A heart of Darkness - Shotgun abortion (Commissioned for RandomAirPeople) (InfraredTurbine)

Hello, everyone!
So, here’s another part of a commission I did for RandomAirPeople, about his main story right now: “A heart of Darkness”
Based on the story, specifically “Chapter 11: Operation Searing Hatred II–Hurricane Chris”.
I hope you like it… and well, if you haven’t seen a shotgun abortion on fluffies before, now you have xD

You can read the chapter here.

For commissions or arts, illustrations, comics or scenes from your stories, please fell free to pm me any time! I’m a cool dude, let’s talk about your ideas xD


People ask why I use a shotgun. I just tell 'em like it is. Enough pellets for each babbeh. We don’t discriminate around here.


That is brutal and over the top and everything I love about your art!


Revenge goes through with a BANG!


thank you so much xD :smiley:


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You could say I’m torn on this.

On the one hand, a shotgun is as good a way to give a feral socially responsible forever sleep as any. On the other hand, I’d never be able to cook a carcass that’s been torn apart by a 12g magnum load of 00 buckshot like that.

So you could say I’m torn. But nowhere nearly as torn as that fluffy ended up. Goddamn.