Two mummahs (InfraredTurbine)

Yeah, they look just fine to me. Have a sort of cyber-goth look to them.


One more bad batch and a hot pepper in the special place will close that shit factory

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The beatings will continue until better colours are shat out

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Why does this guy act as if the Fluffies have any choice in how their foals are born lol


I wouldnt be that angry if i was the owner because you can feed all the fluffies with the ugly colored foals


Built-in emo mare ought to be worth a bit.
But fluffy owners are not predominantly people of good taste.

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LOL, I know, right?

Because abusebox, that’s why.


Hate to be ‘that hugboxer’ but doesn’t it kind of make no sense to be angry at a fluffy for birthing crappy fluffies? I mean, that’s like yelling at someone for birthing a boy instead of a girl; it’s all genetics.

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It’s just one of those things about the fluffy world that people kinda wave their hands and say “LOL, humans are kinda dumb in this world.”

There’s plenty of things that wouldn’t exist if people used common sense (pet doors would definitely be either removed or be replaced with the kind that scan a chip)

It’s all just an excuse to get the viewer/reader to the suffering that we crave.


If I could, I’d install pet doors all over the interior of my house. Sometimes, you can’t face humans, but cats are fine. I just don’t want the kitties getting outside.

Look at Henry VIII’s wives. Humans kill for little or no reason, including genetics.

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Husbands do still often get mad at their wives for not having sons or their daughters for not being boys.


Yup. We are not a logical species.

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I’ve also mentioned a couple of times that the parents of mixed-race kids will often get mad at the kid for not looking more white, and it’s not even always the white parent who does it.


Ya know, I can see it. Yeah, it’s illogical, but it’s damned HARD to be a minority, though my knowledge is mostly limited to the English-speaking world. I can understand wanting a child to have an easier time in life. At the same time, it’s really weird. Kinda reminds me of Mom getting mad at me for gaining weight after momo.

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OMG I got a reply from THE Mexi!

Yeah, people are just crazy, but yeah, I guess I understand.


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