A few words before we make our website changes; (come talk with me)

As most of you already know, I’m stepping down from leadership of this community.
This was something I’ve needed to do for a while, but I’ve refrained because I don’t want to let so many people down.
I’ve been afraid there would be nowhere for our kinds of stories to be told.
I’ve been afraid that our community would be sent into turmoil again, and that someone else would have to fight the very same battles I’ve had to face for the last two years just to come to the same unpleasant realization,
that people often fucking suck.

Over these years I’ve come to understand, and even to love the people that have congregated around this topic.
This even extends to our dedicated antagonists such as @ripoffMcgee
He’s a person I can count on to be forthright and honest in his opinion; Especially if I’m making choices he doesn’t agree with.

The truth of the matter is that most people here have been wonderful and helpful.
Those that want to tear the place down, or to use me as a weapon against others who enjoy stories different from what that person enjoys
are few and far between.

I have enjoyed most of my interactions with this community.
For the people I’ve had to be harsh to, I will generally apologize.
I’m a fallible human being, I have times of hardship and/or weakness, and I’m not always pleasant to interact with.
But I’ve striven to keep our community afloat.
I’ve made changes that a lot of people didn’t like.
That comes with taking on this kind of responsibility.
All too often you’re required to be the Bad Guy.
To be the one to blame for bad decisions.

But there are also times such as this, when major changes can occur again.
It happens as regularly as the changing of the seasons.

So I have a few pieces of advice for everyone that is currently involved in the Fluffy Community.

Firstly: Not everyone that enjoys aspects of this community that you personally don’t like is your enemy.
That guy making all-abuse posts? Not necessarily an enemy.
That girl drawing super cute hugbox art? Not necessarily an enemy!

All of us are experiencing life at a different rate, and at a different scale.
I’m asking you all to try to make room for the people that you don’t understand yet.
They aren’t necessarily bad people.

We’re a very niche community that a lot of people think need to be made fun of.
But if we can ever truly work together
we could accomplish incredible things.

I hope that we can learn to work together and simply appreciate each other’s mindsets, even if we don’t adopt those mindsets ourselves.

I would like to see more people challenge themselves to write/draw/animate in the style most opposite their own, more often.
If you’re someone like me that tends toward sadbox, try making a hugbox story once in a while.
If you only make hugbox stories, try exploring more painful stories.
Because this makes us a better community overall.
It makes us all better people, in the long run.

I will beg all of you; Please keep creating
I am absolutely not the anchor that makes this possible,
and you’re going to see that fact over the next few weeks.
I trust @Ryou to carry on the spirit of this community, and I believe you will see why I trust him very soon.

More than anything,
I’m sorry
I’m sorry that I couldn’t continue to be your leader.
I’m sorry I didn’t make the utopia you wanted.
I’m sorry this story hasn’t turned out the way you thought it should.
But we’re not dead yet.
And I believe all of you can shout that fact far better then I ever could.

Come and talk with us.
I’m so thankful for the good people we’ve had latch on to this community.


Hey you did a tough job for free for quite a while, not sure why you’d need to apologize for that.

To me this niche interest’s works are really unusual, transgressive science fiction stories. Even if the authors don’t intend it, they’re all about commercialized genetic science coming into conflict with human nature - often in uncompromisingly brutal or unconventional ways. That’s only become more relevant to me.

As long as they’re doing that, I figure folks will be taking an interest.


Agreed, and I do like the wordlbuildy aspect in subtleties. I like the industrial sadbox, I like the consumerism commentary, the eugenics and policy making aspects, blackmarkets, marketing and design around Fluffydom. There is a huge amount of complexity and potential.

That said I also really appreciate the simplicity of good gore from abuse, and the absurd bullshit of weirdbox and shitposts. Even the most simply drawn ms paint shit covered arse is funny to me.

Fluffies keep on giving.


You, Virgil, are my brother now and always. I thank you for all you’ve done for this community and for me personally. It’s been a pleasure to know you (not that I intend to be a stranger once you step away). Love and hugs, man.


I don’t give a fuck about distance, you’re my little brother and I’m always looking out for you.


Sure has been awhile, but I hope at the very least that you find yourself happier and healtheir after things are said and done. You take care of yourself, and dont forget, at the end of the day the only person you can account for is yourself. Live a happy life


Oh mate
You have nothing to apologize for
And although you have said before that you are not proud of this, you should be; You managed to guide a whole community of funny people really well during all this time.

I really appreciate all the effort and dedication you put in during these couple of years.

I hope with all my heart that you have brightest years to come, whether or not you continue to make fluffy stories/stuff

And all I can say is
I’m really happy to have met you, even though we don’t interact too much
Thank you for all this time, remember to take care and… godspeed, mate.


Its been a while when you decide made the site, and im glad you did It. I met a bunch of good people (including you). Thanks for all this time.


As others have said you have nothing to apologize for. You stepped in and got the community back on it’s feet and that is a tough and thankless job. You also managed to hold it together despite some of the people here, which is impressive. You have a lot to be proud of.

I know we haven’t interacted much but I’ll definitely miss you. I hope you get a chance to rest and get past the burn out and maybe get to the point you can at least stop by and say hello, but if not I understand.


Thank you Virgil for inviting me into this community. I’ve met so much amazing people that pushed me forward beyond what I thought I was capable and honestly I think everyone here should’ve been more thankful for your work. Because without you and your work none of this would’ve happened, regardless of what anyone claims they could’ve.

Overall you don’t need to apologize, fox man.

I’m sorry.


Very well said.

Thanks for everything. If it weren’t for you, this place probably wouldn’t have been here for me to find when I did and I wouldn’t have been able to get somewhat acquainted with all these wonderful weirdos.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Hope you can get at least a little peace for a while. Stay cool, eh? :beaver:


There is so much I want to say but don’t know how to phrase it.

@Virgil thank you. You will be missed.


While I stepped away from the community for over a year, I did enjoy our talks in VC in discord and the times we played games like jackbox as well. I can understand that trying to be a leader in any community is quite mentally demanding and I understand why you are stepping down. I do hope you at least stick around for all the fun times we can have in the future as well. You will always be a friend.


First things first.
Don’t you dare be sorry about anything.
You rescued this weirdo little community from the jaws of death, when the booru went tits up, and all things fluffy seemed lost.
You stepped up to the plate and did what nobody else had the balls to do.
We all owe you for that.
We wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for you.
Fluffies would be either dead or confined to Reddit, a fate worse then death.

And now you are stepping down and leaving the community in capable hands.
You could have just as well said fuck it and left fluffies to die again.
But you didn’t, even if this community is like herding cats.

I don’t consider anybody here my enemy, after all we are all in it together in our weird connection with little talking rat horsies.
i just dont see eye to eye with people some times, and vice versa.

I’m a lazy twat when it comes to creating, with long spells of nothing and then short brief spurts of intensive action followed by lassitude again.
But I do plan to keep on drawing fluffies.
I personally tend to swing between extreme abuse and extreme hugbox with nothing in between.
Sadbox and weirdbox don’t really get my creative computations going for some reason.

And i am thankfull for the community that’s still around.
And i wish you nothing but the best, but is also hope you wont abandon the community you resurrected and wont be a stranger.

If you do plan to leave fluffies behind you, then I begrudge you nothing.
You did more then anybody could hope for, and went the extra mile when it was thought impossible.


I am new. I’ve only been here since about January/February so I don’t really know anything about the Booru or any schisms within the community.

All I know is that, because I happened upon some old The Click videos, I found out about a very interesting community and was kind of intrigued by all aspects of it.

I generally love the emotional aspects of it; the sadbox and the hugbox, the abuse generally makes me feel sad for the fluffy on the receiving end unless they’ve done terrible things.

So many stories, comics and drawings have made me laugh and cry and feel.

This was one recently that made me feel so bad for the foal Lil’ Blue and made me really sad. It’s part of why I love this community, the catharsis.

I have read more short stories on Fluffy Community than I have in real life for many years. I’ve found a lot of writers that are really talented and worked on it. I tend to enjoy most stories to some extent unless the English language skills are really poor to the point of near illegibility.

@BFM101 and @Biorb_Biorb are a couple where I see a new story and have to read it.

You, @Virgil, made all this possible and I can’t thank you enough for the work you’ve put in.


Its a very very long story that started in 2012 on the chans and ends for the time being on FC.


I haven’t always been the easiest person to deal with. I’ve had my share of toxic moments and honestly contributed to what is most likely too much stress for you. For that I apologize to you.

I’m sad to see you step down but I’m happy to see you putting your mental wellbeing first. That’s all I really ask of anyone.


As sad as this situation is, all I can hope that this isn’t the last we’ll see of you. I’m reluctant to take on this much responsibility because I know you were the perfect fit for it, and I don’t think there’s ever a chance I can live up to the expectations that you set just by being you.

I’ve mentioned this to you before, but there will always be a place for you as long as I have a say in it, be it as a regular community member, a member of staff, or even just an anonymous lurker. You’ll always have people love and appreciate you for what you’ve done for the community, for good reason.

Thanks for putting your trust in me, and I’ll try my hardest to do right by the ideals that you envisioned, because you’re right, there’s a lot of strife in the community, but at the end of the day we’re all the same weirdos, so it doesn’t matter what box you really belong to, we’re one single community.


Dog to be compared with BFM like that… that means to world bro, thank you so much