Venus in Furs #3 (Ace)

Nowhere near the same thing my guy/girl/etc. Dogs aren’t biotoys and actual animal abuse is not okay.

Once more, all Shitpigs deserve to suffer. Its more fun to torture the ones that know love. Plus, there is no purpose in abusing fictional shitpigs, other then finding joy, just as there is no purpose for hugboxing them either.


Right but fluffies (1) are artificial biotoys—pale imitations of real, sapient beings; and (2) do not actually exist so why are you getting so bent out of shape about them


How cruel and unusual.

I like Reine’s style


not the point I was making I was saying how would you feel if someone killed your pet

If someone killed my actual real life pet I would be devastated.

I also have a toy furby that I would replace if someone broke.


I have the strangest feeling like you’re not going to enjoy part 4 :smiley:


But that wasn’t a pet. It was a biotoy.

Learn the difference. It might save your life! :astonished:


very well thanks for the heads up

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& yet, she chose that particular tidbit out of what was available.
A hint at her other habits, one suspects :frowning_face:

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Hahaha get fucked shitpig. Serves its owner right too for inviting people to a baby shower for a toy. As if “fur parents” weren’t pathetic enough, imagine doing it with a biotoy.


I do like abuse (not the only thing i like related to fluffies) but yeah to but it mildly this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, it’s well written but Reine went too far (Poor Michelle)