A Fireside Chat with Virgil (episode:....who the fuck knows anymore)

I hadn’t actually thought about this before reading the other comments, but is there any chance of predicting what the ads would be for? Because if they would actually be for something porn-related, that would be weird and and it would kind of bother me. It would probably also leave a bad impression on new members of the site.

I know this probably sounds stupid because the content on here is for adults anyway, but not everyone who comes here to see weird images of fictional creatures would want to see actual human nudity.


I think the donations would work especially well if there were a little meter for a donation goal, where users could see how much funding the site needs / has. Extra could go toward financing the site for the next month, etc. (are domains billed monthly? idk)



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Can we do a little of both?

I am not in a position to donate anything right now having recently lost a job and not being able to get a new one. However i don’t have/use ad-blockers nor do i plan to. Yet it looks like most of the people here want to donate, myself included however again no income right now, so i don’t see why both is undoable/unreasonable.

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Why not both? And just make it so donators don’t have to see ads, like they do on Newgrounds.

I don’t have a whole lot of disposable income right now, but I’d whitelist this website and wouldn’t mind non-intrusive ads.

Could have people opt into ads too, if you’d rather do it that way.

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Because that’s always felt a bit predatory to me. I don’t like subjecting perhaps up to 90% of the website to ads just for 10% to pay and get rid of them. I don’t even like ads in general. The only reason we’re bringing them up is because we wanted to gauge what the people want.

Ideally, I want the website to remain as is, with or without payment options. I don’t want anyone to have to deal with some new bullshit just to make more cash, if that makes sense. Even if you make ads really unobtrusive, at the end of the day they’re still anoying.

Domains and server are indeed billed monthly.


I love a man that knows his audience. <3


How do we donate rn?


Right now we don’t have any donation methods ready.
Check back next week.


Ty for letting us vote on this! I’ll definitely turn off my adblocker for fc!


I also think both are good options, ads might probably be porn ones like most piracy sites run but they’ll be a constant income and everyone can help the site by just whitelisting the site on adblock.
Patreon might also be a good option for people who can dnate a monthly income, I’ve never used patreon before but would be cool if you can also have a 1 time donation in case you can’t afford a full sub but want to contribute.

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Thanks a lot for voting, we do now officially have a Patreon, as referenced in this post:

Just for reference, here’s the link to the actual Patreon:


I just wanted to say I appreciate you for 1. not incentivizing the patreon, and 2. discouraging people without disposable income from spending. I would prefer if you kept the extra for doing the work, but whatever floats your boat.

I’ve been on Youtube for years and only subscribed to one Patreon because I’ve watched 500 hours of this guy’s content, and he has no rewards of any kind on his Patreon, and never even plugs it.

Likewise with fluffy community, I’ll probably end up with hundreds or thousands of hours invested and I appreciate the moral model of donations you’ve setup. Thank you and I hope this fixes stability.

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