A farmer and her fluff: The start part 1 (LemonCurds)

Me: I’ll do the comic in just line art to make it easier on mysel!

Me 2 panels in: shit, this would look better with colours……

I’m not doing the rest in colour (or so I say now Dx )


Eh. Just step on its leg. Then let it wander around the farm, crippled, eating scraps and livestock excrement. It will serve as a warning to other ferals.


That looks wonderful. For one tiny moment she looks soo happy but then smarty happens.
Hope she feets him to the pigs


She’s less worried about the singular smarty and more that ‘they exists out here too’
stay tuned for the next episode of Marnie figures out how devastating fluffies are for a small farm


Ok. Just throwing this out there: Crucify the smarty. Let the others know what she’s capable of.


yeah, but she likes keeping the farm nice and neat, that and i doubt that would stop starving feral fluffs from stomping in and stealing the animal feed, trampling her veggie patches and bringing sickness with them. Anyway, Marnie does get rid of the invading fluffs, it just gets too much since she lives there alone… for now~


Ah. Then she will probably want to throw them in the lagoon.

Marnie gon learn how to make horrible painful traps, since ya know, it’s hard fluffy killing when the cows need milking and pigs need feeding. Drawing traps is gonna be a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch, especially with the fluffy carcasses and such in there Dx


Just the pigs, hungry pigs are basically predators and they can even kill humans so yes one grab and right to the piggys and may the feast begin or she could read an article about Fluffys as food and stuff torture some for a good meal but in the end I no what the huldra draws will end in awesome art

What if piggy get sick from the gross biowaste ;A;

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A pig getting sick from a Fluffy they can just wolf down anything and don’t care🤣

There’s a reason everyone freaks out in Wizard of Oz when Dorothy almost falls in the pig pen, and it ain’t because they’re worried she’ll get her dress dirty.


I saw a pig eat a fucking racoon once. Didn’t even wait for the racoon to be dead, just casually walked up and started chowing down on the poor bastard while it was trying to get away.


Yup was a favorite torcher method of the hessian in the 30 years war to hang some one into a pigs pen

So she could totally just feed them living ferals like I said it would be hilarious and a super extra feed for her pigs

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Already a fan of the farmer xD


Its almost like “anywhere you go there are always be fluffies…except antartica”.


goes to International Space Station to get away from fluffies, only to see one float past, propelled by its own shit

“Did I miss something? When did India get a space program?”


Just stomp the vermin, don’t let this mistake of humanity destroy your fresh new start at happiness.


“Fucking Wu.”

I loved Deadwood.