What are people's thoughts about AI art? (Grim)

I suck at drawing and don’t really have the money to spend on hiring artists, so I can understand why AI art would appeal to certain people. And I can also understand why others object to it. But I feel like it’s not going to replace handdrawn art. We live in an industrial society where damn near anything can be cranked out of a machine, but there’s still demand for handcrafted goods.

And there are people who genuinely enjoy the whole process of creating art. The smell of the paint, all the intricate techniques honed by generations of artists, the happy little accidents that can occur. You can’t get that experience with an AI.

Personally, I have no real interest in using AI to create content. It’s fun to screw around with, and it’s funny to hear cartoon characters sing pop songs, but it’s not like I’m gonna start uploading AI generated ChaotiX stories. I’m lazy, but I’m not that lazy.


The whole point of the community is user generated art and stories about small stupid horses. We’re a bunch of folks making art and stories both for our own enjoyment and to entertain each other. That’s really where I see the issue arising. the AI art doesn’t have any understanding or intent behind it. I’d rather see someone collaborate with other artists and writers. People feeding off of and sharing ideas is really at the core of what we’re doing.


Well, I hate it most time. Cause why go a lazy route when you can pratice by drawing it yourself. But the sub section of fluffypony is so small, go for it, I dont care, I wanna see what monstrositys the AI puts out cause it fits in line with the hasbio mutants. But thats just my god awful takes of the matter.

you seem to think that ai art just poof happens, in reality it can take hours of careful tuning to get what you want out of the program- generating a thousand images for every image actually used is not uncommon. Also to truly get what you’re after you need to have a thorough understanding of the subject matter proper.

AI pictures is “kinda” ok, still not thaaaat good (yep, it is :d)
But what scares me most is AI voices, dudes are starting to be able to even make a cartoon character sing nirvana. In some years dudes like that video of a guy voicing Goofy singing bring me to life will be no more important

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AI generated images are fine. And that’s the problem: they’ll never be anything more than “fine.” You’re never going to get a masterpiece out of AI generated content, you’re not going to get a genre defining piece of work, you’re never going to get a game changer. You’re going to get something that is simply “okay.”

Let’s take a look at fluffy art. You feed the entirety of Fluffy-Community into an AI and ask for a comic about a fluffies as food. You’ll get a passable story. You may get a few pictures. What you won’t get is bread fluffs or Inshi’s masterpieces on the subject.

Even worse as AI draws from more AI, it poisons itself and it’s dataset to produce worse and worse content. There’s even poison pill filters you can put on top of art that will literally destroy datasets.

AI art is not going to replace the artist no matter what people want it to do. It can’t make anything new whereas we have been coming up with progressively weirder shit for the past decade or so.

It can be a fun little toy but I think AI goes against the spirit of this weird little niche community.

I know, I know I’m a hypocrite because I use AI voices for humans in my videos but I think fluffy material should be made by the artist.

Like I’ve only ever drawn three fluffies, but even with my limited ability, they have a look that is original to me.

And the AI fluffy stories are pretty generic.

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Side note I have been experimenting a bit just for fun.

I am trying to find the perfect level in between pony and pig.


I mean, we’ve got cow fluffies, and fluffalo, pig fluffies could be the next big thing.

Or maybe I’m telling porky pies.


Pork Pie Fluffs? :glee:



I’m imagining something like this, but with fluffy ears and a tail instead.

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tbh AI art seems really pointless to me personally, I don’t entirely care about it other than scraping existing art without permission, but it really seems kinda lifeless, especially in a community just kinda built around creating this kind of thing to blow off steam or for whatever other reasons folks draw/write about fluffies, yknow? It just takes out a lot of the fun of it all, I think.


Honestly, I don’t think AI art will get really good unless we somehow manage to create a truly sentient, sapient, self-aware AI, and who knows if that’s even possible? Until that happens, AI just can’t create something genuinely new, can it?

And even if we do create self-aware AI, there’s gonna be much bigger problems to worry about than this, so it’s a moot point either way.

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I am morally against AI, especially since now we have companies attempting to use AI to replace the creative jobs in the market. Not saying it’ll ever work well, but the fact they’re even trying is a huge red flag.

I also don’t like it due to the blatant theft of artists works for their databases. I certainly wouldn’t consent to my work being used for AI, but that’s the thing, I don’t have a choice. It nabs it anyway.
And, as much as it might piss people off, you’re not an artist for making AI art. You’re doing the technical stuff of fandangling with the prompts, but you didn’t create the piece. The AI did. It’s like claiming you personally made an art piece you commissioned from someone, because you gave them a detailed description of what you wanted.

That being said, using AI artwork is a personal choice, but I tend to avoid work that uses it. I just don’t like it. If someone uses AI, I think it’s important to let others know it’s AI so they can choose if they want to view it or not.


Babe from Babe Movie Got a Massive Glow up

He got Yassified

Everything built with the finished product in mind. No brush strokes to put the paint on.

I’ve heard it’s already getting incest issues

Firm against. The entire point of our little community is passion at its full extent and range. Ai can take “work” and some degree of creativity but just because its hard doesnt make the passion shine through.


Eh it’s more like you can feel the lack of intention with it, I get the same feeling when looking at certain digital pin up artists (probably because they’re the ones whose art got fed to the beast). I know it’s a meme buzzword but “soulless” is the best descriptor which includes both AI and those popular digital artists

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I’m not against people using it for covers in their writing (as pertaining to this site) because some great writers aren’t artists, but as for image posting? Ehhh. As many others have said, it’s inconsistent and generally not actually all that interesting or good because it’s pretty homogenous, with many issues that are just “off” enough to be jarring or make the image feel cheap.

Part of the joy of this community is the underground and often unpolished or gritty feel to the artwork. There are some stellar artists here to be sure, but the sheer variety of ways people portray their fluffies and the personal flair they give to their hugboxing and abuse is what gives this site its charm.

I’d take someone trying their best to portray their ideas and developing a style worth watching over seeing the same familiar patterns AI gen gives. You’ll never get @BloodyBoots adorable little guys or gr1m’s legendarily grungy style with AI, and that’s a damn shame.