Dingleberry was her name and she was a simple, green, garden variety microfluffy.
She had been living in a glass prison for the last three weeks. It was a difficult balancing act at first, making sure her daily excretions did not add to her slowly rising threat, as her prison was never cleaned. The mare had taken to designating a tiny area to make her business in before immediately lapping it up. It was nasty business that made her vomit on several occasions but it was unfortunately necessary, it was a fair trade.
Dingleberry was fortunate in one respect however, she had a near unlimited supply of food. Her meals came daily, deposited directly by her owner in the form of a thick sticky goop that showered over her head before abruptly stopping. In fact that was the only time the top of her cylindrical home was opened, although suffocating was not on the table due to the five holes stabbed into the silver roof that would be opened and then resealed on a daily basis.
It wasn’t all bad however as Dingleberry had neighbours in the garage. One white Pegasus stallion called Nut, one rather fat orange unicorn called Chunk (although he insisted that everyone call him Smarty, which nobody did) and then finally the newest addition to the family was a little pink filly called Clit.
All of them were trapped in identical prisons that were huddled together under the shared warmth of the lamp’s spotlight, a light that stayed on at all times. Unfortunately the heat from the lamp would cause their slowly rising food supply, the goop, to smell worse than you could possibly imagine. And of course this made the process of eating it very difficult.
It had been agreed upon by all four captives that they should eat their meals as soon as they are delivered without complaint or delay, otherwise the goop would harden into a deep brown, putrid substance that utterly destroyed the delicate noses of fluffies and would lead to sickness and then eventually “foweba sweepies”, it was a fair trade.
They had learned this by unfortunately witnessing those who had come before them as they would slowly fade out and be replaced. Some would die for refusing to eat the goop leading to the affirmationed sickness. But sometimes they would pass due to starvation, intentionally drowning themselves to be rid of their torment and on one occasion knocked their glass prison over in a fruitless effort to escape, causing its tube like body to roll off of the table and directly onto the concrete floor. They never saw what happened to Smegma, they only heard screams for hours about “shawpie hewties” and “da worstest boo boo wawa” until he went silent. That was the time their owner came home and was very angry with what he saw. He was so furious in fact that he took a blow torch and placed it under another now long gone friend’s prison and cooked him as he was berated and blamed for the death of his fellow inmate… The blackest irony of all was that it was Smegma’s fault.
“PWEASE DADDEH! JIZZIM NU DU ANYTING! NU AM JIZZIM FAWT! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BEWNIEEEEEEEEESSS!” Dingleberry’s friend cried in his final moments before being boiled in his own syrupy dinner.
But that was a long time ago and many new faces have came and went since then. Nut had been there before everyone else and it was his advice that kept everyone else alive when they first got there. Dingleberry really liked Nut, he reminded her of her Daddeh, her real Daddeh from the fluffmart she was born in.
“SMAWTY BOWED! SMAWTY WAN ENFIES WID NYEW FIWWY FWEND!” Chunk cried out like the petulant pervert he was, causing the new arrival to shrivel up in fear as she witnessed his lustful thrust towards her, still seeming to violate her innocence through two layers of glass.
“shuddup, Chunk! Yew am ugwy and dummeh!” Nut scolded the fat nonce before turning to ease Clit’s troubled mind. “it am otay nyew fwend, Nut an Dingwebewwy wiww pwotect Cwit fwom meanie fattie Chunk” he reassured.
“Hey! Smawty nu am fattie! WEN SMAWTY GIT OUT OB SOWWY GWASSIE DEN SMAWTY GON GIB NUT DA WORSTEST SOWWY HOOFIES!” he threatened while puffing his gelatinous chest and cheeks out.
“Shuddup, Chunk, fwuffies heawd aww dis befowe…” Dingleberry said as she rolled her eyes.
Chunk huffed at her so aggressively that he fogged up the inside of his prison before pushing his face very close, uncomfortably close even, all the while giving a nasty grin… “wen Smawty git out… Dummeh mawe gon be speshew fwend…” he said with a low, threatening tone.
“nu wan, Chunk am ugwy an meanie” Dingleberry asserted before turning her back to him.
“hee… hee… hee… Smawty nu am askin, am tewwin… yew gon be enf’d by Smawty, gon hab Smawty’s widdle Bebbehs…” he drooled at her.
The notion of carrying Chunk’s babies or even letting him get close enough to touch her made Dingleberry’s fur stand on end. She knew she hated him from the moment he arrived to replace Nugget… She would trade anything for Nugget to come back, her first and only special friend, the special friend she never got to touch, not even once.
Days went by and the blistering heat of July beat down hard upon the garage. All four of the fluffies present had their ways of distracting themselves from both the heat and the crippling boredom.
Chunk had taken to non-stop masturbation by inserting his member into a mixed pile of goop and warm feces that he had created to roughly simulate coitus, and of course staring down Clit until completion. Nut, when not berating Chunk for his rapacious behaviour, had taken to planning an escape, although he claimed that the missing two pieces of the puzzle weren’t currently in place. Meanwhile Clit was whimpering as she pretended not to notice the gelatinous pervert oggling her. And of course Dingleberry was attempting to distract the young filly by asking her question after question about her home at the shelter, her brothers and her parents, all in a desperate attempt to preserve what innocence remained from the visually molested and psychologically scarred child.
Two more days had passed by and the missing key ingredients in Nut’s escape plan had reared their heads. Unlike the others, Nut had been observing the behavior of their owner and he had noticed that every other, other, other day the big bully would bring a basket full of clothing down, leave for a moment and put it into a washing machine. Nut had also surmised that since Smegma was able to break his confines with the impact of the ground then maybe they would be able to break their confines by falling on top of each other while being cushioned by the protective clothing below. The threat was still present in the fall but it would be a fair trade.
Nut would go on to explain that the second part that he was waiting for was the big garage door opening and being left open. Nut being a rather old Stallion had lived for a few years now and with those years came wisdom, but most importantly it came with a healthy understanding of whether change and yearly cycles. He hoped and prayed to sky-daddeh of skettiland and thankfully his prayers seem to have been answered with this particular hot day resulting in their cruel overlord leaving the garage door open, as to air out the house and the stink of his personal habits.
The day finally came and the pieces fell into place as the four’s owner brought his basket full of semen stained boxers, Metallica t-shirts and one camo hoodie that was drenched in the stench of cheap weed.
The nasty giant lumbered away to smoke up in the other room as he always had a tendency to do before following through on any chore, and so the time to strike was now.
“fowwow Nut, Fwuffies gon git outies, gon be fwee!” The quartet’s leader promised has he ran back and forth, shifting the weight of his confinement, throwing himself against the walls until finally his glass prison toppled. “du as Nut du! HUWWY!” he cried out to his still upright comrades. Second to achieve a toppling was Chunk, who used the mighty girth of his disgusting body to topple it in only one charge. Then Dingleberry got the intended result and finally Clit followed behind her.
With the entire gang having turned their confinement to the side, the leader started the process in order to demonstrate as he ran against the curved floor of his transparent cell, causing it to spin like the wheel of a car. In one big cluster they all fell over the side of the table and a sudden loud crash rang out amongst them as they finally made impact.
When Dingleberry had returned from her blackout she was covered in cuts like the other two in her sight, who they themselves were also rising from slumber. Then panic struck her as she realized that Nut was not laying amongst them in the glass speckled cushioning of the basket. Her Instinct took control and she immediately threw her head over the side to find her greatest fear was realized.
There he laid, as cold as the grave, her dear friend and mentor, his face forever frozen in a look of bewilderment and terror with a shard as big as his own head, ran through his throat.
“hee… hee… hee… Dummeh Nut nu hewe to pwotec mawes nu mowe… Wut an shamsie” the drooling Chunk giggled as he waddled closer to the mares within the basket. “ENFIE TIMSIE!” he howled as he charged forward with his throbbing and feces encrusted weapon already at full mast.
Dingleberry reacted purely upon Instinct yet again as she bit down on the scruff of Clit and threw both of themselves overboard. When Dingleberry landed she had become seriously aware of the deep and continual pain of the shard of glass, stuck within her hind leg. She ignored it as she bit her ward by the scruff once again and ran as fast as she could, but Clit wasn’t a foal, she was simply too big and the combined weight of the filly and the pain from the glass in her body had brought Dingleberry to nearly half of her maximum speed… Not nearly fast enough to escape Chunk.
The disgusting blob of a fluffy trailed behind them as the mare darted towards the open garage, towards the heavenly summer’s light, to freedom. But she couldn’t make it.
Dingleberry could feel the breath of Chunk on her flank he drew closer, the disgusting huffs combined with the lustful wheezing set Dingleberry’s teeth on edge. She knew in this very moment right now if she dropped Clit then she could escape Chunk, escape his wrath, his perversions and his desire to make good on his threats from days before. But no she couldn’t have that, she would never forgive herself if she left Clit to suffer in the grasp of such a disgusting and vile stallion… so there was only one choice to make.
Dingleberry twisted her neck and using the entire weight of her body threw Clit as far as she could towards the garage door.
“WUN!” She screamed to the filly and watched as she got up and bolted for the exit. “WUN! NU WOOK BACK! NEBA WOOK BACK!” Dingleberry cried out as Chunk caught her and threw her to the ground.
Dingleberry watched as the soft pink shape of her young friend grew smaller and smaller in the distance before vanishing into the curtain of sunlight. She no longer cared about escaping, she no longer cared about the sharp pain coursing through her most intimate area as it was violated, she didn’t care about the stench emanating from her rapist or the footsteps of her owner who drew closer from down the hall. None of it mattered anymore so long as her little friend was free.
A mare dies and a filly lives… a fair trade.
-the end-