Cloud didn’t know much about the world. He was just a baby, after all. He was one of ten foals born to his Momma, Sky - a cyan pegasus with a white mane. Cloud didn’t remember most of his siblings. Only five lived to be talkie babies. His brothers were nummie babies, and his sisters were… selected for other purposes by his daddy, Smarty.
His light blue pegasus brother Wingy was momma’s bestest baby - he drank three times the milk of the others and was significantly larger.
Momma’s dancie baby was named Grape, and he looked just like Daddy with a purple coat of fluff.
His sister was named Orange because her fur was orange like Daddy’s mane.
Cloud was all white with little wings. When clean, his fur was pristine, shiny, and pretty, but out in the woods, after crawling around and getting dirty, his coat could be quite dull and stained brown. He was rather small.
He had another sister, a poopy baby runt who didn’t get a name. She was spared her fate because Daddy wanted her to eat poop to keep the nest clean. She survived the first few weeks of her life stealing milk while Momma was asleep.
Cloud was the next in line to be a nummie baby, but as luck would have it Smarty recovered a treasure trove of food - an abandoned box of donuts, which he dragged back from the bus stop just outside the woods.
So Cloud lived. He lived long enough to begin talking and walking and playing. His tail fluff had begun coming in, growing lily-white like the rest of his fur.
He often played by himself, because his family called him ugly. his siblings, except his poopy sister, bullied him often, giving him stompies and biting him. He only ever got the last drops of his Momma’s milk, and often had fierce stomach pain from hunger.
One day, Daddy came to the family and declared he had found a special place where they could get unlimited food and water and be safe from other animals and herds. Momma was pregnant again and needed a safe place that was protected from the cold. He demanded they all start following him, but Cloud’s poopy sister couldn’t. She could only walk a few steps at a time, as she was severely malnourished and underdeveloped.
“Dummeh poopeh babbeh huwwy up!” Sky demanded.
Smarty grew impatient with her meandering though and walked right to her. “Hewd nu nee’ stupi’ poopeh babbeh nu mowe… gu foweva sweepies!”
With one stomp, her neck broke and her fragile, underdeveloped skull cracked. She let out a series of distressed peeps and chirps, and Cloud winced in fear. He felt terrible… he always liked his sister, and seeing her crying for help hurt his heart.
The second one caved her head in, and Daddy walked away from her. He went right up to Cloud. “Yu awe new poopeh nummie babbeh. Yu gib poopeh pwace wickie cweans ow get sowwy stompies!”
Cloud whimpered, but followed his family nonetheless.
They marched through the woods until they came across a strange perfectly flat wall of wood his Momma called a “fence”. Though the fence was impenetrable, partway along there was a hole burrowed by some other creature - perhaps a wild rabbit - that led underneath.
First his Daddy slipped through. Then Momma, who struggled to fit, then Wingy, Grape, Orange, and finally Cloud.
The world on the other side of the fence was amazing. The yard was covered in a gentle layer of soft, crisp, perfect grass. On the far end there was a back porch with patio furniture and a barbecue, attached to a large stone human house. Lining the back porch was a row of beautiful flowers in all kinds of colors. in the yard itself, there was a metal shed with a sliding door, that Cloud’s Daddy called a “Metaw Housie” which was to be their new home. Just beside the shed was a small vegetable garden with cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, and some herbs.
“Babbehs come get miwkies!” Momma Sky called. Of course Wingy used his fat hooves to push Cloud out of the way and get to Momma first. He was joined by Grape, whom she pushed off after a few moments to let Orange drink too, while Wingy continued to monopolize her left breast.
Cloud walked over once Orange stopped drinking, but he was struck in the face by her strong hoof.
“NU! Dummeh Poopeh Babbeh nu steaw miwkies!”
“Nu am poopeh babbeh!” he let out an involuntary peep. “Am Cwoud! Why Mummeh nu wub babbeh nu mowe?”
“Shaddup ugwy stoopi’ poopeh babbeh ow get sowwy hoofsies!”
But Cloud tried to come close to her again, so she screamed “SMAWTY! BAD DUMMEH POOPEH PWACE CWEANEW BABBEH TWY TU STEAW MIWKIES!”
His Daddy rushed over and stomped him into the ground, then picked him up in his teeth and tossed him away from Momma.
“Take sowwy poopies dummeh!” Cloud looked up at the worst time, as his dad buried him in a large, hot pile of semi-solid feces. It burned Cloud’s eyes and the stench stung his nose, and he “screeeeeeeee’d” and whined and sobbed loudly.
“Yu bettew num aww da poopies!” Daddy said. “ow yu gu foweva sweepies! Now gib wicky cweans!”
Cloud gagged and vomited but under threat of death he licked his Daddy’s fur under his tail clean, then he sat back in the pile of waste and sobbed. “Huuhuuhuu Cwoud am usewess dummeh poopeh babbeh… nu wan num poopies… nu wan be ugwy poopeh babbeh… huuhuu Cwoud nu am bad babbeh… Nu faiw…”
Suddenly there was a strange sound Cloud had never heard before as his Daddy walked over to the vegetable garden and began feasting on it. a rumbly “grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” sound.
From behind the shed a massive beast stepped out. A king shepard dog, at least 150 lbs, stared down the fluffy family, teeth barred.
“Bawkie munstah!” Sky screamed, and protectively gathered the babies she liked around her.
Daddy stood his ground and faced the beast. “GU ‘WAY STOOPI’ BAWKIE MUNSTAH! DIS SMAWTY WAND NOW!”
The dog barked and it sounded like thunder, causing all of the fluffies to evacuate their bowels in terror.
Cloud’s Daddy began to lose his nerve, and suddenly he tried to run, but the beast was on him in a second.
“SPECIAW FWEN NUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Sky screamed as the dog sunk his teeth into Daddy’s throat, picked him up, whipped him around, and threw him, dead, toward Momma.
Momma began to cower. “Nuuu! Nu huwt Sky! Sky is soon-mummah! Take Owange babbeh fow nummies!” She picked up Orange, who “Screeeeee’d”, and threw her toward the dog.
The dog caught orange in his mouth and when his jaw clamped down around her, her body exploded into a bloody pulp.
Momma in that moment stomped the back legs of both Grape and Wingy, disabling them, and she turned and fled, abandoning her babies.
The dog watched her waddle away for a moment, then he gave chase, his paws stomping Grape and Wingy in the process. Every bone in their bodies was crushed. Grape’s eyes exploded out of his head, and part of his skull was trampled, so he was fortunate enough to die instantly. Wingy however was not. He was forced to bleed out in agonizing pain as his back half was crushed, choking on his own blood.
The dog caught up to Momma, and tore her back leg off with one bite.
She screamed as the dog bit into her other back leg, crippling it. The beast rolled her over with his paw, and ripped her throat out, unceremoniously ending her life.
Cloud was terrified beyond belief, but he had to escape. He was close to the hole… it wouldn’t take him long to run. He made a break for it, but the dog ran over and jumped in front of him. The beast lowered it’s head, growling and snarling, and Cloud shook as it’s snout drew closer.
Finally Cloud bowed his head and covered his eyes with his front hooves, accepting that this is how he was to die.
Suddenly a loud voice boomed “SAVAGE, SIT!”
Cloud peeked up from behind his hooves and saw the beast sitting, playfully wagging his tail. He heard steps approaching from behind, and for a while he was too terrified to look.
“God damn lawn invasion… gonna have to get the hose. I hope you didn’t swallow any of these godless shitrats, they always give you diarrhea.”
The voice drew closer and closer, until finally Cloud heard the steps cease right behind him.
“Well well well, what do we have here? A survivor… covered in shit no less. I assume you’re the unloved one?”
Cloud looked over his shoulder. The man was tall and lanky, with long curly hair and a beard, and glasses. He wore black jeans and a burgundy button-up shirt, his sleeves rolled up.
He stared down at Cloud. “So shitrat, did you touch my vegetables?”
“Nu nice munstuh, nu touch pwetty gween and wed and yewwow and owange nummies… Mummeh and Daddeh say Cwoud am stoopi’ poopeh babbeh, num poopies…”
“Do you wanna live, Cloud?”
The white foal nodded eagerly.
Life Cycle notes (obviously this is just my headcanon, and this is more for myself than for anyone else, don’t @ me):
Newborn stage - 0 days - Foals are born with a very thin layer of fur, so thin that the colors are hard to make out. They need to have their first feed within a couple of hours or they will have developmental problems and potentially die.
Chirpy stage - 1-14 days - Foals eat every 2-3 hours, their main fur color comes in, and their eyes remain closed until between the 8th and 10th day of their lives. They will begin saying their first words around the two week mark. Without milk they will die.
Talky stage - 14-28 days - Foals at this point eat milk every 6 hours. They can talk, their tail fluff has come in revealing their secondary colors, their mane starts to come in, and they can walk, though they don’t like to stray from their mom. Some talky babies can survive without milk if they are fed soft foods that don’t require teeth, but they will suffer developmental issues and they may experience stunted growth or become derped.
Weanling stage - 1-2 months - Foals have their teeth start to come in at roughly 28 days, and they are transitioned to solids. Their mane and tail are fully in, they are a lot more active and prone to exploring their surroundings, and they start to develop independence.
Adolescence stage - 2-6 months - At this point the fluffy is no longer a foal, but either a colt or a filly (depending on gender. They will begin experiencing sexual maturity during this stage - a colt’s testes will drop and he will begin to be capable of experiencing erections. The ovaries in fillies will develop to allow them to become pregnant. Fillies and mares do not experience menstration or heats, once they reach sexual maturity they are always fertile (assuming no medical issues). Colts and Fillies may leave their families or herds to find other fluffies.
Adulthood stage - 6 months - 8 years - Colts and fillies grow up to be stallions and mares. Now fully matured, they will stop growing, with stallions clocking in at an average of 15 lbs and mares being an average of 12 lbs. In early adulthood, Stallions and mares will actively begin searching for their mates. Stallions will leave a herd if they cannot find a mate.
Senior stage - 8-12 years - Fluffies generally do not live past 12 years even with the best care. The oldest living fluffy ever was 16. A senior or “grayfluff” fluffy will experience a significant dulling in their coats. As they approach the senior stage, they will grow more lethargic and sedentary, and will experience a rapid drop in sexual drive until it is non-existent. Senior fluffies are moody and temperamental, often clashing with smarty fluffies, however they are good with foals. Their sense of smell, vision, and hearing will begin to fade, and they may start losing teeth. They will also grow more frail and fragile. After 10 years they may start developing memory problems and becoming incontinent. Less than 5% of all fluffies live to their senior stage.