A Fluffy Workers Day Ch 1 (By Remarkable_Sue)!!Discontinued!!

//Sue will be used in this story. She is present in my previous story, but this has no connection to it. Sue in this story is 17.
//Second Note! This is not an interactive story! Just a story!

Sue works at a local FluffyMart. She needed some cash, and FluffyMart is the only store that was hiring. She was neutral about it despite loathing the fluffy Bio-Toy’s. Here is what her usual day is like.

5:30 AM
Sue wakes up and goes on a walk and does morning stretches.

6:10 AM
Sue does a load of clothes or towels before taking a morning shower.

6:40 AM
Sue finishes her shower and changes clothes and waits for her hair to air dry.

7:30 AM
Sue finishes her laundry but leaves it in the basket to fold later.

7:35 AM
Sue goes to the Vending Machine Restaurant that’s a few blocks away form her home

7:40 AM
Sue takes a bowl of ramen before walking to work

7:50 AM
Sue comes to work 10 minutes early to have her ramen breakfast in the employee break room.

8:00 AM

Sue finishes up her ramen and throws away the packaging. She leaves the break room and she goes to see the schedule for today.

Sue: 8:00 AM - Walking Fluffy’s 001-010. Grooming.

Sue takes a deep breath as she leaves tot he main floor of the store. She has her key’s in hand and she comes to Fluffy 001.

Fluffy 001,
Gender, Female
Breed, Standard
Status, Domestic
Coat, Imperial Red
Mane and Tail, Honeydew
Eyes, Powder Blue
Species, Unicorn
Text Color, Light Cyan
Personality, Joyful but Shy

Sue comes to the employee waiting there.
“morning Salina. I’m walking 1 through 10 today.” Sue says as she gets the young girls attention. She looks over and nods.
“Morning Sue! I’m on cleaning duty.” Says Salina. Sue comes to the door and enters into a small back room. She comes to 001’s cage and lets her out and put on a leash.
“Nee’ take good poopsie outside!” Says the fluffy. She is tapping her feet quickly and tyring to hold in her bowels. Sue takes her outside quickly through the back door. The two go to the Garden Club’s yard where the mare does her business. The two take a 5 minute walk around the building. Sue returns inside and comes to the mini grooming station. She takes her time cleaning the fluffy until she is dry and shiny.
“Good girl did a good poop outside. Here’s your treat.” Sue says and she gives 001 a small strawberry. The mare gasps happily and eats it. Sue is about to bring the mare back to her cage a customer comes to her.

“Excuse me, Miss?”

Sue looks over and smiles as a young man comes up to her having two pet fluffies at his side.
“Good morning, sir. Can i help you with anything?” Sue asks. The young man points to 001.
“Yes, is she for sale?” He asks. 001 hides behind Sue and shivering.
“s-scawy mistah…” cries 001. Sue shrugs her shoulders.
“She is, but she’s terribly shy around humans, other fluffies, and she’s not exactly Alicorn friendly. That isn’t to say she’s aggressive. She’s very shy.” Sue explained. The young man chuckles.
“Thats adorable. I saw how well behaved and trained she was with you.” The young man says with a chuckle. 001 hears the young man laugh and she peaks out from behind Sue’s legs. She takes a deep breath and comes out and stand with Sue.
“She loves strawberries and Celery. The employee’s use them as treats for good behavior. She’s been a good girl for a few weeks now.” Sue explained.

The young man and Sue talk a little and Sue grabs documents for him to sign for the adoption. The mare is renamed Blossom. She is then taken home with the young man. Sue returns to work to 002.

Fluffy 002
Gender, Male
Breed, Puff Haired
Status, Feral Toughie
Coat, Dark Purple (Dark Purple)
Mane and Tail, Long and Ming colored
eyes, Dark Cyan
Species, Pegasus
Text color, Cadet Blue
personality, Confident but Aggressive

Sue opens the cage but 002 runs out of his cage. Salina walks in just at the right moment to let 002 run out into the store. The two quickly run around trying to catch 002. 002 knocks over products and then sees a customer with her pet fluffy.
SNORT Fwuffy nu wike pinky fwiffy! Pinky fwuffy am dummeh fwuffy.” Says 002. He was about to charge and the owner sees this. She freaks out and picks up her pet fluffy. Sue grabs 002 by the scruff and lifted him up. Sue was about to scold the fluffy until she sees the customer and gets worried.
“Ma’am, are you okay? This bastard didn’t hurt your fluffy, right?” Sue asks worriedly. The woman lets out an exasperated huff.
“My BABY was almost hurt by that foul thing!” The woman shouts placing a hand on her chest. Sue nods worriedly.
“I-I’m so sorry ma’am! He got out from his cage for his daily walk—” Sue is interrupted by the woman.
I have been coming here for 7 years now! I’M a loyal customer! I want all my items for free! My baby could have died because you were incompetent!” Yells the lady as she steps forward. Her pale face turns red with anger. Sue subtly held 002 a little forward. The woman’s yelling scared the literal shit out of him. He lt’s out an ungodly amount of shit that covers the woman’s entire left leg. She lets out an angry scream and she drops her fluffy on accident.

Sue sees Salina and their manager come over by the yelling and screeching of the woman. Sue felt so satisfied to see her covered in shit. But, her dropped fluffy was crying due to being dropped, but their leg looked so wrong. It was definitely broken. Salina takes Sue and the fluffy to the mini grooming station.
“what the hell happened?” Salina asks worriedly. Sue merely starts to clean the toughie fluffy.
“Some lady demanding free stuff because 002 ran towards her. She says she has been coming here for 7 years.” Sue answers with a smile and a chuckle. Salina realizes and laughs with Sue.
“We’ve been open for 4 though,” Salina says laughing and smiling. “What a Karen.”

The two watch as the shit covered woman is kicked out by the manager. He has fluffy shit on his shirt and he approaches the two girls. The Toughie stays silent feeling scared by the manager, Rory.
“God that woman was a pain…” Rory claims as he grabs a rag and tries to white off the shit that was thrown onto his chest. Sue sighs.
“Sorry about that.” Sue says to Rory who looks over to her and shakes his head.
“No, no, i came over here to thank you. That woman stole product from another store a couple miles away from here. She had her tote bag full of products she was about to steal.” Rory says. Sue nods her head and takes the toughie out of the mini grooming area and he is returned to his cleaned cage.

Fluffy 003
Gender, Male
Breed, Shire
Status, Domestic
Coat, Baby powder
Mane and Tail, Baby Powder
Eyes, Deep Taupe
Species, Earthie
Text Color, ???
Personality, Loyal and Curious
Note! Mute Fluffy!

Sue takes this Shire fluffy on a leash and lead outside to do their business. Sue enjoyed this fluffy the most. He was silent and he looked a lot cooler than the standard. Sue went walking around when she spots a feral mare has started to follow. Sue started to run and the shire was able to keep up. She returns back into the store to groom and treat the Shire.
Sue returns outside to find the mare tapping at the exit door. Rory saw her come to the exit and sees the mare with Sue.

Feral Mare
Breed, Curly Puff
Status, Feral
Coat, Silver Pink
Mane and Tail, Canary
Eyes, Eggplant
Species, Earthie
Text Color, Old Lavender
Personality, ???

Sue and Rory take the mare into the store to be cleaned. Sue puts her in 001’s old cage along with a NOT FOR SALE sticker on the window.

Sue goes through her day slowly of walking and grooming the fluffies. Then came the feral mare. She was new, and looked decent. She was taken out of her cage and set out in the play area with a handful of other mares to see what kind of fluffy this feral mare was like.

Fluffy 007
Breed, Metallic
Status, Semi-Domestic
Coat, Golden
Mane and Tail, Golden
Eyes, Dark Blue-Gray
Species, Pegasus
Text Color, Laser Lemon
Personality, Courageous, Curious, Friendly

Fluffy 027
Breed, Floppy Ears
Status, Domestic
Coat, Pastel Pink
Mane and Tail, French Rose
eyes, Fire Opal
Species, Alicorn
Personality, Friendly, Smart, Sensitive

Fluffy 031
Breed, Dachshund
Status, Domestic
Coat, Spanish Gray
Mane and Tail, Claret (Claret)
Eyes, Big Dip Oruby
Species, Unicorn
Personality, Polite, Shy

Sue has set up the play area for the 4 fluffies to test new 001.

Fluffy 001 immediately runs away from 027.

  • Not Alicorn Friendly

Fluffy 001 plays ball with 007, but she pushes 027 out of the way. She stops and helps 027 back up. She doesn’t say sorry and continues playing.

  • Not polite

001 is quick on her feet and poor 007 is out of breath and energy. 001 still is bouncing around with the ball. She’s now gloating that she won.

  • Energetic and Boastful.

001’s personality is Impolite, Energetic, and Boastful.
Sue takes 001 and leaves the rest in the play pen as a way to better show them off to would-be-owners. Back int he cage 001 goes into and gets some food in the meantime as Sue fills out the information that will be posted on the window of 001’s cage.

12:00 PM

Sue clocks out for lunch…

(To be continued)


interesting so far