A Dumb Hypothetical Game Concept(byButtonBack)

Okay so I had this stupid game concept floating around in my brain (that probably won’t become an actual thing unless I somehow relearn coding) and if anybody has ideas or constructive criticism let me know! I’ll try to flesh this out more.
Ok so basically it involves a fluffy and another kind of biotoy creature(what kind will be a surprise and will get a reference drawn up for the species.) getting separated by their owner somehow and having to try and reunite without dying to a myriad of monsters.
You would have the choice to play as either both character or play exclusively as one or the other with pros and cons to each. The Fluffy sections would be more difficult to traverse and focus more on puzzles and stealth, while the other half of the duo is more combat-centered but depending on the scenario will also have stealth and puzzles. Some puzzles will need both others will need just one or the other.
-The Cat Lich: a cat lady who has unknowingly become immortal, after feeding on her dead cats souls. She would not believe that she is the one killing her cats, as well as any Fluffies or other bio-creatures, that come her way and believes that other forces are the ones doing it and not her. Will probably be a more combative boss if pushed too far. Her area would be an overgrown trailer park, tree leaves draping the area in darkness. It would appear mostly abandoned, if not for the Fluffies and cats.

-The Death Angel
A worker at an animal shelter driven mad for one reason or another, believes to be “saving” animals from existence. No creature be it a dog, cat, or other creature are safe from this person’s “mercy”. More of a puzzle boss with some combat, may involve switching between the fluffy and other creature.
And that is currently what I have down for concepts, I’ll probably try to add on more about concepts for the duo, as well as possible areas to explore as well as lore.


ohhhh that sounds like fun

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Thank you! I may create character designs eventually! As well as flesh out my own Fluffy headcanon more.

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