A doctors pets pt3 (xnight)

Now that they are asleep he begins to turn the soon mammeh into a breeder ironically so he can create the beings for his army to purge fluffys from existence A doctors pets pt2(xnightx)


I really like your fluffy style, and like where this is going, so I don’t want to pull focus from your story too much. That being said…

That vagina panel…


Lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Sometimes it’s hard to read your handwriting. Maybe it’d be a good idea to write/ retype what’s being said in each panel in the description

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Yea sorry I’m usually at work when I’m working on them I’ll go over them in pen later

Most of the time I can read it. Sometimes I have a hard time going over pencil marks with pen when I draw. So maybe a black thin tip marker would work better :slight_smile:

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I’ll invest in better writing utensils

Depending on fluffies for power is never a wise move. It’s like that one story where Antichrist was born in the body of a fluffy. Power of hell or not, a fluffy can’t do much with it.

Lmao true but the powers arnt from demons and the creatures are separate entities from fluffys they just inhabit their body’s like a camouflage they are in the doctors blood they just need a host