Uglyface Part 9 - Remastered [The_Agony_Presence]

The processing hall had been a part of all Fluffmarts since the beginning.

It was intended to be a place where basic custom orders could be fulfilled before being delivered to the customer; certain temporary colors of fluff using dyes, various mane and tail styles, even additions like piercings or tattoos. The employee medical office was also located here.

However, as more and more customers ordered stranger things, and certain products became very popular, the processing floor slowly became more of a medical madhouse.

These days, it was where the specialty products where created; litter-pals, enfie-pals, pillows, milkbags, huggie-fluffs, stuffy-friends ‘that could hug back™’, party-foals, fluff-balloons, and all of the holiday items too.

They still did custom orders here, but most of the requests were something that was already available as part of the specialty line. Usually pillowing.

The manager didn’t really like coming to this floor. The whole place had an air of dread to it from the fluffies that were brought and stored here in cages, and the on-site doctor was… creepy, she thought. Thankfully there was rarely ever any problems here, at least.

As she entered the floor, the condemned began to stir, pressing up against the walls of their cages, sticking their hooves through. Some wept, some begged. Many demanded to be set free- those ones would become litterpals.

She ignored them, but the mare in her arms didn’t. The terror in her eyes was palpable, and she trembled in fear, little squeaks and blasts of air pushing through her clamped snout.

“Don’t worry Cupcake, the doc’s very good at his job. Shouldn’t take him too long to make you into something useful…”

The doctor was finishing a surgery on a party foal when the manager walked in. The party foal was trying to scream through its muzzle as he cauterized its last leg-stump.

“Doctor…” she greeted as he put his tools down and dumped his gloves into a bio waste bin.

“What do you need?” he asked, hungrily staring at Cupcake through his thick goggles. His mustache bounced with every syllable.

“This breeder failed her training and damaged several products. I’m gonna replace her, but she’s still fairly young so I think she’d make a good milkbag for the foals-in-a-can we’re gonna start selling in a few days,”

“You need it done quickly, then?”

“Preferably now, yeah,” the manager said, placing Cupcake onto the surgery table next to the party foal. It looked up at her, its eyes pleading for hugs to stop the pain.

“Alright, give me a second…” he unstrapped the heaving party foal, and held it to the manager, “take this over to one of the open cages while I-”

The moment the manager’s hands left Cupcake, she scrambled off the table chirping in fear, and flopped onto the floor before charging for the door, leaving a trail of urine behind her, “DUN WOWWY BABBEHS! MUMMAH COMIN’! MUMMAH COMIN’!”

“Ha ha ha! She is quite lively, isn’t she?” the doctor laughed, walking after her.

Cupcake reached the door as all the caged fluffies around her started pleading for her to help them. She didn’t care, she just wanted to get out and get back to her own babies. She slammed hard into the door. It didn’t move.

She pushed against it as hard as she could, her useless hooves sliding on the floor below, “WHY NU OPEN? PWEEZ, PWEEZ OPEN! NEE’ TU WUN BACK TU BABBEHS! PWEEEEEEEZ!”

The doctor was upon her before she realized, and moments later she was back on the surgery table- with steady hands now holding her in place. She’d gone quiet briefly, but now had resigned herself to the same begging as the other fluffies in the room.

“P-pweez nu huwt Cupcake, am mummah, an’ babbehs nee’ mummah…” she pouted her face and caressed the doctor’s gloved hand with her hooves.

He smiled cruelly, light relfecting off of his goggles, “there is no mercy for those who enter my domain, fool,” Cupcake shriveled back. She’d never been treated with such contempt- in fact terror was not even a part of her worldview, narrow though that may be for fluffies.

The manager strapped the mare’s chubby body down to the table, “right, i’ve to go sort the foals she damaged, so I’ll leave this to you,”

The doctor nodded, slipping into a new pair of gloves, “i’ll have her done within the next 45 minutes,”

As the manager left, the doctor pulled out the tools he was going to need, each one slicing a new piece of Cupcake’s hope away. Her begging continued as he prepared.

“M-mistah, pweez- Cupcake am gud fwuffy weawwy… C-cupcake awways du wha hoomans say! Nebah ebah do bad fings! P-pwease wet gu nao?”

He ignored her.

“Pweez nice mistah, Cupcake nu mean tu be bad! Pweez nu gif huwties nao? Wet Cupcake out an gif back tu babbehs?”

The doctor wrote something on a clipboard disinterestedly.

“Babbehs nee mummah Cupcake tu gwow big an stwong! Dey nee mummah to singie songies an gif huggies an miwkies an wub!”

He adjusted the surgery lamp above until it was bright enough to cause her to squint in pain.

“C-cupcake wub yu vewwy vewwy much nice mistah, wiww gib wotsa huggies if wet Cupcake back to babbehs~” she cooed at him. Humans always fell for this, right?

He looked down at her, “Well I don’t love you,” he said bluntly, before securing a muzzle over her snout.

He pulled over a little cart, the tools on top jiggling. He ran his hand over them, taking his time checking that he had what he needed, “don’t worry, I won’t kill- ah, I mean, ‘gib yu fowebah sweepies’- you’ll be helping lots of little foals soon instead. All we need from you is… a little sacrifice or two,”

He picked up an electric shaver with one hand, and held one of Cupcake’s legs still with the other hand. He shaved it completely clean of fluff, pressing just a little too hard into her skin.

He did the same with her other legs. She moaned and whined as her fluff was removed. Nu take nice fwuff, she thought, fwuffies nee’ fwuff fo’ wawm huggies an’ sweepies!

After, he moved onto her rear, and shaved all the fluff around her anus and genitals, though kept what was around her teats so future chirpy-foals who had yet to open their eyes could come to enjoy the feeling of fluff as they fed. He placed the razor back into its charger, and began strapping her now bare legs down.

He tightened the straps as hard as he possibly could, watching for the veins to expand with the pressure, and left her like that for a few minutes as he went to fill out her medical form.

Cupcake couldn’t feel or move her legs from that point. She wriggled in place while her muffled whines echoed around the room. The fluffies in the cages watched this look into their futures silently, why huwt Cupcake? Am gud fwuffy! Am bestes’ mummah! Huwties am nu gud fo’ fwuffies, weawwy nu-gud fo’ mummahs…

When the doctor returned, she started crying and screaming through her muzzle, pweez nu mo’! Pweez mistah, Cupcake am su sowwy! Pweez! she tried to say in vain.

He tugged on one of her legs, and examined it closely, “yes this is ready now,”

From the cart, he retrieved a large cleaver, and hovered it over her left legs for a moment. He watched Cupcake go through shock, then horror, dread, and despair all in the space of a few seconds. She knew what was coming.

He loved his job.

The cleaver cut cleanly through the legs with only a little effort. Cupcake screeched and screeched, desperately straining against the straps. Her breathing became heavy and labored, but she could only get so much air in through the muzzle and felt suffocated.

Her right legs took three tries, which annoyed the doctor some as he realized he had not sharpened the cleaver recently. For Cupcake, the intensity of having her legs broken and then repeatedly hacked at was not as bad as the realization that without her legs, she could not run away, or give huggies ever again… what would her babies do without her hugs!?

With every leg removed, she became more frenzied, her cheeks puffing up and eyes bulging out, tears streaming, chest rapidly inflating and deflating. Her tail whipped wildly as chunks of feces and streams of urine exploded out of her.

The doctor dumped the legs next to her terrified face alongside the only lightly-bloodied cleaver, “I’ll have to fix your stumps now so you don’t bleed to death when I take off your straps. It’ll only hurt for… oh, a few hours?”

He reached for the cauterizing iron, still hot from his work on the party foal. He held it aloft in the surgery lamp’s light, letting Cupcake, through teary eyes, appreciate it.

Then he pressed it hard against the first stump, a small plume of smoke hissing from the wound. The pain was excruciating, and even when the iron had left her stumps, they still felt as through they were on fire.

Cupcake strained her voice box as each stump was cauterized thereafter. Her bulging eyes were red with stress, her face covered in mucus and tears. Her bowels had emptied of all waste, leaving her waste orifices stinging, and her bladder deeply tensed with effort.

“Next, my dear, comes the hardest part for you. You see- heh- I need to take your eyes…”

The eyes had to be removed from milkbags to prevent them from becoming stressed at the sight of too many foals feeding, so they would last longer.

Cupcake was too busy focusing on the agony to pay attention to the doctor, even as he grasped her head to keep it steady and positioned the iron over her left eye.
There was but a moment of awareness for her as he began to plunge the iron down, but it came too late for her to prepare.

At first, there was a horrible squelching sensation as it penetrated her eyeball. Strangely, it came with no pain… at first. Quickly, it began to cook the fluid inside, and that was when the pain hit. She could feel it spiking back into her head, and down her spine. When she tried to close her eyelid, it only burned against the iron, causing it to reflexively close harder.

She couldn’t move her head, couldn’t scream- only lay and allow the doctor to finish his gruesome work.

Finally, the eye popped, and it was actually less painful than the cooking. It would have almost been a relief, if after the doctor removed the iron from the socket, he hadn’t then dug a spoon-shaped tool in and pulled out the deflated remains.

The other eye came after, and its removal was just as bad. The spoon was pushed just a little too far in this time, scraping against something hard within. The agony was so intense- but under the pain though, she realized that she would never be able to look at her pretty babies ever again…

The doctor switched off the iron, and placed it with the spoon and the eye-detritus into a bowl for later cleansing, then picked up a baton with a curved shape, akin to a Scimitar; it was designed specifically to match the shape of a fully-grown mare’s hip bone, to provide a clean break when used to strike. He positioned the baton above Cupcake’s lower half, and one simple chop and a quick muffled crunching sound later, her hips were prepared for the next step.

“You’ll be pleased to hear that your sacrifice is over. I’ll be adding to you rather than removing from you now,” the doctor chided.

Next, he took up the orifice dilator from the cart, and inserted it into Cupcake’s anus and cranked it open. With her hip bone now loose, her orifices could be further opened than normal to allow for the insertion of the rectal waste tube, which was serrated on the end that was intended to be internal. He pushed said tube in, pulled the dilator out, and the gave the tube a tug to make sure it was secured, Cupcake giving a complementary shiver of distress.

The urethral tube was much easier, simply needing to be inserted as-was.

Next came the feeding tube. He removed the muzzle from Cupcake’s face and was immediately beset by her gravely, gurgling voice weakly mumbling various apologies and requests for an end to the pain, even something about her babies again.

He wondered if she truly meant any of it.

The teeth needed to be removed first, which the doctor did all at once by stuffing a metal brace down behind her back teeth, pushing her jaw shut and yanking the brace out with all the teeth at once.

Cupcake spluttered and spat, but was cut short by the feeding tube being forced down her throat, and her snout being tied shut around. A bio-adherent was pasted around her mouth and snout to secure the tube permanently in place. It took only 30 seconds to adhere, during which the adherent seared her skin and flesh, and after it dried, it began itching terribly. The same adherent was then pasted over her anus and genitals, ensuring that the waste tubes were completely secure.

Lastly, a growth agent had to be injected into each teat. Unfortunately for Cupcake, the good doctor only had one syringe spare- a particularly thick one, in fact. He loaded it full of the sickly green growth agent, and pumped her teats full until they looked prime to pop open. Over the course of the next few days, her teats would expand further until they were at least three times the size.

The doctor unstrapped her limbs and body and laid her on her side. She twitched and curled up as he stroked her, “well Cupcake, your transformation is complete,” he glanced at the clock on the wall, “and in only 37 minutes, too!”

Cupcake was trapped now in her own head, feeling nothing but searing pain in every nerve contrasted with the doctor’s gentle, if cool, strokes. Her soul wept as her eyes could not.

The doctor was very pleased with his work.


About. Fucking. Time. Fuck you Cupcake.


At least she’s of some use now.

I love the “nu huwt gud Fwuffy” trope, especially when said by bad Fluffies


I’ll be honest, I’m not much into abuse. But justice had to be done.

But, instead of just cutting her legs i would have used an angle grinder on her legs with a wood carving plate

Because FUCK YOU Cupcake! FUCK YOU AND YOUR CURSED OFFSPRINGS! ( Not uglyface and the snitch… Sketties for those)


What are party foals and ballon fluffs?

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A party foal is a foal that has its legs removed and replaced with candle-holders so it can be put on top of a cake to act as a candle (while also being just too high from the cake to eat any of it lol). I think RQ made a short comic about them ages ago.

A balloonfluff is just a buzzword I came up with. If I tried to imagine what it was, I guess it would be some kind of fluffy with surgically-inserted air sacs that allow it to be inflated and subsequently float.


link to part 10


This doctor guy sounds like someone I would want to hang out with.


Damn. Should’ve saved the eyes for last! After all, why deny her a chance to admire the doctor’s work?


Thank you.

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what a fucking good idea!

I do love it when fluffies spend so long flouncing around in their own little wub and huggies world, only to have the veil parted for them in the most brutal way possible. All you had to do, Cupcake, was take care of all your children equally. But you couldn’t, that was too foreign a concept for you; so now you will be introduced to truly eldritch concepts like pain and suffering and indifference. The same un-fluffy-like things you summoned upon your child will now take their toll on you, because everything has a price.



Eat shit Cupcake! And this is coming from a hug boxer :ahahaha:

Reading this after all is a pleasure