A few words before we make our website changes; (come talk with me)


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I don’t recall what the limits are.
But just keep posting and before you know it you are a full member.
Shouldnt take more then a week.

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im not that new ive been on fluffy community for like 7 months maybe just a new account because my old one had a questionable name

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Fair enough.
Have we talked before ?
I’ve been on and off for a few months.

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never I havent posted commented just read

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Well you are stil welcome to FC then.
Glad to see you decided to become active.

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@Virgil I know I’m late, but thank you for everything.
Thank you for being awesome. Thank you for managing this shitstorm of a fandom. Thank you for being a great admin. Thank you for giving us a place to post and comment after booru died.
But mostly, thank you for being a great friend and an amazing person


Never is too late.