Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 6
Part 7

Ah yes… Misery

Correction: They can have nice things, so you can take them away

Poor fluffies now the stallion cant even protect its family from this smarty :cold_sweat::frowning:

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Yeah. That last panel was bad since it seems to be after the smarty had his fun. I’m wondering if the foals are dead? And she’s clearly traumatized.


It feels like a telenobela story when the villain gonna do bad thing to the daughter or wife of the protagonist, sadly this one ends tragic.


I have three hypothesis as to what happened to the foals:

  1. Smarty wasn’t satisfied after the mare and went for the kids (unlikely since there would be a tag, at least)

  2. The Smarty killed them as retribution for stopping him the first time

  3. The mother killed them as an act of mercy so the Smarty couldn’t use them for his sexual frustration

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All plausible. Good ideas too.

Funny: they shouldn’t have nice things is the title, but for that to happen the ones that really shouldn’t have nice things either have to get their way.


Every dog, or in this case: fluffy, has it’s day even in the grimiest of tales.

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