A monkey in silk... (Bad_Roomie)

I want that brown one. Soo fuckin CUTE!

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This image is powerful, holds domain over both box sterotypes.

This art reminds me of bad roommate before they were banned

I LOOOOOVE this drawing :heart_eyes:

But the idea of a fluffy daycare is so beyond me.

And then be such a simp that youā€™re spending money for daycare on a poopie fluff. Like, itā€™d be cheaper to just buy a brown foal from a Foal-in-a-Can machine everyday than pay for daycare.

Like, I understand real-life hugboxers (@Chikahiro and others are dope), but in-universe hugboxers always come off as the biggest fluffy incel-simps. Like the type of person who would spend hundreds on a waifu figurine.


Note: If anyone here has spent hundreds on waifu figurine(s), I still love you. It was just the weirdest use of money that I could link without getting flagged by the feds :hugs:


I just assume that fluffy daycare falls into the whole cute fluffy aesthetic.
saferooms, bright colored toys, ect.

Plus daycares are a simple but effective literary tool to explain tragedy befalling a fluffy while deflecting some of the blame off the owner, be that tragedy minor like teasing or major, like injury or death.


i mean, considering fluffys are living things and they are almost like a hybrid pet/child, i could see in-universe people paying so they dont feel alone in the absense of the owner, considering how much humans irl already pay for their non talking pets

and for the color, i still stand by that some people who likes rl horses or are not big on bright colors would gladly adopt fluffys with more muted colors


Peep looking motherfuckers think they can talk smh.

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Yeah. I think itā€™s an excellent trope for story telling.

And honestly, I could see Fluffy Daycare being a thing if fluffies were real. People spend good money on worse ideas. Something about it just tickles my brain.

Like fluffies are such a expy for human children in our (royal we) eyes that leaving them home alone is unacceptable. Yet the owners obviously have gotten a fluffy for their own self-interest. If they really see fluffies as things that need/deserve loving homes and, unlike children, having fluffies isnā€™t a requirement for continuation of society, it comes off as extremely selfish to buy a fluff knowing it would spend hours and hours each day at a daycare.

Like fluffies are so important that leaving them home alone isnā€™t ethical. You canā€™t provide an ā€œidealā€ or ā€œoptimalā€ home for a fluffy yet you ABSOLUTELY need one, so you buy one knowing that it is going to spend large swaths away from home and away from a parent figure. At that point a fluffy is serving your needs and not the other way around. So the idea of spending money on a fluffy in such a way feels weirdly hypocritical to me. Like daycare for humans makes sense. Humans are important and required for society, and not everyone can have an ideal situation where only one parent works. But fluffies arenā€™t a requirement. If you arenā€™t situated to have a ā€œstay at home fluffy parentā€, then either donā€™t get one or admit that they arenā€™t special enough to warrant a vast fluffy daycare infrastructure.

Anyway, thatā€™s where my mind goes when I see a fluffy daycare.


ahh yes, equine racism

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Mmm thatā€™s that good shit

Definitely my favourite fluffy artist

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Guess whose gonna be Enfie Pals~

Afterall Mr. McTwist only likes Colorful Fluffies to be his Fweshwite

Bite off the legs of the bitchy foals. Grind the limbs into a meal. Let the ribbon fluff get payback.

Dog daycares already exist IRL.



I want a part two where the poopie colored one gets taken away from those other fluffies, then thrown in the trash for being unpleasant to look at. It should be punished for trying to interact with the pretty fluffies.


I love how fat B_Rā€™s fluffies are drawn. It makes them extra cute. Poor little poopeh babbeh.

Eat shit like you should, poopie.
Or, Iā€™ll tell you what!
Do a good dancie and I might take you home with me and weā€™ll have so much fun until your last day!

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I actually prefer the more naturally colored fluffies, so Iā€™d pillow those mean bitches and take them to the driving range.

Oh look, a pink kickball and a purple kickball, let me get my steel toed boots and hatred for these kind of shit rats. P.S Anyone else want to join?

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Oh so you two hate her color and love you fluff~

Pulls out shaving cream and Razor

Letā€™s fix that!