Oh gosh! That’s a great question! I presume you want an abusive ending? Maybe since Terry found her useless as a feral breeder he abandons her and her foals? Or maybe he kills her and the foals, since he doesn’t se any value in them?
Awesome story! cant wait to see what happens to the smarty and her bad foals
I don’t care if people say it’s cliché or boring but I like poopie justice/happy endings and them making pretty babbehs
Kick her out, leaving her exposed to the elements and predators while keeping the foals as punishment pals for Susie’s foals.
Yeah, it’s like a good RomCom. You know exactly what you’re signing up for, but at the very least you know you’re in it for the ride!
Give Trisha’s foals to Susie, Susie gets six babies while Trisha gets none.
At least learn what a Punnett square is, anyway.
My mother used to run an advice line for dog owners (before the internet made that redundant) and she always warned people that breeding dogs is a hobby and not a profession, because to get quality product you end up spending more on the care of the animals up to saleable age than you get by selling them. A pedigree puppy can go for £500 or more, but that risks barely covering vet fees.
I’m gonna say it. I think the “poopie fluffies” are prettier than the pink eyesores. To me pink is such a gaudey color. Pink isn’t even a real color, it’s just red diluted with white. Actually, I wonder if they could be conditioned to see pink as ugly.
Litter pal?
You’re allowed to have an opinion. However, your opinion is just factually wrong.
Pink is the best colour ever.
I will fight you to the death over this.
But it’s the color of Smarties and Bitch Mares
That is super unfortunate. Pink still reigns supreme.
I recognize that fluffy coiffure
To be honest, those dull colors aren’t really that bad. Don’t really care for bright, sparkly or neon colors. I don’t even care if they’re an alicorn or not. I’m honestly always quite surprised that’s the annoyingly bright colors that sell well, and not the duller and darker colors. I guarantee you that in many places, it would be the opposite of the desired colors.
(This is why the stereotype of dog and horse breeders is independently wealthy ladies, at least in the UK. You can’t make money off the breeding itself.)
Love the short story! Terry has a lot to learn if he wants to keep working in the fluffy breeding business.
Trisha can become and amputee and be a milkbag or be sold as one to a Fluffyvet.
Susie has a bright future ahead, if she is still giving good foals then Terry should gift her a permanent special friend for her.
Is a lovely story, if a secuel is possible, I gladly read it.