A Munstah in Fluffy's Clothing Ch.5 [Finale] (by: Biorb_McBiorb)

Your name is Clint. The only thing on your mind was rage.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

You Told your boys, Crush, and Chuck to go back inside, and to take Agate and Smoke with em. All that was left was Cooler. Cooler was stopping the Mother from leaving the backyard. The Mare was begging Cooler to let her and her bestest babbeh go. Completely leaving her crying light red foal behind.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

You saw the Smarty, Still curled up in a ball asking his nuts to stop hurting. You saw the other Toughie that Cooler had knocked over, it seemed as if he had broken one of its legs.

The Toughie you had in your hands?

Itch. Itch. Itch.

God you wanted to do that again. Being cruel was a rush. But doing it to protect your Fluffies felt incredible! Tossing the halves of the twitching Fluffy gore pile, you decided to take care of the Smarty first. Striding over to the hunched over idiot, you decided not to make it long and tedious. You lifted you boot.


And you dropped it. Right on its head.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

The Toughie was next. With a few steps over to the Sobbing Mess, you repeated the process. You lifted your Boot.

“p-pwease… nu wan-SCRELCH”

And you dropped it.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

Finally was the mare. She had a Bestest Baby. And that was reason enough to keep her. She didn’t hurt Cooler. Not even raising a hoof to his face. you noticed, closing in on her that she was either expecting or was fat as hell.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

You stood over the Mother, and plucked the Best from her back Fluff. “Nu! Pwease, huu huu, nu gib foweba sweepies to bestest babbeh! take dummeh dancie babbeh!” From behind you you heard a screech and a “N-nu! Babbeh nu wan’ to go foweba sweepies! Babbeh am for Wub a-an Huggies!”

Itch. Itch. Itch.

you dropped the bestest on his mother’s back, to your joy he had bounced off her, and fallen onto the Dirt of the planters that covered the sides of the Yard. And MAN, did the crying from that fat fuck make you feel good.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

You walked over to the crying foal. and you followed the motions as you did with the first two. You lifted your boot.

“P… Pwease m-mistah… b-be nyu daddeh? Owd m-mummah hate Dancie b-Babbeh… huu-huu… c-chiwp!” the foal cried.


“m-Mistah nu am g-gon’ make b-babbeh gu f-foweba s-s-sweepies? Nyu d-Daddeh? Chiwp?” The poor thing asked. “w… wiww be dancin’ b-babbeh fo’ nyu daddeh? Dancin’ b-Babbeh d-dancie f-fo’ nyu d-Daddeh?”

You waited for what felt like hours. deciding if you were going to drop your boot on the poor thing.

God You were tired. So tired of trying to bring in new Fluffies. Of making mistakes, which ended up hurting your Fluffies. You loved your Fluffies. But Killing a innocent foal? No… No that’s not what you wanted.

You just wanted some Peace.

“No. You wont dance unless you want to.” You say as you bend over, and gently picking up the chirping foal. He was so scared that he peed in your hand. You couldn’t blame him. and honestly, it didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would, maybe because you still had Toughie Blood on your hands. "Gasp" went the poor foal as he looked down at your hand, realizing his mistake, and realizing all the Boo-Boo Juice you had on your hands.

“S-scawy” the foal went. heh, Cute little fella.

“Cooler. Go ahead and take this one into the house. Hes going to be living with us from now on.” Cooler looked at the Foal, and back to you. “Otay Daddeh, b…buh ou’ nu gon’ huwt wittow babbeh. w-wight?”

“What? Of course not. hes going to be taken care of, from someone who will actually take care of him.” And with answer Cooler Let you place the Foal on his back. “Chiwp! Bye-bye new daddeh! Teehee! Chiwp!”

you looked and waved at the little new addition. Man he was cute.

“Um… am mistah goin’ to be mummah’s new daddeh too?” The Mother asked. “Munsta am new Daddeh?” The Coddled yellow foal asked. “Bestes’ babbeh nu wan’ go wiff othah dummeh poopy fwuffies!” the foal ended his Decree with a raspberry directed to you.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

You grabbed the foal gingerly, raising him high enough to meet your eyes. “I would NEVER be your Daddeh.” and before the Foal could protest, or even cry. you released him from your height, watched him fall, hitting the grass hard enough to bounce. The Mother too shocked to run and catch the fat fuck so instead she ran over to hug the foal who had broken quite a few things.


“NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Bestes’ Babbeh nu cwy! Mummah gib ‘ou huggies! huggies make ebewythin’ bettew!” And with a tight hug, the mother had unintentionally broken Her “Best” Baby even further.


You reached down, interrupting the fat fuck, and took the foal from the hooves of its mother, and, with a perfect wind up, threw it as hard as you could, meeting your fence with a resounding “SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-SPLAT”

Eh. You’d clean that later.

The Mother, in disbelief began to cry, not saying a word. Before you killed her you asked her a quick question. “Are you a soon Mummah?” The Feral Mother’s eyes looked at you with horror. Yep, she was still expecting. So you decided you were going to do something fun with her at a later date. and took her.

She didn’t really resist you. How could she? She was practically catatonic by the time you set her down with your passion project. Lucky’s Smarty. He had been the entire reason you were able to keep your cravings to a low, manageable level. You never gave him a name, and the Feral mother didn’t have one either.

Time to change that.

Your name is Cooler. Your Daddeh decided to keep the poor foal who was left by his mother.

He sure was a happy babbeh! You thought. You wondered if he had a name? “Wittwe Babbeh?” You asked. “oh! y-yus new fwend?” the foal replied.

“Ou hab namesies yet?” The thought of receiving a name was so exciting to the foal that he began to chirp and dance with a glee, that you yourself weren’t used to. “Chiwp! Peep! New Fwend gon’ gib Babbeh namesies? Su happies! Peep!” He wanted you to name it? But… Daddeh Clint gave the names! Could… Could you give him a name?

You set the Baby down just a few feet from the Safe-room. “Weww… If Babbeh wan’ Coowah to Name you… den… Hmm…” You used every ounce of your little fluffy brain to think. “Hmm!.. Babbeh Nyu Namesies am Chiwi!” The Foal stared at You for what felt like Many Forevers, finally responding to your gift with a tearful smile, and a hug. “Babbeh am Chiwi! Chiwp! Peep! s-Su happies! Wub new Daddeh Coowah! Teehee! Wub Nyu Daddeh!”

Wait… He… You? Not Daddeh Clint?

You were very confused.

Your name is Cooler. You now have a son. His name is Chili.

You Hope Daddeh Clint will like your new son.

Your name is Chili! You finally have a name! Your Old Mummah was a Meanie, she was the worst!

She never gave you milk first, you always had dace for your share. And every time you danced for her, you would get less and less! That wasn’t fair. But you never argued with Mummah. That’s how you lost your other siblings. You never had to num poopies, but you always ate last.

But now you had a new Daddeh! Cooler was so nice! he showed you around your new safe-room! Well, not YOURS but all of yours! There was so many new fluffy friends! Daddeh Cooler let you meet his Brother Crush! He was a little worried about you at first, but you saw he had just became a Daddeh! You Met his Special Friend, Kahlua, she was so nice to you! you wanted to hug her too, but you saw she had babbehs! They were getting milk! You worried at the fact she didn’t have enough miwkies pwaces, but then you met Hera and Jolene! Hera had four miwkies pwaces!

You met Mistah Chuck, and Mummah Gwen, you were worried at first, because they were munstahs, but Daddeh Cooler told you that that’s a mean thing to say! You apologized and offered to give huggies to your new Friends as a sowwy! They accepted! You met some of the other foals, like Volt! He was so cool! Then you met his sissys. You met Smoke, and you met Agate. She had a boo-boo, you remember seeing one of your old Daddeh’s Toughie friends had tried to num her!

You told her you were so sorry! You knew that it was wrong for someone to hurt a babbeh! She looked at you with a kind face. you wanted to hug her, but Volt said that might hurt her weggies, so for now you told her you would give her huggies when she got all better!

Then Daddeh Cooler showed you to his nestie! it was suuu soft! Daddeh wanted to take a nap su you joined him! You made a little fluff pile with your new daddeh.

You loved your new friends! You loved your new Daddeh!

You just wished you had a Mummah still. Just a much nicer one!



Looks like Clint has a new plaything now. And its even “loaded” what joy for his “itch”

I say that effect of “itch” sure is creepy as hell as readers, we know its his inner urge is appearing.

Will wait for its sequel story.


Why does that TeeHee unnerve me?

Chilli, what are you up to?


…good thing Chili’s in good hands/hooves now. Looking forward to the bitch-mare suffering.

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i swear to god that was not the intent, hes just a happy little babbeh i swear there is not double meaning i swear

It’s been a rough go for the herd, their last happy ending led directly to Lucky so naturally I assumed this wouldn’t be a clean ending either.

I’m happy to be proven wrong

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originally this story was going to be the one where i introduced the three foals Clint got for Letting pedo breed. Ended up not doing it now, instead either the next one or the one after, and THEY are going to be the ones you need to worry about.

So glad that none of Clint’s foals died or had serious injuries (that we know of). Hoping that Clint doesn’t torture the foals she is pregnant with once they’re born. Maybe a traumatic abortion or food that will make them die shortly after birth from lack of proper growth. It is hard to find good abuse with innocent foals involved.

Maybe he can dye them all brown immediately after birth and torture her by being a milkbag for the lot before giving them to the herd. Either way, I’m interested in seeing what you have in store for us next.

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