Trip and fall - theme week (starfellstudios)



Something came out of him and I don’t like it


At least he died happier than they’ll ever be at all.

But imagine if it was symbiotic. Bioluminescent Fluffies.


that would actually be lit af (pun intended)
wonder how something like that would affect a fluffy’s psyche


I imagine Fluffies would always be seen as Munstahs by others afterwards. Even Bestest Babbehs and Smawties.

Because its Fluffies I’d grim it up, plus I like lore that slips into any world and becomes regional. Survival rate less than 1% overall but many manage to live for weeks before succumbing, illegal to do but only if caught doing it so mills and pet stores still incinerate the unwanted but if you do it in a home operation you can sell and show off the result without fear.

I like human abuse too, so lets say it has the same effect on humans and trafficking bioluminescent kids is a thing, hence the government caring. Plus idiot Instagram influencers, surviving is a lifelong career guarantee. Morons exposing themselves while trying to expose Fluffies too. The corpse gets eaten by the Fluffies.

Ferals have better survival odds. So do Fluffies and humans with strong immune systems, so those with hyperactive allergies plus Poopies fare the best. Litterpals have been found with it. So despite being valuable it has caused a schism in the Fluffy fan community between those who want a glowing toothless Pillow and those who want a Celestia Fluff (lets say its like fans of original versions of cartoons vs fans of the reboot).

To grim it again, lets say they are very popular in traditional medicines. The humans too, why not. Have a glowing kid and Fluffy until they are no longer cute, then sell them by the pound for herbal tea to someone with a dead dick and no hair.

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He get high but that jelliheimer…was that a hallucination or it was that comes out of him? :scream::thinking:

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he was just high af and hallucinations can get scary sometimes

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Shhhh my art…

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Excellent style

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