Uglyface Part 12 - Remastered [The_Agony_Presence]

Warmy’s plan had failed before she’d even had a chance to try it.

Most of the other fluffies in the pen had been taken away just before sleepy time by the humans, and hadn’t come back. This left Warmy, Booboo, and a fat purple earth-fluffy called Twinky.

Two other fluffies weren’t enough to climb over and out of the pen, Warmy knew. She’d sat up all night trying to think of a new plan, but thoughts of her mummah kept interrupting her train of thought. Well, that and Twinky’s sleep-farts.

It was early the next morning now, and the three were huddled together in the corner next to the litterbox for warmth- not that it was cold in the training floor, of course: they had just never experienced a night without their mother’s fluffpile. Trying to sleep without another source of soft fluff or warmth nearby made fluffies nervous.

None of them had spoken much or slept since their ‘dinner’, all still shocked that they good fluffies were being treated like bad fluffies. Had their mother’s lied to them? Were they maybe not as good as they thought they were?

Were they, perhaps, actually bad fluffies?

Eventually, the training floor employees arrived for their shift, and a little past 9:30am, this day’s “special training” employee finally appeared at the side of the pen. He was of average height and weight, though behind his mask one could make out the edges of a mustache and a fat nose.

He stomped in and nudged them all sharply until they woke and stood. None had really slept much so they were tired and slow, but Warmy was particularly lethargic, “Alright, get up. Its time for training and breakfast,”

It was Booboo who spoke first, “Wha twainin’ we du, mistah? Can hab bwekfas’ fiwst? Twingy haf hungies…”

“You will eat only after doing a little obedience training,”

“Whud am obee-dee-uns?”

“Its where you learn how to act properly and follow what humans say. Good fluffies do what humans tell them, and never make trouble. Think you all can do that?”

They warily stared at him.

The obedience training was, much like the sketti cage, designed for them to fail and believe that they were bad fluffies. It was fairly simple: ask the fluffies to perform some tasks which seem easy but are effectively impossible for them to accomplish, while continually reinforcing that only bad fluffies can’t complete said tasks.

One such task was ‘Cleanies’.

The employee dumped a box of play blocks into the pen, “the first part of your training today is ‘Cleanies’! Its very easy; smart, strong, good fluffies like you should be able to do it. All you have to do is pick up these blocks and put them into-” he placed down the box, “-this box. When a human asks you to clean things up, you must do as they ask. Only a bad fluffy wouldn’t do what they are told,”

Warmy took the initiative. She was very good at blockies! How hard could it be to put them into a box!? Maybe even she could hide one or two behind the litterbox while the human wasn’t watching…

Unbeknownst to her and the other two, the blocks were weighted. Just enough for them to barely move briefly… if they were a particularly strong or determined fluffy.

Warmy stopped at the first block. It was red, and had some smiling faces printed on it. She smiled likewise, and called proudly, “mistah! watch Wawmy du cweanies!”

Blockies was her favorite game, he would be quite impressed. She gripped the block with her hooves and-

It didn’t budge.

Warmy’s face contorted in confusion. She tried again, and again. It barely moved each time, “why bwockie nu du movsies?”

“Remember, if you don’t put the blocks in the box, you are a bad fluffy!

Warmy tried again, grunting with effort. She was able to get it off the ground for a second but dropped it right after. She collapsed on top as the other fluffies arrived at their blocks and began trying as well, “pweez bwockie, pweez du movsies fo’ Wawmy!” she encouraged it, with a whisper.

She didn’t understand: she was a smart fluffy! Why didn’t the blockies move? She was good at blockies! She’d made lots of blockie towers before- why couldn’t she lift them now!? Rapidly, her chances of being able to hide one or two were diminishing…

She hugged the block, “pweez nice bwockie… nee’ du movsies…” she laid her head on top of it, watching Booboo and the other fluffy struggle just as much- then, an idea popped into her head: she could just push the blockies to the box! Of course!

She hopped up, and pressed her head into the block while pushing with her legs- and sure enough, the block began to shift!


It took all her strength just to move it even a half inch. She collapsed next to it, huffing, realizing that even if she did make it to the box, she wouldn’t be able to lift them inside anyway. Or stack them on top of each other if she even managed to hide some. Another plan foiled.

“What’s wrong, little smarty? All you have to do is move the blocks to the box. It should be very easy for a good fluffy…” the human said, bending down to speak at her.

“Nu can move bwockie! Wawmy wus suuu gud wif bwockies! Why nu can du nu mo’!?” Warmy said in frustration, the tears welling up.

“Well, it must be because you’re not a good fluffy anymore- in fact, if you can’t even lift the blocks at all, you must be a very bad fluffy!”

Warmy began to cry. She didn’t understand.

She must be a bad fluffy if she couldn’t do blockies anymore- or even think of a smart idea to help.

After the three fluffies had exhausted themselves trying to move the blocks, the employee cleaned them all up instead.

The trio looked quite miserable, but especially Warmy

Another important aspect of the obedience training was to reinforce the fluffies’ sense of failure by offering them several “chances” to prove that they were good fluffies through multiple tasks. By giving them the hope that maybe they could finish at least one task, but failing all, they would quickly become quite disheartened and, more importantly, obedient.

“Don’t look so down, guys! Maybe you aren’t good at blockies, but you can still prove that you are good fluffies!” the three all looked up at the human, a glint of hope in their teary eyes, “first though, lets get you some breakfast, hmm?”

He stepped out of the pen, giving the fluffies time to talk and wallow.

Twinky flopped onto the floor, “nu wike dis twainin’ fingie… huu. Wan mummah…”

Booboo waddled next to Warmy and hugged her, “Buubuu stiww fink yu am smawtes’ an’ pweddy mawe!”

Warmy pushed her way out of his hug. She was upset, sad, angry- mostly, however, she was confused. She thought she was a smart fluffy, but now… Booboo’s words only seemed to sting instead.

“Gu’ way Buubuu, nu wan huggies nao…”

“Bu’ Booboo wan’ huggies! Haf heawt huwties an’ head huwties! Nee’ huggies fwom pweddy mawe!” He latched back on to Warmy, who once again tried to pull away.

He was just a little too strong for her, “Buubuu! Wawmy nu wan’ huggies! Nu wan’!”

He seemed to ignore her, “yu am nyu bestes’ fwend! Buubuu wuv bestes’ pweddy mawe!”

The human, to Warmy’s relief, returned- with a trough, and Booboo let go as the human put it down in front of them. The three walked up and looked inside.

Expectedly, it was poopies- or at least, it looked like poopies. Yet it smelled like sketti? It was Booboo who was brave enough to take a bite- for a moment, he strained, ready for a bad taste, but quickly his face flashed to enjoyment.

“Dis am skeddis!” he shouted, diving in for another mouthful, “DIS AM SKEDDIS!”

Warmy and Twinky looked at each other, and then stepped up for their careful own bites; sure enough, it tasted just like sketti! Well, slightly bitter, cold sketti.

In reality, it was in fact feces. Real feces this time, treated and then mixed and sprayed with a substance straight from Hasbio that made things smell and taste just like spaghetti. Intended for making non-sketti food items palatable to picky fluffs, it also happened to be useful for training litter pals to eat shit.

They would be fed this treated feces for the rest of their time in the fluffmart, slowly reducing the sketti-substance until the feces was all that remained. The fluffies would not notice the change, and before long they would be eating shit and loving it. In fact, once a litter-pal was complete, they would be displayed on the storefront in action, to the enjoyment of the more sadistic customer.

They finished the whole trough, and were quite full afterwards: their spirits raised, if only a little.

“Did you all enjoy your meal?” the human said, smirking below his mask.

“Wuv sketti-taste nummies!” Twinky said, patting his tummy.

“Very good- that will be what your ‘nummies’ look like from now on, ok? So make sure you eat it up!” They all nodded, and the human took away the empty trough, “now, lets try some more training, shall we?”

Jealousy training was designed to stop the accessory fluffies from having outbursts when the fluffies that they would be serving as litter-pals in customer’s homes got attention and love while they did not. It involved telling fluffies to sit and watch while the trainer did something that fluffies love to do. If they sat and said nothing, then they were taking the training well.

The human reached over the pen’s wall, and a moment later placed another fluffy into the pen. Stubby, even for a fluffy, it was a dull red and had a pink mane, and it was very well trained. Straight from the good behaviour pen, it had been told to ignore the other fluffies in the special training pen.
He sat quietly, waiting for the human to give him commands, giving only partial glances to the other fluffies.

“Now, to prove that you are good fluffies, all you need to do is sit on the other side of the pen without moving or talking until I say so,” the human said to the three, who had inched towards the new fluffy, “go on, back to the other side of the pen,”

They wandered back, tails and ears down, and sat as they were told.
“Remember, if you do anything other than sit and be silent then you are a bad fluffy…”

The human then began to play with the new fluffy. He gave it upsies, tickled it, let it play with some toys, and gave it plenty of hugs. It exclaimed its love and enjoyment of these acts constantly, and any time it politely asked for something, that something was provided.

It was quite agonizing for smarties and toughies to not be the center of attention. Often, if they were not picked as the ‘best’ baby by their mother in a brood, they would lash out with temper tantrums- or even attack the ‘best’ baby, in extreme cases. Mothers could correct this behavior, but smarties were intelligent enough to hide their envy.

Warmy kept her eyes on the new fluffy’s face- specifically, his smile. She didn’t like to see other fluffies- especially ‘bad’ colored ones- happy when she was not. She was the one who deserved play and love and hugs, not this other fluffy.

The more he laughed, the more frustrated she became. The more he stacked little block towers, the more angry she got. The voice in her head returned, but it was merely a low, incomprehensible growl.

Booboo was also agitated. He loved hugs, and seeing somefluff else get hugs while he did not hurt his heart severely.

Ultimately though, it was Twinky who broke the rules. He hopped up when the human got too close, “wan’ pway tuu mistah! wub pway wots an wots! Gud fwuffy wan’ pway!” he demanded innocently, holding out his hooves, beaming.

That was all that was needed. The human placed the other fluffy back outside the pen, and turned back to Twinky.

“You aren’t allowed to play,”

“Bu’ Twingy fowwow da wules! Du sitties an’ nu noisies! Wan pway nao!” The human picked him up by the scruff of his neck, “bad upsies! Bad upsies! Pweez put down, upsies am huwties!”

Once one of the accessories-in-training had broken the rules of the jealousy training, it was important to punish rule breakers in-front of the others. Seeing another fluffy in pain helped get others in line.

“Not only are you not supposed to make demands, but you didn’t follow what I said. You were supposed to sit and be quiet until I finished-”
“Bu’ Twingy nu wike! Wan pway wif-”

A hard slap across his face shut Twinky up. He teared up immediately. Before he had a chance to start wailing, another slap silenced him, “You are a very bad fluffy,”

He reached to a pack on his belt, and unveiled an electric shaver, and turned to Warmy and Booboo, who watched with wide eyes as Twinky flopped into submission in the man’s hand. He turned the shaver on- the click of its power button making them all flinch- and slowly brought it to Twinky’s belly.

Twinky could only stare as his precious fluff was removed. All up his belly and chest, and then down his back and sides. When most of the fluff on his body had been removed, Twinky was dumped hard back onto the floor.

Good fluffies are quiet and don’t move and always do what human say. You are not to give him any hugs,” the employee said to Warmy and Booboo,“You all have to stay where you are and don’t move until I say so,”

He then left the pen and sat in a chair not too far away, pulling out his phone and popping on some headphones.

Warmy and Booboo sat in shock, watching as Twinky sniffled and weeped for a few seconds before retching up some of his fecal breakfast. Warmy was a smart fluffy, so she knew that doing what the human said was the smart thing to do this time, lest they end up like Twinky- a fluffless fluffy!

Booboo, on the other hand, fidgeted and looked around anxiously. He wanted so very, very badly to give Twinky a feel-better hug. It was (literally) in their DNA to get up and hug anything they thought was sad or hurt- only the fear of being hurt themselves could override this.

“Pweez nu make sad noisies Twingy…” Booboo said quietly, witha nervous glance up to the side of the pen, “yu gif Buubuu heawt huwties- an’ nu can gif huggies tu make cowdies an huwties bettah!”

Twinky wasn’t listening. He had his head buried in his hooves and was "huu-huu"ing loud enough that he couldn’t hear.

“Pweddy, smawtes’ mawe- use yu smawtie pwace tu make Twingy’s sad wawas stahp…”

Warmy kept her eyes locked onto Twinky’s pathetic form. If he didn’t stop crying soon, either herself or Booboo was going to crack. She didn’t want to imagine what the human might do if they disobeyed as well.

“M-mummah wuv b-babbeh…” Warmy began to weakly sing, just audible enough to Twinky to hear, but also quiet enough for the Human to not notice as far she could tell, “b-babbeh wuv m-m-mummah~” she couldn’t really think of anything else, her mind was still scattered seeing Twinky receive such harsh handling.

“T-twinky am g-gud babbeh, n-n-nu be s-sad~, mummah w-wuv yu awways~”
The mummah song always calmed any young fluffy down. As newborn foals can’t see or really move much, mothers sing to let them know where she is. To let them know it was safe. That she loved them. Its calming effects were well documented, even in adult fluffies.

“M-mummah wuv babbeh, b-babbeh wuv mummah~”

And it was working. Twinky’s sniffling and sobs had began to fade, and he peeked out of his hooves at Warmy.

Booboo, too, was deeply entranced by her quiet singing.


Fuck you warmy, get an hernia and eat shit using chopsticks!


link to part 13

i cant help but feel bad for boo boo, he seems redeemable if it wasn’t an idiot


Is “eat shit using chopsticks” a meme