A Choice Is Made (FreshlyPillowed)

“Bubbles” as he’s now known knew only survival, struggling to fulfil even his most basic needs, all he’s knows is suffering and the fight for survival, until he found his special friend, a run away domestic who wanted babbehs, the very idea bubbles didn’t even consider before she appeared in his life begging for help in a world she didn’t know, i guess you could say they were prefect for each other.

heres a quick poll for you guys

Is bubbles a peice of shit for making the choice he did?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters


Bubbles has been struggling & got the opportunity of a lifetime, an opportunity his special friend threw away when she ran away. Only fair he got the chance to have the same experience of having a home. :sunglasses:


I mean… kinda.

I understand why he chose the safety of a good home, but Bubbles knows how hard feral life is and abandoned his family for his own gains.

Even still, staying with his mate and children is obviously the “right” choice, but choosing guaranteed safety over the strong possibility of starvation and heartbreak isn’t a totally unrealistic decision.


Trick question. Fluffies are automatically pieces of shit.


I really like the ‘wuv zone’ lol cute toys/accessories for fluffies tickles my funny bone

As for the question, no. Fluffies don’t have the mental capacity to understand the weight of their choices.


Should die for it. Horribly.


Dude abandoned his wife and child, certifed John Lennon moment


Surprised that the offer is a genuine one, but that just makes it even better. A street rat getting to have a solid roof over its head, free meals, and even its shitty litterbox ( that it BETTER LEARN TO USE AND FAST ) cleaned, versus inevitably dying while failing to keep his formerly pampered ‘special friend’ fed and happy along with their incoming horde of mouths to feed? Debate the morals all you want but this is the choice that leads to a comfortable life ( for now… ).

Who is the smaller fluffy? Did the mare have a sole survivor of a previous litter with her?


No, but he’s a piece of shit for being a fluffy


So ill leave it up to interpretation, kinda go with whatever works for you.

I personally go with hes a foal from a previous mummah/daddeh who was killed off he managed to “wun way” and he bumped into bubble, bubble saw him as a “impromptu nummie finder” and in return he can protect him (the best a fluffy can), after time the foal just kind of started to call him daddeh due to their bond and his reliance on bubble

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from our perspective, no, because they were all going to die barring some miracle. he couldn’t save his family either way, so he might as well save himself.

from his perspective, yes, because feral fluffies don’t know they’re going to die young, they just know life sucks out there. as far as he knows, he is picking wealth over family and that’s it.

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Bubbles feeling guilty about dooming his special friend and his unborn babbehs then the sketti smell hits his nostrils. :shrug:



A selfish shitrat is a selfish shitrat and should be abused.

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