A good beating (InfraredTurbine)

As Jejick mentioned, we haven’t had much sorry stick around here for a while, so here’s some

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


Makes ya wish they were real


What did this horrible colored fluffy do to get the beating?




Good ol’ fashioned beating. Love to see it.


Even if your fluffy is behaving like an angel, you should still whoop its ass every once in awhile. It’ll keep it from getting any funny ideas.


A sound thrashing, even.


If they were real i’d have one for stress relieving. Either i’d play with it or beat it like this one. Mostly beating.


I see why this is the most popular discipline tool. No damage is done and the distress is minimal while still teaching the desired behaviour. It’s the next best thing to force-free training.

Sorry fluffs are happy fluffs.

(On a personal note, I was reminded yesterday of the horrific series of books by that fundie couple about “training” kids by similar methods. Seeing this is good catharsis.)


Hit him in the tiny, tiny balls.


Time to bust out the cat o nine tails


“This is what happens when you make sleep poopies instead of getting up and USING. YOUR. LITTER. BOX!!!”


Dont google “Christian Spanking Forums” :confused:


The way Turbine draws genitals is especially disgusting, they’re so tiny and yet so pronounced.

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Ah, yes, the sacred ritual of בדסם.

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Vigorously caning the naked, exposed buttocks of ones teenage daughter in public can be sexual ? :astonished:

A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.

–Proverbs, 17:10

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I hope not. That just sounds creepy. Then, Hebraic history can be pretty fucked up.

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I fear that contemporary Christian history is involved, though the churches in question are effectively schismatic to mine.

Old Testament law was, I hould say, comparatively moderate in using the lash:

Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed: lest, if he should exceed, and beat him above these with many stripes, then thy brother should seem vile unto thee.

–Deuteronomy 25:3

The number of stripes was in practice reduced to 39, to ensure they would not exceed the set limit: it was often reduced even further.

Thus the tradition that Our Lord suffered 39 blows from the Romans. Obviously, their lictors were not limited by Jewish law, only by the factor of not killing their victim before the high point of the party, crucifixion: & the instrument they used for scourging, the flagellum, would have killed a man far before 39 blows.

Just to compare.


Yeah, there’s a major Halachic restriction against murder, which includes execution. (See: you will not murder, big #6.) Even stoning was only meant to be metaphorical. Things like war were considered self defence, which is about the only situation where killing another person is allowed. Even livestock had to be treated well, and slaughtered in the most painless method possible. (It’s still Jewish law that animals have to be fed before we eat breakfast. My cats take advantage of it, I think.)

I’ve read that over 40 lashes were likely to kill someone, hence the limitations. Keep in mind, the #1 law in Halachah is called Pikuach Nefesh. It translates literally to saving breath/soul/life. (In Hebrew, breath and soul are the same word, pronounced NE-fesh.) Before you ask, yes, I have misread it as Pikachu Nefesh.

Or maim them for life, hence

Something that the flagellum was designed to do.

Wonder how many AD&D players know where the silver cord of astral travelers comes from?

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