Trying to ignore the ever-growing pain in her stomach, Myriad had been trotting for what felt like forever, desperately searching for food. As noon approached, she nearly gave up, her odd hunger pangs threatening to overwhelm her.
“Ovah deww…hoomin nummy pwace.”
Looking around, Myriad saw a man throwing bags of trash into a nearby dumpster. As the garbage flew from his hands and struck the bin, several styrofoam cartons fell to the ground. Seeing the potential meal, Myriad nearly charged forward right then and there…
“NU!!! Hoomin wiww see yu! Gib yu…”
“…huwties…hoomins nu wan fwuffies tu hav nummies…”
“Gu fow nummies aftah hoomin weaves…”
Nodding silently to her unseen friends, Myriad watched closely as the large man finished throwing the garbage, walking back into the building and shutting the door behind him.
“Hoomin gown nao…shud be otay…”
Not wasting a moment, Myriad ran towards the food, opening a container to feed on a feast of cold steak fries and hard bread…
“Taek nummies an’…”
“…wun way’!”
“…hoomins gin yu huwties an’ foweba sweepies if dey see yu…”
“…tu scawy…nu wan…”
Carefully keeping a lookout, Myriad dragged the containers back to her hiding spot in the alleyway and began to feast.
“Nummies am su gud! Tank yu nu-see fwends…Miw’iad wuv yu…”
With the leftovers eaten, and Myriad’s belly full and content, the alicorn sighed happily. Feeling safe, at least for the moment, she decided to lay down and rest, the afternoon’s scavenging finally catching up with her as she stretched and yawned. Falling to her belly, Myriad’s eyes began to close as she drifted off and slumbered.
None of it made sense, thought Mayhew, his hands madly typing away at the keyboard. He had spent the last hour trying his best to comprehend what he had seen, only now typing up his official report for review. Several lengthy paragraphs detailing his findings, as well as dozens of digitized photographs were all within, only awaiting a few more final details before being sent to GenTek’s main offices in Massachusetts. Scowling as he finished writing out his analysis, Mayhew grew angry. While he was granted plenty of freedom and funding within his current lab, he had always dreamed of working at the GenTek branch within Providence. That’s where the real thinkers and world changers were.
DNA manipulation to remove the junk data that reacted to carcinogenic stimuli, neuron stimulation designed to combat the latter stages of Alzheimer’s, and even rumors of synthetic intelle-cells, designed to mimic living cellular tissues, spreading and duplicating to actually replace skin, organs, maybe even limbs! These were the kinds of breakthroughs that Mayhew wanted to be a part of. But even someone as brilliant as he must pay his dues first, namely his assignment to the “Biotoy” division of GenTek.
Here, scientists worked to reverse engineer what Habio had created, both biologically and psychologically. The artificially created biotoy simply called “The Fluffy”, was still a scientific mystery decades after their escape from Hasbio Test Site-001. Other companies had made a healthy profit by simply using what was already there to exploit: breeding mills, fluffy themed toys, pet care, the list goes on. But GenTek wanted the secrets behind their success, to find what strange combination of science had made the biotoy in the first place, so as to make a new and better version. Despite his vigor at the beginning of his employment as head of research, Mayhew had recently started to think the whole exercise a pipedream.
Hitting send, the computer screen began to display various numbers and characters as it processed and transferred Mayhew’s findings, followed by large green text.