A Forever Foal Gets Miwkies (Ace)

Don’t know what a forever foal is? Making A Forever Foal


“Mummah. Mummah! EEEEEEE! Chuwwo ‘nee mummah!” Squalled an impossibly fat stallion. A globe of orange fur with a tuft of red hair for a mane and tail. So corpulent that it actually jiggled around when it shifted from side to side. Was it a babbeh? Well, technically no. It was a Forever Foal. One of those infamously expensive items tailored for the select few who would want such a specific experience. And who was the mummah to this slug of a creature?

That would be Tinsel. White fur with a carefully maintained pink mane and tail. She was older than Churro though he practically dwarfed her in size. Her human mummah had gotten her Churro after all the babbehs she’d ever given birth to were fowebbah sweepies. The forever foal was something she really wanted. A babbeh. It was a babbeh she could have forever. Nobody could take her precious Churro from her.

“Teehee. Wittew babbeh Chuwwo am nee’ miwkies nummies?” They were at a daycare. Big mummah had to work a lot recently, and she’d gotten permission to house her two fluffies in the nursery area of the daycare. There were actual foals with their mummahs running around and then there were these two. Churro looked up to his adoptive mummah, a fat dollop of drool sliding down his mouth and hanging from his chin in a glistening cable.

“Babbeh ‘nee miwkies. Miwkies ‘fo Chuwwo babbeh.” So she would lay down on her side and the massive stallion pushed his fat face in to nurse from her greedily. Mummah always gave her the best formula to keep producing the bestest miwkies. Churro snuffled and snorted like a pig, tail swishing out behind him as he drank and drank to his heart’s content. However, it wasn’t enough. Rolling over, the fluffy loudly belched. White rivulets tracked down his fur.

“Am omwy wittew babbeh. Nee’ miwkies.” The forever foal stared up at the ceiling as he’d gotten over onto his back. Squealed. Flailed his hooves around. This was one of his little tantrums. Usually, a Forever Foal was kept with a human almost exclusively. That tended to curb their more riotous behavior patterns. When left with a fluffy mummah, though? Well it could get somewhat messy.

“Oh! Mummah nee’ make miwkies ‘fo babbeh!” Tinsel got up as Churro squealed and flailed around the floor. He couldn’t walk. Not really. Even if he wasn’t so obese, his kind had hooves that hurt to walk on. They were weak and brittle. Prone to bleeding. Churro could however flop and wriggle around. on his belly. Inching across the floor and leaving a trail of milk & shit stink behind him. Watching his precious mummah trot off to the kibble station, he began to flop over to a group of talkie-babbehs playing together.

“Hewwo nyu fwends! Am Chuwwo. Wittew babbeh Chuwwo. Wan pwaysies tu.” The stallion looked up to the ground, of all different colors. They were knocking around a ball or playing tag. Each of them stopped to look at him. It was kind of obvious why: This was not a babbeh. It wasn’t a foal. They weren’t exactly sure of WHAT it was.

“H-Hewwo nyu fwend.” One of the braver ones, a yellow filly, said while stepping forward. The other ones took her cue and moved in on Churro to get a good look. Churro smiled delightedly. What little steps they had taken forward were lost as they scuttled back. The Forever Foal had a mouthful of rotting teeth. Browned, yellowed, blackened. Some of them were little more than diseased looking enamel stumps. Rancid breath pushed in on them.

“Nu-pwetty nummy pwace! Yuckies!” The filly who had greeted him initially claimed, pointing a hoof at him. One of the other ones skirted off to the side to get a better look at him. Noticed the bulky blue diaper on him, the ‘I’M A BIG BOY’ stenciling on the back stained brown with shit.

“Stinkeh dipey babbeh! It am stinkey dipey babbeh!” Chimed the foal, and they all encircled him. Churro gave a shook of his head, saliva spattering the floor. It ran freely from the corners of his mouth.

“Chuwwo am wittew babbeh. Teehee…nee’ dipey ‘fo poopies.” Flopping toward them while waggling his obviously useless front legs around, the foals screeched in terror and ran away. He watched them go. Puffed his cheeks out.

“BABBEH NEE’ PWAYSIES! WAN PWAYSIES! EEEEEE! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” He squealed and plopped against the floor with such force that it caused nearby block towers to fall over. Mummah came running up. There were kibble crumbs all over her face. Bending down to nuzzle him, mummah would make everything better.

“Mummah wubs babbeh….babbeh wubs mummah…babbeh nu ‘nee pwaysies wif BAD BABBEHS!” Tinsel glared at the foals who had run back to their own mummahs. All of the commotion caused a daycare worker to walk into the room. Normally the nursery was the calmest place in the building and didn’t require much attention. There was the matter of Churro though. Nobody here liked the stallion. Who could? Who would? It was a disgusting sight.

“Alright. It’s nap time, since you all want to cause chaos in here. Churro, come here.” The poor daycare worker bent down to scoop the forever foal up. Groaned a bit. Yeah, he weighed that much. Holding him was like having a fat trashbag full of meat in your hands. There was absolutely no effort on his end to make this job easier. Hefting the stallion off to a changing table, the daycare employee would go through the horrifying task of cleaning him up. Keep in mind, she did this was many pillows throughout the day. This was something else. While cleaning up the swamplands that was his ass, the stallion stared right at her. Suckled on his hoof. Giggled and kicked his back legs around. There was Tinsel, too. His mummah was right at her side, annoyingly pulling at her pants leg.

“Cawefuw wif babbeh. He am wittew babbeh. Dat am su uppsies.” The employee wanted to kicked both of them in the face yet finally Churro was changed. Having to carry him all the way over to one of the mats they had naps on, he was tucked down on it with his mummah flopping down beside him. Smacking his lips lazily, he dove in face-first for some of those bestest miwkies. The light was flicked off and they were left in a somewhat dark room. Enough light that nobody would be freaking out at any rate.

Some time had passed. Miwkies were gone yet Churro was still awake. The only sounds in the room were other mummahs singing their sweet little song as they slept. His stomach growled.

“Babbeh nee’ miwkies.” The forever foal grumbled out and began flopping away from Tinsel. Shimmying and flopping back and fourth he got over to the nearest nursing mummah. She still had miwkies of course because she wasn’t feeding a full-sized monster. Looking to the foals in his way, Churro gave a whip of his tail. They were mostly sleeping but he would nudge his face in and shove them right off the mummah’s teats. Began pulling and tugging from her greedily, taking the precious stuff for himself. He knew he was a special boy and needed this. It didn’t taste nearly as good as mummah’s miwkies but he NEEDED it. By the time the babbehs realized they were no longer feeding themselves and were squealing that there were no more miwkies, he was gone. Over to the next nursing mare.

Instead of being careful this time he just shoved his entire body up against the purple mare’s teats. They were frightened peeps and cracks underneath his massive body but they stopped after a moment. The mummah didn’t wake up and instead sang her song as if to him, and he would suckle her tanks dry before rearing up and flopping to the next one. Sticking to his fur were the shattered remains of the foals he had crushed in pursuit of his heart’s desire.

This process repeated itself over and over. Those babbehs unfortunate enough to be in his way were crushed. Not entirely on purpose: Forever foals just lacked the capacity for such precious thought and instead only thought of their base needs. Foal corpses with their bones popping out were sucked against his fat folds, their tiny heads with beads of their mother’s milk bobbing obscenely as he went from one nursing group to another. That was it. All the milk. It was all in his belly.

“Teehee….su many miwkies…” The forever foal flopped, rolled onto his back. A thunderous crack tore through the room as he voided his bowels, belched. He couldn’t make it over to mummah but that was OK. Right now all he had were sweepies.

“Huuu….tummy nu feew pwetty naow…” He said right after closing his mouth. It felt like burny-huwties. Like a bubbling pressure. Something in his brain, some instinct even the munstah men couldn’t beat out of them, came to the surface. Onto his side. He should be on his side! The stallion couldn’t do it though. No matter how he strained himself, it was impossible to roll over. Hacking, coughing, gagging. A great pillar of milk vomit shot straight out of his mouth, hung in the air, came right back down and splattered onto his face. It stung his eyes greatly, seethed down against his nostrils. Another great bellyful came up but this time it didn’t clear his mouth. Instead it stuck there, his breathing causing it to bubble and roil.

Sabe babbeh! Mummah! Babbeh ‘nee yew! PWEASE MUMMAH!

He wanted to desperately say but all that came out of his mouth was gurgling. The stallion couldn’t even cry but there was a foal which was still alive, shoved into fatty rolls of his belly, which cried plenty. Churro snorted, attempted to breathe with all of his might. Capillaries in his eyes burst with the strain of the action. There was nothing to do though. For one final, merciful time in his accursed life he would shit his diaper and go to sleep.


Gosh I feel bad for the workers. Just give Tinsel a foster foal or two.


Eh, all the Fluffies deserved their fucked up shit. A room full of grieving, traumatized mares would be nice to see, the aftermath I bet is a real delicious treat :slight_smile:


Those grow up and leave their mummahs


I love your forever foals so much

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True… but at least they have a better chance living than this chubby monster.


sated his gluttony but exterminated a lot of foals in the process


Sorry to comment again, but I figured I’d ask permission first:

I’m writing a story about a woman who adopts a fluffy (so original, i know), but the kicker is, I want it to be a forever foal. The story (and maybe series?) would be mostly hugbox, maybe some abuse if I get bored. So my questions are:

  1. May I use your Forever Foal concept in my story?


  1. If yes, are you okay with the hugbox aspect? I know you think these things suck (which. Yeah.), so I thought I’d ask in case you want them exclusively for abuse.

Thanks! Love your work!

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I’m not opposed to the idea but if you were to write hugbox it may be extremely difficult if you’re using their proper character traits. They are always needy, whiny, can’t really do much, and expect the world of their owner. I’ve said before that I have tried writing hugbox with one and it is damn near impossible because they are extremely hateable. If you could do it (with their proper traits) I would be really damn impressed.


Hmm. I’m going to be honest, I just thought you hated them so much that you explicitly wrote abuse about them haha to hear you attempted hugbox is a surprise.

If it is as difficult as you say, I may have to pivot to my own character traits for them (aka, make them less of a shithead). May I still use the term “Forever Foal” if that’s the case?

Thank you for taking the time to respond :slight_smile:

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I don’t mind and really I don’t own the idea…the idea has floated around in one fashion or another but usually as actual foals stuck that way forever instead of one in a fucked up ‘grown’ body. You could likely do my version of a forever foal in a hugbox story but it’d require an incredibly patient owner and an understanding that they are truly useless.


I know the idea has floated around, but I believe you’re the first person to use to the term “forever foal”, so in my mind, you are the keeper of the name.

Anyhoo, thank you for taking the time to respond to me! I’ll definitely take what you said about FF’s into consideration for my story. Thank you again!

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Forever Foals are such a fucked up concept. Take something already stupid and helpless, then physically and mentally cripple it so it’s even worse.


Holy shit. It’s an SBS, but smart enough to act like my ex-husband. That is utterly terrifying. (I promise, he acted nicer before the wedding.)


I’m someone who will defend S.B.S foals, even find them adorable.

But every time Ace writes about Forever Foals, they somehow become more and more disgusting and vile. Did they ask to become this abomination? Hell no. But the damage is done and it’s just skin crawlingly gross.

I have to wonder how a mare would react to one of her foals who got turned into one of these abominations. Would it get all the love and affection its warped little mind desired? Or would the mare see it for the warped thing it is and give it a merciful stomping.


Good riddance! I like SBS foals but not when they become "Churro"s. My only regret is he didn’t get caught


Now introducing the forever foal! Fallowed by a gunshot and the creator of the forever foal’s brains covering their living room wall. Never again.

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The image of that fat fuck rolling around with crushed foals and foal-bits poking out of its rolls was an incredible one. Love it


ALMOST felt bad for Churro when the foals wouldn’t accept him, but damn, did he turn out to be a real sack of shit

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