Wespeck yuu daddeh Pt 3 (by Morton26)

By now Manwel and Mistah Contini trusted Sandy and Bluebonnet to run around on their own in the garden while the gardeners were working. They were told not to touch any tools, to stay away from the swimming pool (although they didn’t need to be told that), and never to try to go outside the fence or through the gate. One day, Sandy chased Bluebonnet almost as far as the gate, when they both pulled up in shock. Standing outside the gate was a big, moss-green unicorn with a white mane and tail. Crambone, the smarty whose herd they’d fled.

“Fwuffehs come hewe and wisten to smawteh!”, Crambone shouted. Despite themselves, their instinct to obey their smarty made them come over to the gate. Crambone looked straight at Bluebonnet and ignored Sandy.

“Why Bwuebonnet no am Cwambone speciaw fwiend?”, Crambone asked sadly. “Bwuebonnet be smawteh speciaw fwiend, get bestest nummies, awways be safe, hab bestesh smawteh babbehs.”

Bwuebonnet stamped her hoof and puffed her cheeks out. “Bwuebonnet no wan scawwy Cwambone, wub Sandeh. Sandeh nevvah mean tu Bwuebonnet, awways gib huggies and wuv. Smawteh awways busy, nu hab time fow speciaw fwiend except enfies in dawk-time.”

Crambone’s hackles went up. “If yuu wub Sandeh, yuu come wib smawteh.”

“What smawteh mean?”

“If Bwuebonnet come wib Cwambone, be speciaw fwiend, Sandeh stiww wive hewe. If Bwuebonnet no come wib smawteh, smawteh take Bwuebonnet. Gib dummeh Sandeh foweveh-sweepies, but gib wowstest huwties fiwst whiwe Bwuebonnet see.”

A red mist descended on Sandy, and he charged for Crambone. Crambone took a couple of steps back, and Sandy crashed head-first into the gate. His head swam, and he could feel boo-boo juice coming out of his muzzle and hear Crambone laughing at him.

“NUUUUU!”, Bluebonnet screamed. “HATECHU! HATECHU! HATECHU!” Sandy could see some of the gardeners coming towards them, wondering what was happening.

Crambone began to walk away. “Cwambone come back wiv tuffehs. Not next bwight time, mebbe not next next bwight time. But Cwambone come back.”

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you should put your name in the title
