what toys are for fluffies

i don’t know where to ask this so, or if this is the right spaces but i been wondering

there are the normal toys for fluffies i seen, like balls, boxes, and stuff animals, but

what other toys can be given to them

from the normal fluffies, mircos, talkie babbehs, what toys would they be given?


It’s really up to you, I think. I try to imagine the sort of toys that a toddler would be given and, through process of elimination, remove the ones that would prove too dangerous for fluffy. Some might be able to handle something like a simple toy train or car they could push around. For others, Play-Doh could be too much of choking hazard. That’s normal fluffies, though.

For babies, simple things they can nuzzle against that might provide pleasing lights or sounds. Or perhaps, like with puppy training, things that will introduce them to different textures and desensitize them to walking/crawling on them. Letting them (supervised) get experience with exploring strange new objects. Make it a game.

Micros could either use scaled down versions of regular toys or things unique to them and accounting for their size.

Those are my thoughts on the matter anyway. :grinning:


Depends on your HC.

For Broken-By-All style fluffies, nothing off-brand is safe. Hasbio really cashed in by offering branded toys for a reason: if you buy them anything else, they’ll manage to eviscerate themselves on a too-sharp tag, or an errant string, or by searing out their eyes with unapproved colors.

For hardier styles, anything from the kids or pet section at the dollar store will do. Foam blocks, small dolls, crayons, bouncy balls and rubber jacks, a chew rope, kitty jingle balls, washcloths or piles of old unmatched socks they can burrow in, etc.

These are rainbow colored vermin. If you keep them but can’t be bothered to cater to them (basement breeders, overnight rescues, etc) just toss them some empty bottles, game dice, cotton balls, unused sponges, toilet paper tubes, unsharpened pencils, or again some socks or washcloths. They’re real simple creatures.


I just had a cute idea of micro fluffies playing with stuff like Littlest Pet Shop accessories and toys, cuz they’re already super small and perfect size for a micro fluffy.


Depends on canon and the -box being written.

There is of course the joke that Fluffies can kill/hurt themselves with anything. Even just the idea of some toys.

There is the realistic animal approach where whatever is fine for cats or small dogs is fine for them.

The toy parody approach where they need official accessories or functional knockoffs. With additional things for experimental play, like finding out the pegs for Transformer modular guns hold Barbie accessories from a certain decade or He-man being compatible with Kenner Star Wars lines.

The general idea seems to be their programming that boosts their intelligence, to varying degrees of free will or faultiness, makes them prefer some things from birth plus the culture of the humans who buy/raise them recommending and manufacturing certain things. Factor in the idea that certain substances irritate them or common versions for human children are too heavy or big/small, plus people being dumb and going for branding, and you just have people paying a lot for Fluffy versions of basic things. Add in idiot humans+Fluffies or Abuse stories making things worse, so Fluffies get splinters on human stacking blocks. Or Hugbox where the Fluffy given dice to play with can learn math.

Ultimately, it works to suit your story.

I prefer realistic animals+toy parody, so I use breeds and “all of the above” approaches. Some like koalas cannot recognize anything except branded Hasbio merch and have no free will as just flesh Furbys who can suffer, some being 5 year old humans in the body of a horse-shaped bulldog that have little flashes of instructions or insight in their mind sometimes that they can ignore or follow.

For writing the young ones as well as educated Hugbox plus realistic takes on mills that are not just unprofitable industrial abuse I advise watching Kitten Lady on Youtube. She’s the primary online source for learning foster care of small animals, and pioneered new ways to care for previously untreatable conditions like Swimmers Syndrome. Very good info, entertaining, and she gets money for real life good works. Chirpies are universally just baby animals.

Otherwise, browse the toy aisle at your local toy or large department store. Take notes and/or pictures. If you are uncomfortable, try downloading a recent toy catalog and watching online guides and reviews. Talkies are treated like a mix of Chirpy and toddler depending on writer.

Some writers have a midpoint between Talkie and sexually mature adult. Emphasis there on human toys or Fluffy versions of them, with an emphasis on roleplay.

Adults with a teen step seem to want interactive toys. Adults skipping from Talkie to adult either need physically stimulating toys or will just play with balls and blocks their entire life. Sometimes the toy is more for the entertainment of the human, sometimes its default programming. Some learn some basic language or engineering nests from blocks, others just stack three high and throw fits when it falls at four.

If you need help deciding, just ask yourself this: are they people with reduced maximum intelligence, animals with AI toy programming, or flesh tamagotchis that are designed to do the same routines and die so you buy more?



my cat has 4 toy mice, a clump of feathers on a spring, and 2 jingly toys with catnip in them.

which one does she play with the most?

the crumpled up wad of paper.


What about those electric cars?

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Formulate it so it tastes really bitter. They’ll spit it out immediately. My headcanon has crayons like that.


I’m down with that.

I also have a dog who loved the hell out of the bitter apple spray as a puppy and to this day pursues all things spicy, so some of my headcanon is influenced by that giant dork.

I like the idea of nasty tasting crayons. I picture that like 9 volt battery tang nasty. Fun times.

They’re made specifically for fluffies. And they’re first mentioned in this story.

oh yeah lol

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Maybe I should give Marley one of those. Souped up to be as fast as a regular car. He can handle it.

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I figure that if you can already move at supersonic speeds, having a car is just excessive lmao. plus he can turn human he could probably just learn to drive a car

(now you have to recreate the driving episode of dbz but with marley)

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I fucking knew you were gonna say that. I just knew it.

But does that mean he can’t get a car anyway?

Yes. Definitely keeping that idea in mind. Cal doesn’t have a car either, and he might need one soon. He’s not planning to drive it, though…

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