A concerned owner posted this on the community notice board with the message: "My fluffy drew this, can anyone make sense of it?" (by Newb_ronswek)


They want to express themselves artistically.

Buy them a Red Drum.


FluffyHag616: You have a jellenheimer problem man, a bad one. Is the fluffy a mare? If so get her fixed ASAP. Or get rid of her, if you can’t afford it.


Means buy a fluffy sized coffin or urn, or taxidermy

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do any of the fluffs have Russian ancestry? this is classic prodromal Bozdo ideation


I love it dunno why

it means it’s time for a new fluffy my dude

He wants to get violated by tentacles.

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They’re hesitant about pursuing their goals (Or some other therapist shite).

Yayedyaum? Must be a new video game or something. Try searching Google or Yandex for it.

invest in a poop plug but be prepared to clean up a mess anyway