A Daddeh's pwight. (by no_sketti_on_tuesdays)

A little bit of hugbox before the torture of Princess. Lol. This is one I’ve thought about for a bit. I based the dad fluffy on an old dog an ex had. He would just lay in the window looking depressed all day. Lol.
Don’t worry guys. I’ll hopefully satisfy your fluffy bloodlust with the next one. For now. Enjoy folks.

“Otay Speciaw fwen. Daddeh am go fin moh nummies foh babbehs! Daddeh wub babbehs. Wub Speciaw fwen! Be back soonsies!”
These were the last words you ever said to your family. It’s been many bright times since you’ve last seen them.

Let’s back up a bit. Your name is Patrick. Though you didn’t have a name until you met the nice lady. You were satisfied with being called Daddeh and Speciaw fwen in your old family.
You’re a pink earthy stallion with a blue mane.
You had a pretty blue special friend. You two used to live in a boxie nestie in an alleyway. Life was hard but you had love.
You still have love now but… It’s different. You lay in the window of your human mummahs house staring out at the sky wawah.

You sometimes still see your babbehs in Sleepytime pictures. You see them grown up all big and strong. Only to wakies and be snapped back to reality. Let’s go back to that fateful bright time.

~ several years ago ~

You’ve just left the alleyway you know as home. You can still hear your babbehs telling you bye. You wish you could spend more time with your babbehs but you’re the Daddeh. You gotta find Nummies. Your babbehs started eating solid food last bright time but they still rely on your special friends miwkies.
Soon they’ll be big enough they can help you find Nummies. You’ll be a nice little herd.

You make your way down the sidewalk. You stay as close to the buildings as you can trying to avoid unwanted attention. Most humans tended to just ignore you if you stayed out of their way. You trotted your way down exactly two left turns and three housies from your nestie. That’s where the humans have trashies that are easy to get to.
You see that there’s a couple extra bags today. Good. The last bag was getting slim on Nummies.

With your teefies you tear a hole in the side of the bag. Jackpot. Inside was a half eaten container of skettis. Well. Sort of skettis. You’ve heard humans call it lo mein, But they’re dummehs. Looks like sketties to you. You grab it by its metal handle. Suddenly you hear.
“So you’re the one tearing into my trash.”
Before you know it you’re being lifted up by your neck scruff.
A big round man dressed in an apron holds you up.
“Pwease mistah. Wet fwuffy go. Hab babbehs. Nee bwing dem Nummies!”
You plead.

“That may be kid but I need my trash intact. City halls already bitched at me twice. You’re lucky I’m not an abuser.”
Suddenly he stuffs you in a boxy. You pound your hoofsies on the side.
“Pweeaaase mistah wet fwuffy out! Babbehs nee Daddeh! Babbehs nee Nummies! Dey go fowevew sweepies wiffout Daddeh! Speciaw fwen! HEWP! BABBEHS! PWEASE WET DADDEH GO! NEE BABBEHS!”

You hear a loud VROOM. You can tell you’re moving but you don’t know where. You scream and beg the mister to let you out but he stays quiet.
Your mind goes to your children. Your little pink babbeh filly that looked just like you. The blue Filly who was just starting to get pink tufts for her mane.
Your orange pointy colt. Your only pointy babbeh. Lastly your white wingy colt. You loved them. You NEED to get back to them.

Finally you stop moving. You feel the box picked up.
“Hi welcome to Great Wheels Of Sketti. How many I help you.”
You hear a woman say.
“Found this big guy getting into my trash. Figured it’d be best to bring him here.”
You hear the mister say.
Suddenly the top opens. You see a red haired human lady looking down at you.
“Oh well aren’t you a handsome little guy.”
You look up at the lady.
“Pwease nice wady. Wet fwuffy go. Fwuffy hab babbehs. Nee fin Nummies an gu backsies ta nestie.”

She looks at you with a sad expression.
“Oh I’m sorry little guy. I can’t just turn you free. I’m sure your babies will be fine. Anyway let’s get you cleaned up.”
She took you into another room and put you into a large metal tub. Normally you don’t like wawah but it was so warm. It felt so pretty.

“Alright big guy. We have a few rules here.”
Before she goes on you interject.
“Fank ou foh baffies nice wady. Buh fwuffy nee git homesies. Nee git back to babbehs. Dey wewy on Daddeh ta bwing Nummies foh miwkies. Pwease nice wady. Wet fwuffy go.”
She shakes her head and grabs your talky place. Holding it shut.
“Look I’m gonna be honest with you. I can’t let you go. It’s illegal to release you back into the streets. I’m sure your babies will be fine. Now. Rules.
Rule 1. Don’t interrupt me while I’m talking.
Rule 2. You will be going into the adult stallion pin.
Rule 3. No special Huggies.
Rule 4. Act cute. Be nice. Give Huggie leggies to new humans. Ya never know. One of them could be your new mummah and daddy. You have thirty bright times to get adopted.
Any questions?”

She asked.
You shook your head no not being able to speak.
“Good. Now let’s let you meet your new friends.”
She takes you out into a big pretty room. There were all kinds of Fluffies in different pins. The walls were colorful with pictures of Fluffies playing painted on it. A TV above every pin with fluff TV showing. She walks over and sits you in a pin with other stallions. Immediately one walks up to you.
“Hewwo! Nyu Fwen?”
He asks. Your ears perk up.
“Fwuffy be nyu fwen!”
Other stallions come over asking you to be their new friend too. You meet quite a few. You’ve never been around this many other Fluffies before.

“What am ou namesies?”
One asks.
“Fwuffy nu hab namesies. Awways jus cawwed fwuffy.”
The nice lady still standing behind you speaks up.
“Well that’s not gonna do. Hmm… Big and pink. We’ll call you Patrick.”
You… You have a name.
“Fwuffy… Fwuffy am Patwick? Huuhuuhuu fank ou nice wady!”
She scratches you behind the ears and walks off. Behind her through the little fence of your enclosure you see the foal pin. The talky babbehs play Huggie tag. They run and play happily. Your babbehs would love it he-… Your babbehs.

You feel a weggie wrap around you.
“Is Otay Patwick. Ou am safe in shewtew hewd!”
A big white fluffy says.
Sniffle fank ou fwen buh it am nu otay. Patwick hab Speciaw fwen an babbehs back outside. Dey nee daddeh ta bwing Nummies. Sob now Daddeh stuckies hewe. Babbehs gun… Gun go fowevew sweepies huuhuuhuu.”
You start hearing other huuhuus around you.
The fluffy giving you Huggies talks.
“Dat am tuu saddies Patwick. B…buh Cotton undastan. Cotton had Speciaw fwen tuu befoh cum ta shewtew.”
He says.

Another red fluffy speaks up.
“Huuhuu chewwy nu hab babbehs ow Speciaw fwen buh… Chewwy miss mummah! HUUHUUU! Why mummah dummeh Speciaw fwen bwing chewwy tu shewtew!”
One by one every other stallion sings a tale of woes. Some not as bad as yours. Some much worse.
“D…den munstah Daddeh wip off Hawowds Speciaw wumps an… An- HUUHUUHUU! MAKE HAWOWD NUMMIE!”
A green stallion yells while holding the stitched up scar that was once his special lumps.

“Evewyfwuffy hab saddies… Am sowwy. Patwick nu knu makin sad wawahs would make evewy udda fwuffy saddies tu. Just… Just miss famiwy! WAAHAAHAAHAAH!”
After several more minutes of every fluffy in the joint slowly starting to cry. A bell rings. Suddenly the Fluffies perk up.
Sniffle it am Nummie timsob fwens!”
The door opens and the nice lady brings in a wagon full of bowls of Nummies. You’ve never seen so many Nummies in one place. She sits them down. One for each fluffy.
“Okay guys. Quit yer whining and eat up.”

You started eating. You’ve learned to never turn down a free meal under any circumstances. Nummies are too hard to come by.
You aren’t used to having this many Nummies at once. Your special friend told you stories of kibble Nummies but you’ve never actually had any. It’s… Good. No fuzzies or dirt. No icky rot wawahs or anything. You’ve dreamt of being able to take Nummies like this home to your special friend but… Here you are. Trapped and lost. Even if you ran off you wouldn’t know how to get back. You look out the window beside your pin and recognize nothing. You’ve never been to this part of the human townsie before.

You finish your Nummies and sulk in front of the window. Almost like you’re doing now. Your stay at the shelter was an enjoyable one. You had friends, food, and fun, but the thought of your family never left your thinky place. It weighed heavily on your conscience. Eventually the time came when a human came in and you happened to be the lucky fluffy.
“Oh what’s wrong little guy. You look sad?”
A nice brown haired lady asks.
“It am nuffin nice wady. Patwick just miss famiwy am aww.”
You say.

You felt her hand gently stroke your mane.
“Oh that’s not good… Say how would you like to be my family? Do you want a new mommy Patrick?”
The thought never crossed your thinky place. Sure every fluffy here was ecstatic at the thought of a new mummah or Daddeh. You… Well it certainly is a nice thought but you still wanted to get back to your family. Still. A loving human mummah is probably better than the shelter. Maybe she’ll help you find your foals.

“Weawy? Nice wady be Patwicks nyu mummah?.. YAY! Patwick wub nyu mummah!”
And with that you were adopted and whisked away.
You were soooo happy with new mummah. She gave you Huggies and sketti. Fresh, warm, REAL Sketti.
Eventually you gained the courage to ask.
“Mummah… Can… Can we fin Patwicks owd famiwy… Speciaw fwen stiww hab babbehs. An… Patwick wan kno babbehs am otay.”
To your surprise. She said yes. You tried your best to describe the place to your nyu mummah.

Luckily there was only one place in town that served Lo mein. A Chinese restaurant on the east end of town.
Finally after deciphering your directions you see it.
The alley that you called homesie for so long.
Your mummah hooks the leash to your collar and lets you out. You immediately take off practically pulling your mummah down the alleyway.

You run and run and… YOU SEE IT! Your boxie nestie.
Suddenly a horrid smell hits your smell place. You stop. You know that smell all too well.
You can feel tears already welling in you see places. You walk forward. You see what looks like a decomposed arm with pieces of blue fluff still sticking to it.
“… Nu… Nu nu nU NU NUUHUUHUU!”
You run and pull up the flap you used as a door. To your horror you see the remains of your special friend. Thin and half eaten by maggots and flies. Behind her you see two small skeletons… Babbeh skeletons.

You grab the babbeh bones and pull them close.
Sniffle d…daddeh’s hewe babbehs… Daddeh’s heeheeheeheeewe BUUHUUHUU! Am sowwy. Daddeh am sowwy babbehs! Daddeh twy! Twy am be bestest Daddeh sniffle b-b-buh am WOWSTEST DADDEH EVA! WAAAHAAHAAHAAAAAA! BABBEHS! DADDEH WUB BABBEHS! BLURCH!!
At the site of your deceased family you make sicky wawahs. Your mummah stands behind you. Must be in shock you suppose.
You sit up. Letting the bones of what were once your precious little babbehs drop to the ground.

“Patrick… I’m here for you buddy.”
Mummah says.
“Buh… Patwick nu undastan… Patwick hab…hab fouw babbehs… Mummah ou fink babbehs am stiww awibe?”
You ask.
Mummahs frown and unsure look tells you all you needed to know.
Your entire family.
Your special friend.
Pink babbeh.
Blue babbeh.
Orange babbeh.
And white babbeh.
All gone. All forever sleepies.

Mummah picks up the boxie and you go back home.
Your mummah digs a hole in the backyard.
You walk up to your rotted special friend.
“… Am sowwy Speciaw fwen. Patwick am Daddeh nu moh.”
You give her cheek one last licky.
Mummah buried her and your babbehs. Putting up a wooden cross.

That was two cold times ago. After a while mummah asked you if you wanted to have babbehs again. While you would love more babbehs you don’t even wanna take the chance of ever going through that again.

Back to today. You sit in the window watching it rain outside. Your mummah is getting her coat and shoesies on. Today’s your first day of playgroup. She tells you that it’ll be good for you. Your fluffy doctor recommended it to your mummah. You’re sure you’ll have fun but it’ll never last. The saddies always come backsies.

Your mummah puts on your rain Bootsies and off you go in her vroom vroom machine.
You stop in front of a big pretty building.
You get out and stay close to mummah under her umbrella on the way in.
The hallway is pretty. Pretty pictures of Fluffies on the walls playing and having fun.
You can hear a lot of Fluffies in different rooms as you pass by. Finally you get to the counter. A nice mistah sits behind it.
“Can I help you folk?”
He asks with a smile.

They make talkies for a minute. You hear the door open again. You look behind you and see a man coming in with a blue and pink mare. You focus back on your mummah. You can hear the mare talking.

“Daddeh can fwosing hab da pwetty tastin paw-mee-shawn cheesies on hew sketti dis Dawkie tim?”
She asks her daddeh.
“Of course ya can frosting. I buy it for you. I can’t stand the stuff.”
Her Daddeh responds. Suddenly a strangely familiar smell enters your smell place.
Sniff sniff… Mummah. Wha dat pwetty smeww?”
You ask. Your mummah ignores you and continues talking to the man. You’ve smelled this before but you can’t quite place where.

You turn around and realize it’s coming from this strange mare. She notices you.
“Hi nyu fwen! I’m fwos …”
Her eyes go wide.
“… D… Daddeh?”

You realize that this beautiful smell is the scent of your foals. A smell all fluffy parents have ingrained in them from the minute the babbehs pop out.
“Bwue babbeh?.. BWUE BABBEH!!!”
You jerk away from your mummah taking the leash out of her hand.
You embrace your babbeh. Now a big fluffy.
You say as you give Huggies.

The nice man let’s you and your blue babbeh sit in the lobby with your mummah and her Daddeh.
You learn exactly what happened after you were abducted. The hunger. The death.
“Buh. Patwick nu undastan babbeh. Patwick onwy see two babbehs bonesies. Am pink sissy awive too?”
You ask with your tail wagging.
She looks at you with a somber expression.
Your question answered.
“Sissy was fiwstest babbeh to hab fowevew sweepies. Mummah… Mummah num sissy… Nee make miwkies foh awive babbehs… Dos was da wast miwkies we eva hav.”

After learning what happened to your family not much changed. They were still gone. And you know the saddies will eventually come backsies.

But for now… You feel alright. You’re sitting here with the babbeh you thought lost. Your lastest babbeh all grown upsies. Nothing can erase what happened but you feel better knowing you have someone who understands. You have your blue babbeh Frosting. And to you. That’s all that matters.

The story from Frostings POV.


Now see, I blame the restaurant owner for this one.

I get that he’s been bitched at by city hall and I understand why he sends Patrick to the shelter. But if you have one Fluffy telling you there’s a whole family of Fluffies in the general area, surely it would make more sense to get rid of the whole family to make sure none of them break into your trash again?

Now you could argue that getting rid of the dad will mean that mum and the kids will stay in hiding and starve, which is pretty much what happened here, but if mum got desperate enough she might have gone looking and found that same box of lo mein.

Getting rid of the family unit gets more Fluffies off the street and prevents Fluffies from spiraling into anxiety and depression.

Ah well, at least Patrick got one of his kids back, bittersweet is still somewhat sweet.


Yeah he got a lil hope now seeing Frosting. Yet so tragic like any feral family in alleys.

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Lemme guess: that cameo mare is Princess from her demanding rant sounds like her.

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At least Patrick got to see one of his kids again. Now I await Princess’ suffering.

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Cameo mare? I don’t think I put one in this story.

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Imma try to make it worth the wait. Lol

oh gosh i feel so so bad for patrick, he tried so so hard. at least he now has one of his babys

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Screeeeeeeeeeeee! :glee: maybe steve can get himself a special freind when frosting visits patrick, not sure on the mummahs age but hey options are available :omg:

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