Trap Ideas

Look up Youtube videos on hog traps, there are a lot of wild shit they use to catch/kill those fuckers

fluffy hears recording of ‘dewe sketti hewe’ or ‘am pwetty mawe an nee enfies’ or other attractant fluffy statement, goes up the ramp, falls in the pit while trying to find the ‘other fluffy’

the pit can be angled to lead to a larger holding space, which may contain many fluffies. add water to holding space to create a lethal trap


What about something like a lobster trap where it has a one way opening


A fucking land mine


Glue traps are always fun, as they get stuck and have to die slowly, suffering every second, while a fluffy is probably too stupid to realise why it can’t move, and probably thinks it’s legs just don’t want to listen to it anymore.


I’d love to see a comic about this one I did ages ago.

A day with the Skettiland trapper; The skettiLand grinder demo

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Would be good to clear the land of forgotten mines where theyre a problem

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I once saw a small comic of a foal getting caught in a stray piece of bubblegum. It tried getting out and was slowly consumed and suffocated.

Something in that vain would be mega brutal.


Datura flowers leap to mind, as to do nightshades.

Beautiful plants and berries, sweet smelling…and profoundly toxic.

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I’ve one here.

a metal trashcan, filled with water, buried in the ground like a punji stick trap, with bait suspended over it, or otherwise accessible from only one direction, forcing fluffies who want the bait to walk over the buried trap.

When they do, down they go into the drink, where they drown.

Another idea is something like a fish trap, where pointed sticks allow one-way entry, but then the fluffy cannot leave, rendering it at the mercy of whoever placed the trap.

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A somewhat large box that plays a few pre-recorded messages that attract fluffies— “wan speshal fwen to pway wif” etc. Which would have a pressure plate locking them in when activated(and chopping off whatever wasn’t inside). It would be checked occasionally and have a manual button to grind/compress the contents like a trash compactor.

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With my fluffies, sage basically acts as catnip to them, fluff up if you will, when it is processed. In its raw or growing state, when it is consumed it acts as super reafer so the fluffies are both incapacitated and tripping major balls. So just plant it in your yard and you can just wait for the to eat it and either go out with a cage or a trash bag.

Live traps ha ha ha… no.

A timms possum trap, it’s an upside down bucket with a hole in the side and a little bear trap in it, you hang fruit off the trigger and bam instant neck snap when they pit their heads in and take a bite.

A spike pit, put sharpened sticks in the bottom of a hole and cover it with carefully placed sticks that give way under any pressure put long grass or leaves over the hole and wait. The bigger the hole the more you’ll get.

You can get litterly any size bear trap form like rat size to bear, depending on what you want to catch/kill.

A deadfall is a heavy rock or log that is tilted at an angle and held up with sections of branches, with one of them serving as a trigger. When the animal moves the trigger, which may have bait on or near it, the rock or log falls, crushing the animal.

Snare trap, wire or string in a circle supported by 2 sticks tied in a loop with one end and the other is stakedinto the ground, normally gets caught on the neck and pulled too tight so they suffocating whilst fighting and making it worse the whole time.

A drowning pit, a very large container of water/oil is buried underground and a covered structure is built over top, a weighted tipping ledge is put over the middle with bait suspended over top, they walk out to get the bait and their weight tips the ledge over and they will drown.

Put spicy food and a pool of water that’s a bit to far down to reach from the sides, they fling themselves in looking to stop the burning and drown

Have a pack of starved crazy cannibal fluffys in your back yard kept in pens that open when the intruders step on pressure plates around the garden.

A trap pit with sides that look shallow enough to go down into but impossible to get out of, bait with nummies and/or voice recordings or tasty smells, wait until they turn on each other and let the winner go free or clear it out with a flame thrower :slight_smile:

For indoors I’d go with glue traps, mouse/rat traps or an abuser lol.

Any questions?

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Spike pit trap gang represent!

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Regarding the traps, probably something like hunters use. Snares etc. However, some more “humane” traps from wars such as Vietnam may be up your alley, like the punji stick or the bamboo whip.

Also, I can only imagine if the fluffy pest was real. Being woken up by chirps from birds and other animals is bad enough, I can’t imagine another species that would be constantly wailing and crying in my backyard. Nightmare fuel, makes me want to torture them further

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This isn’t a live trap.
This trap, a small pedestal with a bowl on it like a birdbath, is set up during winter. It’s scented and smells just like sketties. When fluffies smell the delicious sketties, they will of course try to num them. Either jostling the pedestal or pulling down on the bowl while climbing will cause the bowl to fall towards the fluffy. The bowl is actually filled with water.

The bamboo whip, fuck yes.

I would spend my mornings plinking away at fluffys before work. What a like thar would be

Holy shit, I forgot the shotgun shell alert trip wire.

That can be modded with a longer barrel and bam, you got yourself a shotgun

Sketties with ground up glass in the sauce, destroy them from the inside

Artificial milky places filled with bleached tainted milk

That was so well done

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