A Moment at the Fluffy Vending Machine (by: khazhak)

A brightly colored and crudely decorated amalgamation of plastic, glass, and metal idled quietly on the darkened corner of the 7-11, silent save for a soft, electrical hum. Its internals were dimly lit, gently displaying row after row of canned fluffy foals to the evening chill.

Before it, a prospective customer peered inside. They were interested in replacing their late fluffy companion at little cost, but the foals presented to him were uninspiring. He squinted into the darkness beyond the first cans, hoping the second and third rows were more appealing than the fragile and innocent lives immediately available.

An excited gasp fled him as one foal in particular caught his eye, and he readied all the money he would need to reach it.

He punched in the alphanumeric sequence required and waited. As the internal door of the gaudy incubator slid open, the corresponding foal was spun from its place, and fell harmlessly into the receptacle below.

Though padded, the purchase bin at the bottom of the machine was neither heated nor lit, and the experience was something like being dropped into an ice bath. The little baby fluffy, who had been sleeping quite soundly, began to hysterically chirp for comfort it would not receive.

The crying foal was joined by another, and another, and another. At last, the man pushed aside the flap and reached into the darkness of the machine’s shuttered maw, roughly shoving his way past can after can as he grasped for the sole fluffy he wanted. With it secured, he pulled away, leaving the helpless foals he did not need in the chill and gloom of the machine’s dirty receptacle.

He did not care for nor consider their fate; he had the fluffy he had sought to purchase. With his business concluded, the man left with his new friend to the warmth and safety of their home.

Irrespective of the muffled suffering within it, the vending machine stood at its corner with passive disinterest. It quietly hummed its sole, discordant note into the evening light.


im not exactly a writer so pls don’t hate. i did my best.

was inspired by my latest trip to the mall. went for a gumball and shoved in quarters until i got a pink one. they’re all the same flavor, i just wanted a pink gumball. ended up throwing a few out.

got me thinking. people are so intense about their fluffy color preferences in canon; unless the entire row is the same color and style, a foal in a can vending machine would surely see moments like this with some regularity.




Short and bleak, just how I like em!


No offense, you did well. You might consider picking your words more carefully when writing, you don’t need to be so verbose.

No. A broad vocabulary is a strength.

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I guess it really depends. In many headcanons, fluffy vending machines allow you to specifically pick the foal you want, rather than just giving you whichever one happens to be next in the row. I’d imagine at least partially to prevent stuff like this, since a foal would be at least marginally more expensive than a gumball.

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That’s what I was thinking. The random-ness makes more sense if you can’t see the color of the foal in the can. One way glass could work, but that might be an expense the company doesn’t want to deal with.

Still liked this though :smiley:

Though, if I were to design a foal vending machine that gives them out randomly, I’d make it to where it won’t let you take another foal you remove the one you already picked. That wouldn’t stop people from say, setting the unwanted cans down in from of the machine, but people can be very lazy, so that little bit of extra work would discourage at least some of them.

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yeah but it can also be a little too intense and cloud the meaning. i can and should dial it down an ickle widdle bit so i don’t ruin my own flow.

i was thinking it was more like a repurposed snack machine, where you can select the column and row but there’s multiple foals stacked in each slot. since each foal is unique, that would inevitably result in moments like this unless the machine only stocks a single foal per slot, which seems a bit too cost-ineffective for a soulless corporation like Hasbio.

I think some versions have the machines use mechanical arms to grab the can selected, which would circumvent that problem.

Let’s be honest - making people pay more to get the fluffy at the back is working as intended.


This is really well done. Nice and atmospheric.

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I think your style could really lean into poetry since your vocabulary was already pretty poetic. Play around with some meter and rhyme and I’m sure you could write the fluffy equivalent of the Lays of Ancient Rome.