A Munstah in Fluffy's Clothing Ch.2 (by: Biorb_McBiorb)

You’re Oingo, and you just beat up the newest fluffy.

You felt bad for doing it, but she was going to give your brother a-and sissy Fowevew Sweepies! She wanted to give your Mummah Fowevew Sweepies! You’d Never let that happen!

You saw Meanie Lucky go over to her nest and go tu sleep with Toughie Friend Cooler. You hoped he would be OK, Daddeh Chuck liked Cooler and Crush.


Speaking of Crush, You wondered if he would let Oingo take Mambo out for play time! You walked over to Your mummah and told her you were going to play with Mambo. She gave you wickie kisses and told you to be safe, and to stay away from meanie Lucky. You were going to, but you are glad Mummah is keeping her eye on Lucky.

You waddle over to Toughie friend Crush and and his Special Friend Kahlua. You see she had gotten MUCH bigger since they found out they had tummeh babbehs. But you didn’t see Mambo anywhere!

“Um… Mistah Cwush? Whewe am Mambo?” Crush heard you and immediatley scolded you! “shushies babbeh Oingo, ‘Ou nee’ to be quiet su soon-mummah Kahwua can sweepies, she nee’ hew westies!”

“Oh! Uh… oh, sowwy mistah Cwush, teehee! Nu ment to twy an’ make nu-mummah Kahwua wakies!” You quietly told Mister Crush. “Buh whewe am mambo at?” You repeated the question again, this time being quiet.

“Mambo obah dewe wiff Mambo’s famiwy, nice new nuwse mawes am takin’ cawe of them an’ dah new babbeh Daddeh Cwint got, otay?” Mister Crush seemed annoyed, but not wanting to get him angry you thanked him and waddled over to find your bestest friend ever!

You reached the Nurse Mares, and they were so nice! Nu-Mummah Hera was the strangest Fluffy you have ever seen! She had four Miwkie Pwace, four! And she had two Pointy things! Nu-Mummah Jolene was also very nice! she was su pretty, you thought. She smelled su pwetty!

“Hewwo Babbeh Oingo! why am ‘ou obah hewe? nee’ miwkies?” Nu-Mummah Hera Asked.

“Nu, Oingo obah hewe to tawk to nu-mummah Jowene! teehee!” Volt answered for you. You didn’t like being teased but You knew Volt was nice, and he was just having fun with you. You saw Miss Jolene blush and give a Sorry Boops to Volt. “that am not nice thin’ to say babbeh Bowt, say sowwy!”

“Sowwy Oingo… Still Fwends?” Volt said Apologizing. “Of couwse Bowt! who ewse am gon’ pway Pushies?”

Pushies was more or less Fluffy Sumo. Oingo and Volt would get in a Circle. and push each other until one went wrong side up, or got out of the Circle. Despite the size difference, Volt did win a handful of times. Volt and Oingo did this regularly as if it was some form of training for when they were big so they could get stronger.

As Jolene made mention of Oingo, Mambo peeped up from one of Hera’s Miwkie Pwaces. Hera picked up Mambo and set him down, Being gifted a happy “Peep” and a Hoofsie hug. “Go on Babbeh Mambo. Go pway wiff youw fwend Oingo!” Hera told the Golden Peeping baby. Mambo angled one of his asqued eyes your way and Peeped happily, doing a sort of Waddle/Run tackling you, giving you a nice big hug!

“Hewwow Bestes’ Fwend Mambo! do ‘ou wan’ to go pway wiff bwockies?” Mambo only Spoke in Peeps and Chirps, but after a while Oingo begane to understand his best friend. They did almost everything together. They played with blocks, they watched teebee together, they were the best of friends!

You and Mambo LOVED Blocks, Trying to figure out how and what way the blocks would stay up was the best! Mambo may have been a sensitibe baby, but he was su smart! He would always beat You building the blocks up first. He couldn’t do a lot, but what he COULD do, he was great at!

Once you were done playing with the Blockies, Mambo and you heard a Strange Peeping, You both turned to see the New Babbeh Daddeh Clint brought back with the Nu-Mummahs and Lucky. He was a really pretty color! Just like Mambo! He was a really Shiny White! And he was a Pointy Friend just like you!

“Hewwow new Babbeh! do ‘ou wan’ to pway bwocks wiff Mambo an’ Oingo?” asking puzzled the New Babbeh, he was still a Chirpy babbeh sort of like how Mambo was, But after spending such a long time with Mambo you began to understand Chirps and Peeps far better. The New Babbeh Chirped back as if to say “Yes! Id love to play with these Blocks, and with you!” Oingo scooched over letting the New Babbeh sit next to him. To Your left was Mambo, to Your right, was the New Babbeh.

Mambo chirped happily at the new friend that had joined you two, this was great! Now you three were friends! Today was going to be great!

You were having so much fun that at first You didn’t even notice being picked up by the scruff of your neck, you were too happy! But then you felt the back of your neckie begin to hurt! Then you got dragged down real fast, and you hit the Safe-room floor really hard!

“Wucky gon’ gib 'ou foweba sweepies stoopid Oingo!” You Looked up at the hazy sight of Lucky, she was giving you Sowwy Hoofies! You were in a Lot of Pain, and the New Babbeh and Mambo began to cry! they were calling for help! But they only annoyed Lucky! She gave Sowwy Hoofies Mambo and Babbeh! That made you mad… you never felt this mad before!

“Shaddap Dummeh Babbehs! Wucky am twyin to gib Oingo Fowevew Sweepies!”

You. Were. Mad!


“Wuh?” Was the Only thing Lucky could utter before you were back on your hoofs and charging at Lucky! You were giving that Meanie the Wowstes’ Sowwy Hoofies ever! You heard her scream and beg for you to stop but you couldn’t stop yourself! You didn’t know what happened next, because you went to sleep? You felt something hit the back of your head but that was about it until you woke up.

“Whewe… Whewe am Oingo at? Whewe am Mambo an’ Fwuffie at?!” You woke up frantically looking around trying to find your friends, but they were next to you! They were safe! thank goodness!

But… where were you? It looked like the Kitchen you walked out of that one time you went into the nice yard… But… you were much higher than last time! You saw Daddeh Clint! You had to tell him what happened! how Lucky was hurting you and how she hurt your friends! “Daddeh! Daddeh Cwint!”

Daddeh Clint looked over and saw you were awake. He came over and looked down at you… Was he mad? You Knew that you hurt Lucky and that you were sorry for that, but was a apology enough?

“Oingo… What happened to Lucky.” Oingo saw Daddeh Clint was pointing to something. You followed his not-hoof and saw the body of Lucky. She looked weird, like someone had hurt her really bad!

Her Legs were bent in wrong ways and she didnt move at all… You saw Boo-Boo Juice all over her. Mister Cooler was with her, but he wasn’t giving her huggies, or anything! He just stared at Lucky.

She wasn’t moving.

Did… Did you do that?

“Did… Did Oingo make nu-mummah Wucky go to sweepies Daddeh?” Surely she wasn’t Fowevew Sweepies… Right?



They’re not gonna put that on Oingo, right? He was defending himself.


Technically this is on Clint for not checking if Lucky was Alicorn friendly first. He can have all the rules he wants but if a Fluffy decides they know better they’ll never listen.

Oingo did the right thing dealing with her now before she hurt one of the family. Maybe death is a little much but it was always a possibility


Hey I mean Lucky did strike low trying to hurt/kill Oingo’s two friends who are both very fragile, I’d say Oingo was 100% valid in putting her down, he’s a foal, his friends are foals, he knows how easy it is for a full grown fluffy to put them down after the bubblegum/pedo shit, so if Clint holds it against him our boy needs to take a closer look at how life or death that felt for Oingo


Lucky absolutely deserved it, but it’s a case of Oingo knowing his own strength and when to use it.

Now that Oingo knows he can kill a Fluffy easily, he has all the more reason not to


I hope Clint can know and believe its self defense, that bitch was at it again trying to kill them. :triumph:


If I need to ill head over to clints house and freaking explain what happened so everyone will be safe.