Typical Abuse (Artist: Titanfluff)

Ah, well sucks to be you.
Fucking squish


so that’s how people made “fluffy enchilada”.

Smash them all.

One day, lad. One day.


Forbidden Protein Shake

At least mummah has a nice hairdo. She will have a new litter of foals in no time!

I’ve actually used something like this for cubing tomatoes. That was more of a matrix of upward pointed blades, though.

Those can be use as Meatballs for Mummah’s favorite Sketties

Heh. That’s pretty good.

i ja

I’m okay with it but I would just gather smarties and do this to them in front of their special friends

A good ol’ gore box. What a great collection of smashed fluffies. Very smart.