Toy fluffy! (Artist:Coalheart) (Fluffybooru id: 9062)


This merry pony is Gimble, he’s not a dwarf fluffy as he’s not affected by a dwarfism condition but a true breed named Toy Fluffy comercially. Despite it’s name they’re as sentient and intelligent as a regular sized fluffy pony and should be not confused with cottons.

Coin shown for size comparison purporses.

  • Coalheart

Prior to Buwwito’s concept, there were toy fluffies, which was the creation of Coalheart’s. While similar, Buwwito most likely came up with micro-fluffies on their own. Although micro-fluffies have figured in the fandom since, LordAnubis was one of the first to note the similarity between Burrito’s micro-fluffies and the earlier toy-fluffies by Coalheart. The similarity was also picked up on by TricornKing.

It should be noted that Coalheart did not intend or view toy fluffies as being literal toys, or biotoys, but rather based of the concept of toy breeds for dogs

Toy fluffies were referenced in Chapter 7 of the Sam Adams Guide.