Hard for you to make poopies with my foot in your ass
Calm your tits, it probably just stepped on a beeeeeee!
(Love the name on the collar)
See I get the reference @Mexi, I am cool, I’m hip with the kids!
Even though I have been banned from the local playgrounds for reasons.
Yes, it would be and that is why your insolent ass is spending the night in the sorry-box.
This feels like scorched Earth to me Amber…
Great work as always Mexi
I think a bratty little fluffy is asking to take the painful route to skettiland so I can have a nice savory roast and a perfectly gorgeous black pelt.
Damned good art, tho!
Do it do it so it let me be justified in my rage, make me make you dead you FUCJ
That’s a nice bed…FOR ME TO POOP ON!
Hi Amber
Abusers shudder with excitement at the prospect of getting an excuse to vivisect the fluffy.
Good for u mind if i poop back when u sleep
Say goodbye to your ability to shit then. I’m grabbing the hot glue gun
if that shit-rat tries drop at least one milligram of poop in my bed im gonna make sure to fuse her face with her ass and sew it so i turn it into a self-fluffy-centipede.
We need one?
If you even DARE THINK about making any type of poopies on my Weighted Blanket you will be buying me a new one
You poop in my be I poop in yours, the only difference is I will clean my sheets after you shit on them
Hahaha. Eat shit and die you unwanted fuck nugget.
I know what you’re thinking, shitrat.
You’re thinking “dummeh munstah no wook wike fluffy daddeh, maybeh no eben have sowwy stick”. Maybe you’re thinking you can make sorry poopies on my bed, jump out the window, and run away before I can catch you. And maybe you’re right.
But what if you’re not?
What if I can catch you?
What if I own the BFSS-9000, the most powerful sorry stick available to modern consumers, capable of frying your flank clean off your ass bones?
So you need to ask yourself a very important question, shitrat: “Do fwuffy feew wucky?”
Well, do ya, punk?