A Filly Named Frosting. (by no_sketti_on_tuesdays)

Whelp tried my hand at a hugbox story. Let’s see how it turned out. This is also a sort of prologue to my (pathetic creatures) story. Enjoy.

It all started with a push. It was dark and you were wet and cold. Concepts you don’t even understand yet but you know they’re real and you suffer from them. You try to scream in agony but all you manage is
“Chirp peep chirp”
A loud booming voice echoes.
The next thing you know you’re being brushed with something warm and slippery. But with every brush you get dryer and dryer. The cold seems to leave. Then you’re enveloped in warmth.
“Speciaw fwen gib wickey cweanies to babbeh’s bwuddas an sissies. Daddeh gib dis babbeh Huggies.”
Huggies. Huggies… Despite just learning the word You already know you love Huggies. Whoever this Daddeh is must be a god of Huggies and love.

Daddeh let’s you go. The warmth gone. You open your mouth to cry but you smell something. The aroma can only be described as happiness in smell form. Unable to see you crawl towards the smell and reach something soft with a strange lump protruding from the center. The beautiful smell is coming from the lump. You wrap your lips around it. Your mouth and body is filled with what must be Huggies in liquid form. You hear a beautiful serenade as you feast.
“Mummah wub babbehs. Babbehs wub mummah. Dwink aw miwkies. Gwow big an Stwong!”
Miwkies? Is that what this liquid bliss is called? You love miwkies. You love mummah. Around you you can hear other chirps similar to yours.

“Is okay babbehs. Mummah haff nuff miwkies foh aww babbehs. Mummah wub ou.”
You wub mummah too. Though you’re unable to communicate your love. Mummah must be the god of miwkies and warmth.

Drinking miwkies and sleeping was your life. What seems like forever went by until finally a bright light illuminated the darkness.
Gasp Speciaw fwen! Babbehs open see pwaces!”
Standing before you are two large fuzzy beings. One blue and one pink. The voice came from the bright blue one. Is that mummah?
You utter out. The blue one squees in delight.
“Yes babbeh! Am mummah!”
She gives you Huggies. You look around seeing three other fuzzy beings. Only much smaller than mummah.

“Wha babbeh looky at?”
The pink one says.
“Dose is youw bwuddas an sissies babbeh.”
You stare at the pink fuzzy being. Something in you stirs.
“D… Daddeh?”
He smiles.
“Yes babbeh! Am Daddeh!”
Before anything else is said mummah places you back at what mummah calls her miwkie pwaces. Without hesitation you start suckling. One by one your siblings open their eyes. Your parents cooing over each of them.

Many bright times pass. You spend the days playing huggy tag and hide and go peep with your siblings. Daddeh leaves the big brown nestie every bright time to find Nummies for mummah. You hate when he comes back without Nummies. Mummah cries and you all go hungry. One bright time Daddeh comes running back in with the biggest smile.
“Speciaw fwen! Fwuffy fin skettis!”
Daddeh drags In a strange white container with a metal thingy on top. Daddeh called it a handew. It had funny markings on the side. Your mummah looked so happy.
GASP SKETTIS! Ou da bestest Speciaw fwen! Sketti is bestest Nummies. Hewp mummah make bestest miwkies foh bestest babbehs!”

Your mummah and Daddeh hungrily devoured these pwetty smelling Nummies. Daddeh letting mummah having more than him. A few hours passed…mummahs miwkie pwaces kept getting bigger and bigger until finally.
“Babbehs! Miwkies weady!”
You’re the first to make it. You start suckling. It hit you. Mummah was right. This wasn’t normal miwkies. This was the sweetest, creamiest, and thickest miwkies you’ve ever had. From that moment you knew this Nummie called sketti had to be magic. You couldn’t wait to eat it yourself.

Many more bright times passed. You started numming solid Nummies. They didn’t taste as pwetty as mummahs miwkies but mummah said we had to learn to num real Nummies because she wouldn’t always have miwkies . You were sad but you could live with it. You had mummah, Daddeh, bwuddas, and sissies to give you love and all the Huggies you could ever want… Right?

One bright time. Daddeh never came back. We waited and waited for Daddeh to return with all the delicious Nummies he’d gathered for us but he never came. Your tummy gurgled. Screaming for Nummies.
“Mummah… Tummy hab biggest huwties.”
Your siblings and you whined.
Your mummah started crying.
Sniff am sowwy babbehs. “Sob” it wook wike Daddeh nu comin homesies nu mow.”
You didn’t understand. Daddeh isn’t coming back? But he always comes back. Does Daddeh not love you anymore? Your tummy gurgles again. You’re so hungry.

It’s been eight bright times since Daddeh left. The tummy owies you feel are horrible. Your siblings feel the same. You can see their ribs through their skin. Mummah has left you alone multiple times trying to find Nummies but she isn’t as good of a Nummie findew as Daddeh was. You try to sleep most of the time now. Your tummy doesn’t hurt. You close your eyes. You open them and suddenly your Daddeh is there. He brought tons and tons of Nummies. He apologizes for taking so long. Mummah Nummies until she can’t Nummie anymore. Yshe told you to put your lips to her miwkie pwace. You suckle and right as the sweet and creamy miwkies fill your mouth… You wake up. You’re laying in a fluff pile with your skeletal siblings. It was a sleepy time picture. You cry.

Mummah walked back into the nestie crying.
" Sowwy babbehs… Nu Nummies."
You don’t cry. You don’t have the energy. Your mom looks at your pink sissy. She’s been sleeping all day.
Mummah picks up sissy and tries to give Huggies.
“Pwease nu go fowevew sweepies babbeh. Sob mummah wub ou. Huuhuuhuu!”
Mummah took sissy out of the nest. A little bit later she came back looking… Strange.
She had strange red stuff around her talky place.
Sniffle babbehs. Hab miwkies!”

You all crawl as fast as you can to her.
“C-cum an… An dwinkies… Huuhuuhuu.”
She sobs the whole time you and your siblings drink. Your bwudda speaks up.
“Fank ou foh miwkies mummah. Doesn’t sissy wan miwkies? Babbeh can go ouside an teww hew.”
Mummah looks at your bwudda and cries.
“BUUUHUUHUU! BABBEHS SISSY NU CUM BACK NU MOH! SHE GO FOWEVEW SWEEPIES!.. Mummah had to… Had to Nummie sissy to make miwkies. Huuhuuhuu!”

Mummah nummed sissy? Nu… Mummah would never num babbehs. You were good babbehs that always made good poopies. Your tummy was full for the first time in many forevers. Your remaining siblings were singing praises of how good mummah is for bringing miwkies. Mummah didn’t like it. She was really quiet after that.

Mummah won’t move. She won’t leave the nestie. She won’t give miwkies. She just lays there. Talking to herself.
“Pinky babbeh huuhuu. Wub pinky babbeh. am wowstest mummah buuhuuhuu… Wan die. Wan die. Wan die.”
She keeps saying this over and over. It’s been forever since sissy went away and mummah last gave miwkies. Your tummy had such biggest huwties. Why would mummah not help babbeh? Babbeh nee wub an Huggies. Babbeh nee Nummies an miwkies. Mummah gib none. Mummah hate babbehs.

All your siblings refuse to wakey. You shake and shake but no one moves. Mummah went quite many bwight times ago. You can’t even make good poopies now because there’s not a crumb of Nummies left in your system. You do the only thing you know how.
“Hewp… Pwease … Hewp… Chirp chirp chirp!”

You continue to call to no one in particular. You don’t wanna go fowevew sweepies. You hope in vain that maybe just maybe your Daddeh is still alive and will come save you. Suddenly nestie moves.

“I heard it from over here.”
Suddenly something grabs you.
“Oh my God! She’s a skeleton!”
Not knowing what else to do You keep chirping like a chirpy babbeh.
“Seems like she’s the only one still alive. The mom already has maggots in her.”
The strange figure rubs your tummy.
It would feel amazing if it didn’t hurties.
You stop chirping.
“Nyu… Nyu Daddeh?”
This thing wasn’t your Daddeh yet you felt compelled to call him that.
“Sorry little one. I’m not your new daddy but I can take you somewhere where maybe you’ll find one.”
You’re so weak. You want mummah. Why did the mean wormy munstahs have to huwt mummah.
You pass out.

You smell something. Something beautiful.
“Miwkies?.. MIWKIES!”
A strange hard thing full of miwkies went into your mouth. It doesn’t taste as good as mummahs but it was a godsend.
“I found her in an alley not far from here. Poor thing was the only survivor.”
You continue to suckle. You open your eyes to see the thing that saved you talking to the thing that’s feeding you. The miwkie pwace was a strange clear tube. Looked nothing like the soft and warm miwkie pwace you were used to.
“Poor thing looks like she hasn’t eaten in a week. I’m surprised she’s still alive. She has a good coloration. If she lives it’ll be easy to find her a home.”

The next few bwight times were the same. You were put into a little boxy with a bwanky. The figure who fed you comes every day to give you more Nummies. You’ve learned to call her nice lady. She says you’re in something called Speciaw cawe. You get Nummies every day until your strong enough to be with other Fluffies.

Before long you feel like your old self again. Nice lady comes in bringing you a bowl of hard Nummies she calls kibbwe.
“Well look at you. Up and jumping around. I think it’s time you get to go meet the other Fluffies.”
She says.
“Babbeh be wif udda fwuffies?.. Is mummah dew! And bwuddas an sissies!”
Nice lady stops smiling.
“I’m sorry girl. Your family isn’t there. But there’s plenty of other talky foals just like you.”

After you’re done with your Nummies nice lady takes you and puts you in a big bright room full of… TOYSIES!!! Mummah told you about toysies but you’ve never actually seen any. So many other fwuffies. You join a couple that are stacking these things called bwockies. You love bwockies. You play huggy tag and push a baww around. Strange people like nice lady come and look at you and the other babbehs. Whenever one shows up all of the babbehs run up to the edge of the room and beg for upsies. You don’t want upsies. You wanna keep pwaying wif bwockies and numming the kibbwe nice lady puts out.

You repeat this for many bwight times. One day as you’re pwaying Huggie tag with your fwens nice lady gives you upsies.
“So is this the one you want sir?” She holds you in front of a big bearded man. He looks kind of scawy.
“Yeah I’ll take her. She’s pretty.”
Take hew? Is he talking about you? He leans in close to you.
“Hey there champ. I’m gonna be your new daddy.”
Your eyes go big.
“N-nyu Daddeh? Nyu Daddeh gib wub an Huggies? Take babbeh to wawm housie?”
He laughs.
“All that and more little… Um…I guess you’ll need a name … With your colors … How about frosting? Is that good girl?”
Name? You’ve never had a name. Mummah always just called you babbeh.
“Fwosin wub Nyu namesies nyu Daddeh! Wub Nyu Daddeh!”
He takes you from nice lady and gives you Huggies.

“You guys spay her right?”
He asks nice lady.
“Yes sir. We actually haven’t got around to it yet. She’s only been here a for about a week. She’s had all her shots. We’ll make an appointment with our Hasbio vet and call you.”
You don’t know what nyu Daddeh means by spayed but you’re just happy to be with him.

~a couple years later~

You wake up and stretch. You smell daddy in the kitchen making bwekkyfest. Daddy let’s you outside to pway afterwards. You hear a noise and look towards where it’s coming from. It’s another fluffy! He walks towards you.
“Dummeh mawe! Gib smawty Enfies wight nao ow get wowstest owies! Smawty wan Enfies and babbehs an youw wawm housie! Gib NAO!”
You’re taken back a bit. Daddeh said you can’t even have babbehs.
“Nu! Nu wan dumbeh fwuffies Speciaw Huggies!”
At that moment your daddy comes out and the fluffy runs off. You don’t know what that was about but daddy came to save you and that’s all that mattered.

~a few months later~
Your friends and the babbehs were gone. Your Daddeh turned your friend into a litter pal and you don’t know what he did with the others. Your daddy just came back from answering a knock on the door with his loud sowwy stick. He told you he was gonna make waffles In the morning. You wait a bit then you ask.

“Daddeh?.. Why you do bad fings to dose udda fwuffies?”
Your Daddeh looks at you.
“I didn’t realize you’d noticed. Well frosting that’s because they were actually really bad Fluffies. They wanted to hurt you and daddy and well. I couldn’t allow that.”
You wait a second before responding.
“Am daddeh gonna huwt fwosing too?”
He smiles and pets your mane.
“Nope. Unlike them I chose to be stuck with you kid. Now go to sleep or no waffles.”
You snuggle in and go to sleep. You know Daddeh wubs ou and whatever he does. Ou wub Daddeh too.

the story about the bad other Fluffies


Hey man. I love fluffy abuse but nit givkng waffles is to far.