A Mother's cries [ Krampus 1993 ]

In a lush, rich forest, where the trees swayed with the wind and the streams flowed, lived a family herd of fluffies. This forest was their haven, a safehaven where they laughed and played, always feeling safe under the gentle gaze of their loving mothers, or so they believed.

One crisp autumn morning, the serene silence of the forest was abruptly broken by the arrival of a group of hunters. These men, driven by the thrill of the hunt and the promise of profit, sought the soft, luxurious fur pelts of the fluffies that called this forest home. With a cold determination, they set traps and scoured every corner of the forest, their eyes sharp and their movements stealthy.

The unsuspecting creatures, who had been playing and foraging just moments before, were now in grave danger. The hunters’ presence cast a dark shadow over the once peaceful sanctuary, as they captured the innocent fluffies, one by one, disrupting the harmony of the forest. The air, once filled with the sounds of rustling leaves and gentle streams, now echoed with the ominous clinking of traps and the hushed whispers of the hunters.

Among the captured were several mother fluffies, cruelly taken away from their dens. One of the hunters, with a rough grip, seized a fluffy mother by the nape and callously tossed her into a cage. The fluffy whimpered in pain, her paw injured from the harsh handling. She looked around frantically, her eyes wide with fear and confusion, desperately searching for her babies. Her heart ached with worry, knowing her foals were left alone and vulnerable.

The cage, cold and confining, was a stark contrast to the warmth and safety of her den. The hunter, indifferent to her suffering, continued his grim task.
The fluffy mother Mara cried out in desperation, “nu, wet fwuffy out! Mawa need tu be with babies! dwey need theiw mothew!” Njowd hewp!" Her pleas, filled with anguish, fell on deaf ears as the hunters continued their grim work. She reached her injured paw through the cold, unyielding bars of the cage, stretching as far as she could, trying to reach her babies. Her heart ached with every whimper she heard from them.

The foals, frightened and confused, huddled together under a pile of leaves in their underground nest. They could sense their mother’s distress but were too scared to move, their tiny bodies trembling with fear. The once cozy den, filled with warmth and safety, now felt like a place of uncertainty and danger.

The fluffy father Njord witnessed this heart-wrenching scene from his hiding place in the bushes, his heart breaking as his ears folded back as saw his beloved mate cry out for their babies. Tears welled up in his eyes, knowing he was powerless to help. He watched in silent agony as the hunter walked away with his only love, her desperate cries fading into the distance.
The fluffy father waited, feeling as if an eternity had passed before he dared to move. Once the hunters were out of sight, he ran to the nest where his babies were huddled together, trembling with fear. “daddeh hewe,” he whispered softly, trying to comfort them. The foals, still whimpering and asking for their mama, looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes. He could only sniffle and repeat, “daddeh hewe,” over and over, his voice choked with emotion.

He wrapped his body around his foals, nestling them in his fur, trying to provide the warmth and comfort they so desperately needed. The foals nestle into his soft fur, feeling the familiar warmth of their father, Njord drifted off to sleep smelling the scent of his beloved mara lingering on their babies.


The way you write makes this story feel like a grim fairy tale, a delightful read before bed!

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Vielen Dank, dass Ihnen die Geschichte bisher gefallen hat. Vielleicht schreibe ich eine Fortsetzung.

Eng ver: Thank you for appreciating the tale so far, I may create a continuation.

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Yes, definitely getting a fairy tale feeling from your stories.

You’re also like a typical German - apologies for his bad English, but writes in some of the most fluent and technical English I’ve seen on this site. :laughing:

Ja, Ihre Geschichten haben definitiv eine märchenhafte Gefühl.

Sie sind auch wie ein typischer Deutscher – entschuldigen Sie sein schlechtes Englisch, schreiben Sie aber in einem der fließendsten und technischsten Englisch, das ich auf dieser Website gesehen habe. :laughing:

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Vielen Dank für deine warmen Worte! Ich freue mich, dass meine Geschichten dich märchenhaft berühren.

Eng ver: Thank you so much for your warm words! I’m delighted that my stories offer you that fairy-tale sense of touch.