A Letter To FederalChemical1728

I recently wrote an art review (found here) for @FederalChemical1728 and was blow away by how much depth there is to his work. I knew his art was good, but that was about it. After taking some time to really look into his art and truly experience it - not just a casual viewer scrolling through the feed, but as a fan who was moved by his work - I went from shrugging him off to becoming a Patreon supporter.

We leave lots of compliments on artists like Fed’s work, but there is always room for one more. So I just wanted to say thank you, Fed. Thank you for your continued hard work. Thank you for dealing with hardcore issues and somehow staying strong. That you for inspiring us to do the same. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul into your work so that we as an audience get more than just ink and paper out of it. Thank you for your empathy towards others, your dedication to the fandom, and you range of emotions that leave us feeling a bit stronger with each piece.

Thank you for being you.

Boots. :clownworld:


I have to agree. That is some top notch art.


never saw that little pirate battlefluff. wild how some people have so many talents


My favorite part was all the porn he drew. Spilt many a wad over that stuff.


My favorite part is the emotional whiplash of my eyes darting around the page, trying to catch every detail at once, eyes inches from the screen so nothing can escape. then i sit back and take a deep breath and realize that taking it all in at once is impossible.

There is roughness and tenderness, and tiny kindnesses arranged around the cruelties, like finding flowers in a caracass.

Good art should make you feel something.

and I feel like a bouquet in a charnel ground. I feel like roses growing between ribs. the air here smells sweet like a hot day full of jasmine and rotten meat.


Yeah fedchem is the best for real, amazing artist and a good friend!


Federal really is a true treasure!


I was worried this would be drama but it was a sweet fan letter instead. Faith in humanity rose 1%!